Monday, January 27, 2020

Already Time To Touch Base?!? D: (Progress)

Well then. If I am not mistaken, today is the 27th! So let us see what I have accomplish by checking off things from my fun little list! And unlike the scared face in the title, I am very pleased with my results!

By the time you see this, my next story for Heroes Collide has been posted on Wattpad. For those of you who are lost, the entire series is open to read!
I also will be posting this blog post to my blog.
That sure was heckin crazy wasn't it? What's wrong with Cason? Will we find out?

I will be finished with a story for a special anthology where the purpose is to write a story based on someone else's writing style. The current status of this story is that it is right near the end. I just need to write the ending.
Written and Sent! :D

I will be posting another chapter of The Forbidden Project on Wattpad!

These chapters are just parts of the story. All connecting soon!

I will be posting a special blog post here by this date! You know it and love it! NERDY OBSESSIONS! I will be going into a new found love for anime, DC's latest crisis, and some other things that have tickled my fancy since the last time I wrote one of these.

I'll check back in here with another blog post about how I did with these deadlines, plus some ideas about how I will be continuing in the month of February.Yowza! Done before you even started reading!

Another Heroes Collide chapter should be up!
This is coming soon! Tomorrow Night it goes up!

Throughout this month I will be writing other stories, some for anthologies and others jus for me. This is the date I have set for these to hopefully be finished. So far besides the stories I have listed here, I have three stories I hope to have finished by this day!
And I will be working on edits for ANOTHER story.
Round one of these edits are finished!
The three stories are not close to being done but out of love for y'all... IT'S PREVIEW TIME!

Law Over Blood: A Jackson Pacer Story!
Jackson Pacer is a witness in an assault case concerning his uncle and a young woman who allegedly pushed him over the side of a bridge. Will he go with the truth his lawyer father and sketchy uncle expect him to tell? Or the truth he actually saw?

As he sat down, Jackson Pacer looked across the courtroom at the defendant’s table. The middle-aged, raven-haired woman failed to mask how upset and scared she truly was. His eyes swept towards the plaintiff’s side of the courtroom. His uncle, Mordecai Pacer, was sitting calmly in his wheelchair. In fact, in spite of the broken ribs and nose, the man didn’t look enraged… He looked smug. He had noticed that several times during the proceedings he had leaned over to whisper something to his lawyer, Anthony Pacer. Anthony was Jackson’s father and even though Jackson hadn’t spoken since the tragic accident. They both thought this was going to be easy, especially since Jackson was testifying.

Justice is Brewing:
A young depressed superhero struggles with his identity as a hero until his own personal hero lands himself in a jam.

“How are you always so negative?” Kaysha waved her arms at the monitor as the masked feline saved someone from a collapsing burning building. “Blazer is out there helping people! Can you do that?’’

Benji hesitated and looked back at the screen. “No. But thankfully I don’t have to.”

Maika grinned, “Because there are people like Blazer out on the streets.” He grinned and put on another compilation. “Like Apollo!”

Benji smiled a little. Atomic Apollo was one of his personal heroes. The canine had the powers of a god yet he always used them selflessly to help others. The last thing the cheetah has used his powers on was his microwave when he torched it after it stopped working. That made it the fifth time this month.

The Spirit of Christmas:
A young woman goes to her family's cabin the year after her wife died in a terrible car crash only to find her making hot cocoa when she arrives back from chopping wood for the fire!

After she had a few sizeable pieces cut, she buried the ax in the trunk. But as she was about to kneel down, a chill broke through her jacket and enveloped her whole body as she heard a soft padding in the snow nearby. 

She slowly lifted her head and scanned the trees in front of her till they stopped on a smaller fuzzy creature standing by a nearby tree. Her eyes widened as the wolf stared her down, and after a few minutes, it started to cautiously trot towards her. 

It stopped a few times, sizing her up as it kept coming closer. It sniffed at her from a few feet away and its ears perked up. Lila did her best not to move and gave it a small smile. “Why hello there.” She said with a soft voice.

The wolf cocked its head and took a step closer.

Now unfortunately for Lila, she was not balancing very well on her hooves and she tumbled backward, which sent the poor wolf sprinting off towards the cabin. She laughed to herself as she sat up and brushed the snow off of herself. 

How wonderful!
I made it through almost all of them! Want to know what February will look like? Stay Tuned!

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Rating The Horror Movies I Have Watched.

Hey!  Surprise! It's been a while since I have done this, but I think it's time to share some unsolicited horror movie opinions! Doe...