Wednesday, April 1, 2020

March was "Oh No!" Maybe April can be less "Oh No!"? Please?

Why hello there beautiful!
Wait, no. Not you. The other one.
No! Not you. Can you duck a little?
A little more...
A little more.
No, wait. I AM talking about you. How you doin'

It's me Vinnie! Don't know how it could have been anyone else.
Tori? Is this you?
Vinnie everyone! Not the brightest tool in the shed.
Ahhhh. No one makes fun of me like I do.

So this month has been a bummer.
But I am 22! Click here to hear some of the things I like best about being twenty-two!
Wonderful stuff!

I started editing for my friend Maddy's publishing house! So that was pretty wonderful!
Unfortunately, I missed the mark again this month! As far as my own personal goals. But I have done a good amount of editing and planning for something coming towards the end of this month! And this was the month that everything has been derailed by a virus. So the busier I get the less depressed I might feel. S

I also STILL have to finish Justice is Brewing and SIR REGINALD THE HETEROSEXUAL ROGUE (or Reasons Clay shouldn't play D&D.)

April 1st!
Never do anything for April 1st, but who knows...

April 1st!
Gonna post some Heroes Collide! Give you something to read during this shutdown.

April 5th!
You get a Nerdy Obsessions Post I think.  Up to how much nerdy stuff I can remember that happened.

April 8th!
Never a dull moment when reading a new Forbidden Project chapter!!! Gonna be litttt!

April 15th!
Let it be known that today is tax day! You can not blame me if I forget my Heroes Collide posting days. Down-right stressful!

April 18th!
Notes from my good old idea book!

On March 30th!
I decided to stop putting in all that effort to rickroll you all! You'll figure it out eventually.

April 22nd!
Heroes Collide! Also, Heroes Collide will be on break till May after this as the special CHOICES component will take effect! This will give me time to catch up on newer stories. And a special announcement!

April 29th!
Forbidden Project!  YAYYYYY!

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