Sunday, March 8, 2020

Peek inside my journal! :D

Notes from my personal idea journal. That way I have a digital back up of all my ideas (Except spoilers.)

This first one is the first two pages. It's basically me wondering what would happen if I wrote Robin Hood as a lady.
There would be an evil archer.
Robin's hideout is not in Sherwood Forest, but rather a few miles outside the forest concealed within a small town. She hunts for criminals in the forest and steals from the unfortunate nobles who make their way through. No one except the Merry Men know she is not a he.
The forest is home to most of the poor folks of the realm and Robin's Merry Men use the money they steal to help them build their own community and give them the leftover money. The Merry Men is a troupe of nobles and higher class citizens. Sometimes they will let their goods and money be stolen to help the cause without blowing their cover.

I was thinking the setting could be modern fantasy, with a few things like electric power still existing without taking away things like magic or bows. Like for example, horses could probably only be accessible to higher class and motorcycles could be more primitive. (I know it's weird. It's an IDEA)

Robin's name is Courtney Fitzooth, but she is not the main character.
Everyone in the troop knows how to impersonate Robin's manly man voice.

The Working Title: BrotherHOOD (HAHAHA!)

Cast: (No descriptions yet. Just names)

Main: Gwyneth Hopkins
Main Support: Prince Alexander Drake
Supporting Character: Robert Driscoll: Sherriff of Nottingham
Supporting Character: Courtney Fitzooth: Robin Hood
Supporting Character: Maid Marian Dubois

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