Tuesday, September 25, 2018


So some of you seemed to like the last story snippet and to let you all know... It was from a horror story! Good job to all who attempted to guess! Now here is another story to try and analyze.

This is another HOOMAN story. Just to clarify

 The man looked around, “Listen, I can’t explain right now… Just go.” He gently pushed her forward and she fell into the hole.

“AHHHHHHH!!!” She screamed as she dropped down the hole. She winced as she hit the bottom. “OW!” She looked around, and was amazed. She had fallen into a room, a room that looked like one of the underground bunkers that the military used to use as a base of operations

A young man with jet black hair and blue eyes walked up to her and extended his hand to help her up, “You okay?” 

Michelle took his hand and he pulled her up, “Yeah…” She shook his hand, “I’m Michelle…”

The young man smiled, “Michelle Skinner, Oh yeah, been expecting you! My name is Wyatt.”

Michelle froze, “How do you know my name? What do you mean you’ve been expecting me? Where the heck am I?”

“Well, Skinner…” She jumped as the man came up behind her. “You’re in the Underground.”

Michelle’s eyes widened, “No way… This is the Underground!?” She turned to the man, “Then who are you?”

The man smirked and extended his hand, “General William Hayes, at your service.”

Michelle’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped, “Wha... You… Oh my gosh!”

Wyatt grinned, “Yeah, I did that too!”

The general snickered, “Yeah for some reason my name is pretty popular right now… Still, I usually go recruit new soldiers myself. That way I don’t have to risk anyone, but myself.”

“Wait, What? Are you…” Michelle’s face was a mix between surprised and freaked out.

The general’s smirk widened, “Yes, Private Skinner. When I say you are in the Underground, I mean it in more ways than one.”

Michelle was too stunned to say anything.

The general turned to Wyatt, “Go ahead and take her to the tech room to get measured for a uniform. Then… Maybe you could show her around.” He winked.

Wyatt blushed as he led Michelle away to the tech room.

The general watched them walk away with a smirk, then left to attend to some other business.

Monday, September 17, 2018



Hello Scribbly friends. :) Welcome to a new thing I will be doing over these next few weeks. The way this will work is I will post a story snippet for you to read on this blog every few days, and I will give you the viewer a chance to see if you can figure out what the genre of the story is. Some of you will know, others may not. But that's all in good fun. ^-^ And for an added bonus, you can try t explain your reasoning as to why you made your choice in the comments. Are you ready? Because here is Snippet #1

             A lonely red Subaru drove down the dusty highway, the two people inside were as quiet as the highway outside. The driver, Caroline Benson, gave her husband a side glance. He avoided her glance by keeping his eyes facing the window.

            She cleared her throat. “So when are we going to talk about this, Ben.”

            Ben kept his mouth shut, continuing to keep his eyes on the passing desert.

            Caroline forced out a laugh. “Oh that's right. We only ever talk about our issues if they are bothering you.” She shook her head. “That stunt you pulled in front of my parents was not necessary.”

            Ben turned to look at his wife. “I was being truthful!”

            “When they asked if we were thinking about kids, you made a huge show of leaving the room.” Caroline snapped.

            Ben put his face in his hands. “They ask us everytime, and to be honest it is annoying!”

            “They want to be grandparents, Ben! Can you really blame them for bringing it up?”

            “Yes. I can. They have been doing it for the last three years! And plus, I don't think they like me.”

            Caroline let out a genuine laugh. “Gee, I wonder why.”

            Ben crossed his arms. “Do you want me to apologize?”

            Caroline sighed, “You can. I am pretty sure I am not the only one you owe an apology to.”

            Ben looked back out the window. “I know… And I really am sorry…”

            Caroline glanced at him again, and reached over to grab his hand. “I know… And I do forgive you. But we really do need to talk about maybe having kids.”

            Ben cringed a little. “Kids… I have never liked them… They are loud, and quite annoying.”

            Caroline chuckled a little. “From what your parents have told me, you were not exactly an angel  as a kid. So that's pretty hypocritical.”

            Ben looked back at her. “Fine. You win this...”

So what kinda story do think it's from? HORROR? ROMANCE? ACTION?

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...