Monday, May 3, 2021


 Been awhile since I have posted but there have been some updates on the goals list I posted earlier in the year and I am excited to cross them out. So here we go! 

  • Write Resolutions!
  • Graduate with my English BA
  • Pass my two hardest classes
  • Write more poetry  (I wrote many more!)
  • Make steps towards vaccination. (Shot One: Complete!)
  • Do more editing (professional/personal/commissions) (Have since edited a book I am extremely excited about!)
  • Read a book! (Maybe one of the cool flashy ones by your friends!)  (I have read two! The Dragon Tax by Ian Madison Keller, and The Melody of a Street Corner by Sean Rivercritic.
  • Submit a story to Werewolves versus Suburbia
  • Have a new story come out in an anthology (Two are in the works! Hopefully, to be released soon!)
  • Write PJ related short stories and related things
  • Finish drafting Sunnydale
  • Get a new job in the school system
  • Complete any commissions I have queued up.
  • Write more Heroes Collide
  • Expand "Spirit of Christmas" to a pocket shot or novella
  • Complete a very special rewrite!
  • Love Me (I am serious about this)
  • Exercise a bit more (This is not serious)
  • Play a sport? (Try again.)
  • Learn how to dance! (The sport one seems more realistic. You have two left feet!)
  • Write more blog post(s)
  • Write another zombie story. (You know the one.)
  • Finish Zombies Hate Vegans
  • Finish Justice Served Cold
  • Do some work on Jackson Pacer: Penned to Kill
  • Do some work on Calamity High
  • Write a story for the Pirate Puppers Anthology
  • Fanfiction???

I might have added a few things to this list! But I am excited to say I was able to cross off seven things this time! Any work towards improvement is still progress so this is a win! :D Hopefully I continue to do well!

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Rating The Horror Movies I Have Watched.

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