Thursday, February 23, 2023


It's been a long time coming, but I can confidently announce that Happy Howlidays: A Flash Fiction Anthology has been released! This project marks my first anthology as an editor. This means I was the person who read through the submission pile, picked the stories, and helped the authors get them ready to be put to paper. It was an exciting experience, and I cannot wait to get the chance to do it again.

And even though the winter holidays have passed us by, the stories we can tell with the feelings and symbolism of the holidays can be enjoyed year-round. The anthology features stories that tell stories of the holidays. Christmas, the Winter Solstice, Epiphany, and even an accidental Hannukah.

This anthology features stories written by Cyrano, Field T. Mouse, Thomas "Faux" Steele, Rob Macwolf, Malina Douglas, Melissa Theys, Frances Pauli, Nenekiri Bookwyrm, Renee Carter Hall, Sarah Doeberiner, K.C. Shaw, Packwolf Lupestripe, Sofox, R.C. Capasso, Yarrow, Ziegenbock, and myself.

Please make sure you check out this anthology! These authors worked really hard and wrote some amazing stories, and I can't wait for you all to read them! I updated my Works Published page on the sidebar with the name of my piece and linked the entire anthology. 

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