Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hey. How's it going.

So... Present Day! I think I got everything I have been thinking about as far as nerdy culture!

I currently have no job besides college work. Thanks Miss Corona!  Maybe getting my degree can open some door for me. It's probably for the best because of all the Corona in the world. To be honest, though... Life's not been the best. Whether it is what is going on right now, or just failing to grasp certain concepts of my studies or writing projects... I don't want this to turn into a post of me venting my frustrations. So I will try to air out as much dirty laundry as I can.

Quarrentine sucks. I mean, I barely went outside anyway before all this but I had a life. I had a few friends. Stuff has changed in this new year and a lot of the change is very scary. 2020 hasn't been kind to me so far. Not because of anything wrong that happened. Some things were bound to happen eventually. But things can get better. When it feels like there is no where else to go, maybe there is a way to higher ground. So instead of the vent post I so desperately want to write here, let's review what good has come out of this time.

I passed all of my FGCU classes.
I found a new college that has a program that is more focused on creative writing.
I have an editing job helping a friend of mine, Maddy.
I have got to witness personal growth in some friends and family members and watched them move on to a better chapter of their lives.
I had the opportunity to go see some of my cousins before the virus became scary.
My little sister finished a first draft manuscript of a story.
I got two short stories accepted into two different anthologies.
One of those two anthologies was released last month, and the other should be published by next year.
I played Skyrim for the first time.
I joined a D&D campaign for the first time and played as a class I  not used to. A bard!
I decided to join a gym. (Still working on the physical act of joining it though.)
I was able to follow a schedule of posting writings for a few months!
Heroes Collide hit its first choice which is a super crazy benchmark! I am really excited about it!
I started work on revitalizing some... older projects.
I participated in a peaceful protest.

It's not all whimsical and magical and extraordinary, but I am proud of these things.
And hopefully I can do more things like these.

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