Friday, October 9, 2015


Okay so we are going to have a get to know your blog admin. I am gonna post some questions with some numbers and you guys are going to comment/send me the numbers. However I am open to getting other questions as well. Have fun.

1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Apple or Android?
4. Name 10 people you would like to meet.
5. Favorite ship.
6. Least favorite subject in school/college/life.
7. Do you like anyone?
8. Who is your favorite judge on the Voice?
9. What gender are you?
10. Favorite Holiday.
11. Coke or Pepsi?
12. Apples or Oranges?
13. Favorite Article of Clothing.
14. Favorite TV show.
15. Favorite character (whether OC or other)


Let me inbox be spammed!

Here is a baby tiger for your Dawww!

Monday, October 5, 2015


Hello everyone!

I am excited! You guys know why? ITS OCTOBER!!!! I ain't excited for Halloween (Don't celebrate it...) though.

Reason 1: For all us NaNoWriMo participators it is our Prep month for November where we try and tackle a 50000 word novel (And maybe even go over) And I don't know about the rest of you NaNoers BUT I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! :D

Reason 2:
 Supergirl is flying onto CBS on Mondays. Very exciting for all the nerdy people like me! Just look at her costume. Already feeling the rush and I haven't even started watching it yet! So if you can catch CBS's Supergirl starring Melissa Benoist!

 For you Flash Fans, Flash is speeding back to your TV screens with a  thrilling new plotline and some interesting new characters/character development. ZOOM IS COMING. But not the comic Zoom, But that doesn't mean there is no Hunter Zoloman in the future. Wally West and Jesse Quick have also been confirmed and Teddy Sears is already rocking the role of Jay Garrick in the trailer. I am also excited for Patty Spivot! It will not be long until we see some fun/heartbreaking/interesting developments in our friendly neighborhood Star Labs team.

The Arrow is back guys and he is ready to kick some butt! He is sporting new gear and costumes and working with some new faces and some familiar faces *cough* CONSTANTINE *cough cough* Also the fate of Ray Palmer is revealed, a new big baddie, and a new big superhero has been cast...
Okay. This is for my Nano peeps. 
I have two inspiration wolves for adoption and you guys get the first grabs!

Tybalt: And older pup with grayish-brown fur and golden eyes. He loves playing pretend and has a wild imagination. He sometimes walks around wearing an eye-patch and growling like a pirate. His favorite kind of book to read is pirate novels, but he loves all other kinds as well. He is very hyper so if you are not writing, he will be using all that energy doing other stuff... mainly dealing with destruction...

Adriax: Also a wolf pup, he is bigger than the other . He is straight black with red circles around his green eyes. He is a mischievous little guy, who has a taste for graphic novels and dragon books. When you are writing he will jump up onto your desk and sit there watching you type. If you make a mistake, he will hit your arm with his paw until you fix it.

I will see you later, humans! :D You guys rock!

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...