Saturday, April 1, 2017

Okay, so here is a fun idea!

So character interviews have been slowing down as I have not got any questions from y'all. So, here is an idea! Lets do an interview where you ask me questions, BUT I will only except them if you answer some too! :) For example:

1. Which actor would you want to be if you woke up one morning in the body of an actor/actress?
2. Favorite Batman actor?
3. If you could rewrite any popular character from any franchise and make them better, who would it be? 
4. Which of your characters would be your best friend?
5. When was the last time you wrote for a complete hour undistributed by anything?
6. Favorite cake flavor?
7. Why did you do that one thing?
8. Where would you play hide and seek if you could play anywhere in the world? 
9. Least favorite day?
10. Are my questions boring you yet? O____O

These questions will work nicely, eh? So if you want to ask me questions, comment it with your answers to any 3 of these questions :3 And I will do a nice little fun interview!
Stay fluffy! :D


Mae Fort said...

4, 6, and 7!

Scribbles Cheetah said...

Okay! What are you answers to those questions? ^-^

Myriad said...

OK here goes....

3. Alex from Supergirl.
4. Owen, a WWII Nazi obssessed with 24th Century video-games.
6. Lemon.

My question: Who/What was the first character you created and what was their name?

Scribbles Cheetah said...


Okay my first character ever created was probably Jackson Malerdeen the cheetah/human Hybrid :D

Rating The Horror Movies I Have Watched.

Hey!  Surprise! It's been a while since I have done this, but I think it's time to share some unsolicited horror movie opinions! Doe...