Thursday, February 27, 2020

February kinda sucked... Let's Make march better! :D

So the only things I did this month from my schedule, were my weekly postings of chapters for Forbidden Project and Heroes Collide, and my nerdy Doctor Who mini-post. I also wrote a few poems, finished Law Over Blood, finished Spirit of Christmas (And submitted it to an anthology so fingers crossed here!), and I have started re-writing Penned to Kill. Jackson Pacer is back with a love of silence, a reluctance to solve mysteries, a ramen addiction, and a whole lot of denial! I am so glad I was able to get this going again, and I will share the first chapter sometime near the end of this month. I am writing it mostly on paper so there are fewer distractions. I also got news of a very special opportunity, but I will probably say more about it when it gets closer.

Unfortunately, I have been having a hard time keeping up with things due to work. It has also been hard keeping myself afloat emotionally. But that is okay. Now I know not to schedule so much. I can keep trying. And that is okay.  Besides I am proud of the things I have done this month. I got out of the house a bit, went to see my blog's biggest fan... Who then made fun of me because I don't like Keurig! (VICTORIA, and John was there too.

So the month of March is special to me, and you will see why soon.

I also still have to finish Justice is Brewing and the piece I had meant to post on Valentine's Day for a Piece of Clake which really has nothing to do with love. It's just a D&D game that must be kept a secret lest Clay finds out. I might call it SIR REGINALD THE HETEROSEXUAL ROGUE, or Reasons Clay shouldn't play D&D.

There are other things planned too, but until I start writing them, you don't need to know about those.
Seriously. Don't look.
I am watching you.

So. Onto the schedule! Sorry it's too late! The first week of March I will have off for Spring Break for college. So for my Spring Break from School and substituting I will be setting a word count per day. So for most of the month I will be shooting for 1,667 words a day and I will be trying my best to log my progress.

March 4th!
Next Heroes Collide story will be going up on Wattpad!

March 8th!
A mystery post has appeared! I wonder what it could be?

March 11th!
Next chapter of Forbidden Project will be up on Wattpad!

March 12th!
That's my birthday! I might write something! Who knows? Might even bring something back that I haven't done in awhile. Not sure what but you will know soon enough.

March 16th!
Unrelated to the other one. This one will be interesting for all of us because it involves me asking you for help with some editing!

March 18th!
Next Heroes Collide story will be up on Wattpad!

March 25th!
Next chapter of Forbidden Project will be up on Wattpad!

March 27th!
Get ready to see my next month of posting and writing. Hopefully I won't need to pause the schedule because I didn't have time to write new material. Hopefully, these new strategies will help me stay on my game!

I might also write more poetry! 

I am hoping that this month is easy, breezy, beautiful Covergi-

Wait. That's not right! Anyway! Here's to a healthy amount of writing getting done this month! Woohoo!!!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

What is this?

Yes. This is a bunch of words. You know why? Because this is something I want to do. I have many regrets in my life. And I don't want to go on regretting mistakes I made in Phantom Janitor. Whether plot holes or things I left out. I care about being thorough. So I will be filling you in on character aspects/storylines/just plain quirks that didn't make it in the story. I will also be going into a few character's futures. (with some exceptions) However NO AUs. Heroes Collide spoilers will not be revealed here. 
There's a way you can help me out though! If there is something you are curious about in the pages of Phantom Janitor, or a hole that you'd like explained please comment down below or message me here, Telegram, Twitter, Tumblr, or you know just stick your head out the window and scream when you see me.
Links will be provided but let me give you an example of a few of these fun facts.
Alex gets reading glasses in 10th grade. He's not going blind, it is just so hard for him to read sometimes. 
While Elena prefers punches to words in fights, she prefers certain styles. She knows karate but hopes to study Aikido one day.
Derrick and Cassidy are the only anime fans in their friend group and love to cosplay as Chiaki Nanami and Hajime Hinata, from Danganronpa, at conventions. Derrick dresses as Chiaki, and Cassidy goes as Hajime. After Razor joined the group, he goes with them as Izeku form My Hero Academia. Though he usually wants them to all match. (I'd love to go into this more though XD)
So that's the thing. I will post this on my blog too, so if you are reading this on my blog! THIS WILL BE EXCLUSIVE TO WATTPAD for the most part.
Telegram: Halfbloodcheetah
Twitter: Vinniewriter
Tumblr: authorscribbleschee

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Nerdy MiniPost! Spoilers IMMENENT. Do not read if you are not caught up on DOCTOR WHO.

Before I go into this post, I want to talk about a certain mechanic that goes into television shows and movies. Doctor Who itself is a show where nothing is really certain until happens, unless it involves the companions of the Doctor. (And even that could sometimes be questionable.

It's important to understand this because there are times where something happens in the show and it leaves everyone wondering how long it will stick. Things like Clara's death in Series 9, or The Master's Death in Series 4, Or Osgood's Death in Season 9. Mysteries like that are what keep the show interesting.

Wait? Are you telling me I might have missed something?

Missy's death in Series 10's finale? HEY! Spoiler Alert! I didn't know about that! Yeah. Sorry that is not convincing I know. I wouldn't be making this post if I didn't know about that.

Enter Missy's death. The Master (John Simm) is upset to find out that after their short stint of teamwork, that Missy had in fact accepted that she was the Doctor's ally. Rather than letting himself live with knowing he'd join forces with the Doctor as friends, he shot Missy. This was the end of Missy and apparently the Master too! That was his intention, but silly viewer! Did you really expect it to end like that?

The Master has a new face. On the dawn of the new year, Doctor Who introduced us to the newest incarnation of the Master played by Sacha Dhawan. This version of the Master seems to have been very busy since regenerating, as he had time to kill a new MI6 agent and assume his identity, work with the Doctor in the past (possibly on occasions not shown in the show), and worked there for awhile before going into hiding. 

So when I saw that facial expression shift when the Doctor had to remind him that the person he was masquerading as was an expert sprinter, I was so confused. But then he referred to himself as the spymaster... AND I DIED. LIKE HOLY MOTHER OF HECK. 


I am really excited to see what evil he has in store though. (Maybe we can get a Multiple Season/Doctor Master incarnation again? That'd be nice. So we don't have to keep killing off the Master. Just a suggesting.

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...