Sunday, September 13, 2020

Life still goes on.

 Hey everyone!

It's a pretty good time to update on how things are going for me. And despite the bumps in the road mentally and emotionally, I am doing okay. Quarantine has been hard, but things are okay. I am healthy, the people I care about are safe, and I have been productive in most of my endeavors. 

No one asked for this time in our lives, but I am hoping everyone else is handling it in stride as well. I have completed six more classes for college since quarantine started, and I am happy to report that if I keep this momentum up, I will finish my Bachelor's Degree by April of next year. 

I have returned to substitute teaching and I feel like my life has a bit of meaning again. Sitting at home all this time has been really discouraging and lonely. Hence the emotional and mental strain I mentioned earlier. And with all that spare time I got severely unproductive. And I hated it. It was underwhelming. As you saw I had to stall some projects I was really excited about. (Heroes Collide should be back before the beginning of next year.)

As the seasons change, I am feeling a bit better about some parts of my life. I wrote two short stories over the summer and finally started doing the work I had promised I would on a certain spooky project. (Which has undergone a name change which I will be updating for you all soon) I have also been making great progress on Jackson Pacer's mystery story. As far as these go I am really proud of the work I have done here.

Zombies Hate To See You Cry my story about a closeted lesbian who is kicked out of her Catholic parents' house in the middle of the zombie apocalypse has been entered into a short story contest! It's my second zombie story of this nature and I am super proud of the work I put into it. Hopefully, it will not be the last story of this type as self-aware zombies are very fun to write. I have two more zombie stories, and two Werewolf stories in the early writing/planning stages that I can't wait for you to read as well! If you would like to vote on Zombies Hate To See You Cry please click on the title!

This is all I have for you right now. I am sorry I am not more consistent, but hopefully I will have more coming soon. Please stay safe out there. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Love yourself. All those fun positive things, you hear?

Till next time.


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