Thursday, October 1, 2020

Furry Book Month/Writing Tips!


Welcome to Furry Book Month. If you don’t know what this is, it is a month where we take time to acknowledge and support wonderful writers in the furry fandom. This October, instead of just promoting my own writing and stories, I’d love to use this time to address any new or aspiring writers whether they are furry or not furry!

Hi! How are you! My name is Scribbles but I also go by Vinnie, and I will be your guide on this journey. Right off the bat, I want you to know that I and so many other writers appreciate you. You may not know it yet, but your writing is going to be wonderful. If you just started writing, or you’d like to start but don’t know how, I’d like to help. 

Writing can sometimes feel confusing. Maybe you don’t have time or you don’t feel confident in your abilities; maybe you just have no clue where to begin. This month, I’ll be trying to tackle questions and topics that you might struggle with. This will mostly be for furry writers, but even if you aren’t interested in furry writing, still follow along! 

Before we begin, there are some things that should be cleared up.

First! You need to know before we start that your status as a writer isn’t determined by your published material. If you have ever written something just for the fun of it, you are a writer! Congratulations! That means songs, short stories, poetry, StarFox fanfiction, and essays all count! It doesn’t matter if the work you have written hasn’t been shared yet, it is still writing.

Second! Not being published in book form doesn’t make you any less of a writer than others! It also doesn’t determine the authenticity or quality of your content or your skills as a writer. A lot of authors mostly publish their work online! Furry authors can publish their writing on places like Inkbunny, FurAffinity, Sofurry, or Weasyl. And non-furry authors can use places like Wattpad or for their TMNT fanfics. (You know who you are!)

Third! It is very important to surround yourself with fellow writers. This is more of a personal suggestion, but it can be very helpful for you in the long run. If there is one thing writers love, it is other writers. We are great for bouncing ideas around, brainstorming, beta-reading, and some of use make excellent cheerleaders. I, myself, am a member of the furry writing community known as the Furry Writer’s Guild (Or FWG if you need to save characters on twitter.) It would be a crime for me to not tell you how much other members of this community have helped me on my own journey as a writer. And it’s not just the support I get from them. Later on, I will be going into some benefits of being in a group of writers like the FWG. 

Fourth! Write what you know! Start with things that you know you can do well. Once you gain more confidence in your writing, you can start adding new things in as you go along! If you don’t feel comfortable writing a certain genre or topic, don’t make yourself do it. 

Fifth! You don’t need to worry if your writing isn’t perfect. As you write, you will grow both as an artist and a person. And I am excited to see what you can do. 

If you have any questions about the writing process or topics I should cover, all of my links are on the sidebar of this blog! You can find my Tumblr, Wattpad, twitter, Facebook page, and other links there. 

Also make sure to show your support for other furry writers and publishers during this time of the Corona by buying books or sharing them with others. And follow #FurryBookMonth for any updates on things other furry writers will be doing throughout the month!

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