Tuesday, February 28, 2017

And he didn't even use it!

Mr. Wolfbane wrote two words on the board. “Circulatory System” “So the circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is the organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport nutrients. It circulates the blood pumped from the heart through this system and supplies oxygen and other vital substances to cells, tissue, and organs.” He smiled and turned around so. “So  if you’ll all turn to…”

Tekky’s paw shot up. “Sir?”

Mr. Wolfbane smiled, “Yes Tekky?”

Tekky shot a look at Rick, who face-pawed knowing exactly what was coming. “What is an anemic?”

Mr. Wolfbane sighed, figuring out what was coming, but still for some reason answered the question. “ Anemia is a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness. Hemoglobin is, by the way, a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates. Its molecule comprises four subunits, each containing an iron atom bound to a heme group. And yes. It can be caused by problems in the circulatory system.”

Tekky kept his paw up. “Is there anyway that an anemic person can get better?”

Rick turned in his chair to glare at Tekky, “Tekky…”

Mr. Wolfbane nodded, “Yeah, actually. One way could be to change their diet and incorporate foods like squash or greens into their meals. It would also be wise to eat foods rich in iron.”

Tekky stood up and laughed, “Ha! I told you, Rick! Anemia is bad for you and you need to let me help you!”

Rick also stood up, “Oh come on! You only want to help me so you can sink your teeth into me! You said my blood was nasty!”

Tekky slammed his fist on the table. “That is not true!”

Rick crossed his arms, “You spit it back in my face and tried to force feed me kale!”

Tekky blushed. “Okay… Maybe I was a little extreme… But I gave you that cookbook! I did it to help you!”

Rick yelled, and Shane almost fell out of his seat. “THE BOOK WAS CALLED HOW TO TASTE DELICIOUS! WRITTEN BY YOU!”

Tekky blushed more and sat down. “Maybe it was…”

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Guess what time it is! 😁😀 It is time for the nerdy obsessions of February!

So this first one is more of a life obsession, Doctor Who. I have been both watching and working on my story stuff for Doctor Who lately and I just can not help but geek out and cry as I watch this show. I definitely recommend both the New and Classic Who's and you may want to catch up because Series 10 is coming soon.

Next the Lego Batman movie came out recently and it was an okay movie. But my favorite part of the movie was Harley Quinn OH and some... suprise cameos ;) (Spoilers!). Go see it. Seriously. Please.

Then onto more DC stuff, DC is coming out with an animated version of one of my favorite Teen Titans Storylines, The Judas Contract. For those of you who don't know, DC has been releasing a ton of animated movies in the last few years like Son of Batman, Bat Blood, Teen Titans v Justice League, JL DARK and now this one. It looks AMAZING. And me the calm person as I am took it rather well

Also me; OH MY GOSH! *freaks out*
For those of you who don't know what this means, it means we are going to be seeing some new Titans come into play such as Terra, Jericho, and Speedy. ;) And of course everyone's favorite terminator, Deathstroke. Not going to spoil the comic, but you can be sure that when I see it, I am reviewing it here.

So MAJOR FANBOY for that.
Also still psyched for Young Justice Season 3 to come out! :D :D :D 

So yeah. My nerdy obsessions. ;) Have a good day everyone. STAY FLUFFY!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Vegan Vampire?

Shane krept through the school. He was supposed to be at band, but for some reason vampires on a bloodlust rampage really made him not want to going. He decided to try the cafeteria instead. As he walked through the door, he froze when he saw Mikey sitting at one of the tables, guzzling gallons of coconut water. Shane slowly backed away but ended up tripping and falling.

Mikey’s head snapped up and turned and Shane could see his eyes glowing red. He tried scooting away as Mikey stood up with a bottle of coconut water in his paw. “Heeeeeeeey Shane.”

Shane was against the wall, terrified. “Oh please… Not today.”

Mikey cocked his head as he got closer. “What’s wrong Shane? It’s just me.” Somehow vampires looked much more creepy today.

Shane whimpered, “You’re gonna drink my blood!” He squeezed his eyes shut. Nothing happened. He opened one eye and saw Mikey guzzling the bottle of coconut water. “What are you doing?”

Mikey looked down at Shane. “Drinking coconut water.” His eyes were still red and he still looked terrifying, but he wasn’t attacking him.

Shane looked back up. “Why am I not dead?”

Mikey crossed his arms, “How many times to I have to tell you stinking people! I am allergic to blood! I drink coconut water instead! Apparently it has very similar nutrients as blood does.”

Tekky came into the lunchroom as Shane was standing up. “That may be true, but it's not as fun that way.” He raspily giggled as he gave Shane a creepy wink. “Plus sucking people's blood means more hot vampires! C’mon Shane. Being a hot vampire is fun!”

Shane screamed and ran in the opposite direction.

Tekky sighed, “Guess no one likes the idea of becoming a hot vampire…”

Mikey patted Tekky on the head. “It's okay buddy. I think Shane is obviously missing out.”

Tekky smiled and winked. “We are both really hot vampires.”

Mikey chuckled, “Go see if you can get Shane! We could name our band The Fangs!”

Tekky laughed and ran off. “Looooooove that!”

Mikey owned by my friend Jordan, and Tekky belongs to my friend Tekky.

Caddie Greene Interview

Hello Caddie!

Caddie: T'sup.

I have some questions here for you! Do you have a minute?

Caddie: *puts down her comic* Sure.

Sweet! So have you ever used your lightning to blow something up?

Caddie: Oh certainly. Wouldn't you if you had the power to electrocute things and stuff?

What was the first thing you electrocuted?

Caddie: *smirks* A person. Named Mack.

Sounds like fun! If you could have any pet in the world(fictional and nonfictional) what would it be?

Caddie: *chuckles* I like cheetahs. I would want a cheetah kitten.

*Her friend Jarrod peeks in the room* EXCUSE ME! *frowns* You would replace me, your best friend with a kitten! I am way cooler than a kitten!!!!

Caddie: Cool it, Jarrod! I was talking about what pet I would get. 

*Jarrod awkwardly shuffles out* Sorry! O.O

Well... That was awkward... What is your favorite dessert?

Caddie: Well since most of my friends can cook, I actually have gained a more advanced pallet, But I really like cinnamon rolls with vanilla ice cream. 

Yummy! Thank you for your time!

Okie! That was Caddie everyone. Hope you enjoyed that. Till next Thursday will be taking questions for my character Cassidy Wells! She is my character from Phantom Janitor. She is an actress, and she loves spending time with her friends, eating burgers, and her best friend Derrick. Please send me questions.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Five Doctor Who Characters who should've/should have time/more time in the Tardis!

Disclaimer: There will be two parts to this post. This post will contain MAJOR SPOILERS to the Doctor Who Franchise. With these two posts I will  be focusing on any non companion after the 2005 reboot that should've/should had/be given more time/any time in the TARDIS

AGAIN THERE WILL BE SPOILERS GALORE I ADVISE ANYONE THAT HASN'T SEEN DOCTOR WHO episodes made from 2005-2017, please avert your eyes! O.O

There are many great characters in Doctor Who and alot of them do not get as much screen time as they should, which is super sad. Here is a list of five characters (WHO ARE STILL ALIVE AND COULD MAKE A RETURN) that should have either traveled at least once with the Doctor or should come back for more. Please note that I am not going to be including Ashiildr/Lady Me, River Song, or Captain Jack Harkness in this for obvious reasons.

Alonso Frame:
At number 5, I chose Alonso Frame. Alonso Frame was in the Season 4 Christmas Special, Voyage of the Damned. Though he was not really in the episode for more than ten minutes, he was one of the reasons that the titanic didn't crash into the earth. This man got shot by the pilot, locked himself in to keep himself safe from the host, AND piloted the ship keeping the engines running. Not only is Alonso brave, he is clever. And the Doctor liked him. Too bad he didn't invite Alonso along after he left.

Sally Sparrow:
At number 4, I chose Sally Sparrow. Sally Sparrow had a one shot episode/run in with the weeping angels in the Season 3 episode, Blink. Sally was an intelligent young woman who likes old things like old DVD's and old houses. Through-out the episode she follows the clues set by the Doctor (And avoids weeping angels) who was sent to another time without his Tardis and ends up being able to send it back to him. Only to meet him two years later before he gets sent back in time. Funny right? What was funnier is that we never see her again. :(

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart:
At number 3, I chose Kate Lethbridge-Stewart. Kate Lethbridge-Stewart is the daughter of a well-known Classic Doctor Who Companion/Character, the Brigadier! Anyway, Kate shows up in the Season 7 episode, The Power of Three when she storms the Pond's house looking for the Doctor. She comes back several more times (Being the head of UNIT and all) throughout the 11th and 12th doctor, up till Season 9 when the Zygons resurfaced as an insurgency almost. It would be a cool reference to the Brigadier if the Doctor at some point, invited Kate along into the TARDIS for one adventure to honor the memory of the Brigadier. And because Kate is not only wise and the head of Unit. She is very good in combat. (Like once taking out a Zygon that was ready to kill her and took the Zygon's place to infiltrate the ranks in The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion.

At number 2, I chose Osgood, or now known Patronella Osgood. She appeared first in the 50th anniversary special! People know her as the nerdy girl with asthma who got copied by the Zygons and they ended up bringing peace. One of them ended up dying in the Season 8 finale but we have no idea if it was the real one or the Zygon. THEN there was the The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion where Osgood shows up and we have no idea if she's human or not AND THEN THERE IS ANOTHER OSGOOD AND I JUST WAS LIKE...
But wouldn't be great for the Osgood twins to take a trip or two in the Tardis! Osgood is a scientist, She is smart, wise, and knows a little bit about aliens, and with her Zygon twin there would be double the brains and a bigger knowledge of alien things!

Wilfred Mott:
I got to be real here. There is no way I couldn't put Wilfred Mott. He is a war veteran who didn't kill anyone in the war and is extremely proud of it! He is related to Donna Noble and appeared first in the same Christmas Special that Alonso appeared in. He was a recurring cast member of Season 4 and he ended up showing how wise and supporting he was of Donna and the Doctor and his openness to aliens. He did end up traveling in the TARDIS once, in David Tennant's last special as the Doctor. And he ended up being the man the 10th Doctor died to save. It would be great to just see a future Doctor come back to see him and take him on one last trip in the TARDIS before he dies. Because there is almost a father-son dynamic with them and each is proud of the other!

Anyway! Hope you all liked that. Part 2 will be up in the next week or so. If you want me to do a collective post where I show what your favorite companions are or you have someone I forgot Please comment below! :D Byeeee

Sunday, February 19, 2017

TOP 10 Doctor Who Characters!

Okay so I have seen a lot of these on youtube and online in general. So I thought I would give my personal favorite Doctor Who companions. I am not as knowing in all of this as some others but I know a good companion when I see one.


At #10 I have Captain Jack Harkness. 
He is one of the interesting characters in the show because of several reasons, but he is smart, brave and dashing and proves to be a heroic companion to the Ninth and Tenth Doctors. Plus there is the fact that he is immortal. Yeah, pretty cool.

At #9 I have Nyssa.
She was one the companions of the Fifth Doctor. I have not seen much with her, but from what I have seen, she is very intellegint and I think the Doctor enjoys her intellegence. I hope to learn more about her because I really only know so much.

At #8 I have Romana.
She joined the Fourth Doctor in his search for the Keys of Time after he dropped Leela off on Gallifrey. At first her character wasn’t my favorite, but after seeing more of her I began to see how good of a match she was for the Doctor and began to really like her character in her interactions with the Doctor and K-9. All in all, she was a very good companion.

At #7 I have Danny Pink. 
Though Danny wasn’t technically a companion, he was one of my favorite characters from season 8. And the finale made me like him even more because he really showed how cool he is. (NO SPOILERS SORRRYYYYYYYYY)

At #6 I have Martha Jones.
I always hear everyone hating on Martha for different reasons, but if you just look at her character, she shows at several times that she is extremely clever and very strong. For those of you who have watched her adventures with the Tenth Doctor, you know what she did. She also left the Doctor, which got her a lot of hate from fans, but she may have made the right choice. She went through a year on earth, hiding and spreading the tales of the Doctor while her family, the Doctor and Jack were being held captive. When you see her in the fourth season, you see that while she still loves the Doctor, she has moved on with her life and that is why she is on my list.

At #5 I have Adric.
Adric is a very smart young man, who traveled with the Fourth and Fifth Doctor. Like Nyssa, I have only seen little including him, but I have read on him and find him quite interesting. I’d really like to learn more about him because his character really fascinates me.

At #4 I have Amy Pond and Rory Williams.
It is really hard to list one of these two and not list the other one. These two were like the ultimate power couple in Doctor Who. The things these two went through for each other and the Doctor, made you feel like EVERY SINGLE EMOTION AT ONCE. I can't say much more about them so I don't spoil it but I love these two.

At #3 I have Rose Tyler.
Rose Tyler is the first companion of "New Who" when the show rebooted in '05 when Chris Eccleston took over the role of the Doctor. From the beginning I loved the dynamic of her and the Doctor. Rose was sweet, and after one or two episodes, you begin to grow attached to her character. Rose ends up becoming a very important character.

At #2 I have Clara Oswald.
Clara Oswald is the most recent companion of the Doctor. She is incredibly smart and strong as a character and her personality is just so likable as she interacts with the Doctor. She genuinely cares about the Doctor and has proven that she is a good friend to the Doctor no matter what face he was wearing. (AND THAT IS AS FAR AS I WILL SAY)

At #1 I have another tie between Donna Noble and Sarah Jane Smith.
These two women are so different and extraordinary!
Donna Noble, was supposed to be a one time companion, but people loved her in the Christmas Special she was in so they brought her back for the fourth series. She belittled her importance but as she traveled with the Doctor she began to value herself more and ended up being super important. She was strong, sassy and all around brilliant!

And Sarah-Jane Smith. She is a character from both Classic and New Who. She was a companion of the third and fourth Doctor, but ended up seeing the Doctor again several times through-out her life. She was an inquisitive journalist and shared many other adventures with the Doctor and on her own shows. She is number one because in both classic and new, she brings her inquisitive nature and brains to the table when outwitting the Krillitanes and Davros.

Sorry this post wasn't my best. I again hope that you watch the show to see how awesome these characters are!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Hey guys!

Hey guys so I have some news. I am starting a blog for writing things again. This one is going to be a little like my reluctant writers blog except I am going to try and make it more fun. And involve people in my posts. Like for instance I talk about things that some writers find difficult. Its a little hard to explain as I have just started!


Here is the link to my first post! :D

Kamryn Scott Interview!

Kamryn: Hey! You wanted to talk to me?

Yes. Its character interview time!

Kamryn: *frowns* Oh. *shrugs* Well I have nothing better I need to do. Ask away!

Awesomeness! Okay first question.

Kamryn: Ask it already.

O.O I was about to...

Kamryn: Oh... Sorry about that.

Have you ever lifted a car?

Kamryn: *Chuckles* Yes. Wait... are we talking about vroom vroom cars, or train cars?

Either or.

Kamryn: Yes on both.

What is the most annoying thing about your brother?

Kamryn: Oh my gosh, where to start with Korey. I only have to state one thing?

Yeah. But if you feel like saying more, by all means.

Kamryn: Okay, first thing. That fake british accent he always uses. I mean seriously. He uses it so much he lost his American accent. Then there is his love for oranges. He loves them, but I am pretty sure he only likes them because the sight of oranges always ticks me off. I don't know what on earth it is, but oranges drive me insane.

Well then... That is interesting. What job do you think you'd be terrible at?

Kamryn: *thinks* I would probably suck at being a doctor. That requires a steady and gentle hand and... I don't exactly meet the gentle part.

What is something you are certain that you will never experience?

Kamryn: I am almost certain I will never experience what it feels like to get married. Honestly, I do like guys and all... but I don't see myself ever settling down and having a family.

Okay! Thank you!

Kamryn: No problem!

Hope you guys enjoyed that interview. There weren't as many questions this time so I pulled some from this helpful thing here.

So next week I will be answering questions and interviewing Caddie Greene.

She is a younger girl who can control lighting. She has blonde hair and sea blue eyes, and she enjoys reading comic books! :D Ask me questions! PLEASE

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day all! :D

Guess what today is!? :D

For single people, its Tuesday! 😀😀😀 Who doesn't  love a good Tuesday, eh people? Just a normal day to go to school and work and things like that. So to you single Scribblers, have a lovely tuesday! Hope someone randomly gives you chocolate or a bag of mints or something like that!

But to everyone else, today is VALENTINES DAY 😀💙💘😁 Isn't that just dandy! As you can see above, I got a bag of mints! YAY :D I am excited for everyone, because Valentines day is such a happy day. Its a day couples can celebrate their love for one another, whether platonic or smoochy kissy love. 

So whatever day you're celebrating today happy v day peeps! :D

ALSO: I NEED QUESTIONS FOR KAMRYN. Send me those by tomorrow! 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Staring at a blank page...

Guys... I have a bad case of writers block right now. And the one thing I can think to do is to write down all of my thoughts on a piece of paper, until I can get something to flow through my head. And since I have a blog with no post for  today, I figured I would write this post.

So recently in my James Patterson class, we talked about the terror every writer knows... The blank page. Every single writer has seen the blank page. And I am definitely looking at one right now. But as he said, its best to write anything.

Just open a document and type what is on your mind! It doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't even have to follow a certain story. Just look at me, my ideas aren't coming SO I AM WRITING A BLOG POST! About my inability to form ideas.

But I am hoping that this post helps. So next time you are deprived of ideas and its driving you crazy, just open a document or grab a notebook and write about something until you get ideas.

Now if you'll excuse me, I just got a cool idea and I am gonna go write! Byeeeeee! :D

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jackson Pacer Interview.

Jackson: Are you seriously interviewing me?  I am a journalist! Since when do we accurately interview each other?

I don't know... O.O I am just here because people asked questions!

Jackson: What kind of questions?! I told you I didn't kill anyone.

Don't worry... These are fun questions.

Jackson: What kind of...

JUST LET ME INTERVIEW YOU! Oh my goodness kid.

Jackson: FINE.

So... If you where flung into outer-space would you rather have the Enterprise or the Millennium falcon as your ride?

Jackson: Oh... Well obviously that is a trick question. I'd want the TARDIS as my ride. 

Umm... That wasn't an option.

Jackson: Are you hating on my choice.


Jackson: I don't like you.

Meany... If it's raining and you can't go anywhere. What do you do?

Jackson: I write, genius.

... You've become a shapeshifter. What do you shapeshift into first?

Jackson: I would turn into an aardvark... I like aardvarks.

Okay... If you where a computer, what would you want your screen-saver to be?

Jackson: I would want my screensaver to be a crime-scene.

Do you have all your teeth?

Jackson: Yes. I may be a loner but I have good hygiene.

If you could change your eye color what would you change it to?

Jackson: All black so I could scare people...

If you could never come home to anywhere, would you be sad?

Jackson: I guess... This was edited because I misread the question

If you had to wear Sherlock Clothes (long coat, hat, ect) for a week, how would your friends react?

Jackson: Most of my friends wouldn't be surprised.

What if you suddenly have eleven toes instead of ten?

Jackson: I would chop the extra one off. 

O___O Oh goodness.

Anyway, that was a new interview as promised, bright and early this morning!

This next interview, I am pulling out an older character from my older project. Her name is Kamryn Scott, she has the power of strength and an annoying brother named Korey. She enjoying breaking things and some other crazy things. This will be a good chance for me to develop here more and remember who she was. 

I accept questions on My Facebook PageMy emailMy NaNoWriMo, on here, and anywhere else you can find me. :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

I entered for a scholarship!

Heya guys. I know this is the second post I have written today... (LIES! The character interview is scheduled to post tomorrow morning at 8)  But I wanted to tell you guys about a scholarship I entered for. Its a culinary scholarship, I really dont know much but you should go look at the website THIS HERE IS THE PAGE THAT TELLS YOU EVERYTHING!

But its cool! ANd I entered it. And I need people to vote for me once every day until the fifteenth so I may win! I am currently at 56th place in this! So please vote for my video! This is the link to my video!

Okay Thanks! :D

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

My weekend was boring-ish.

Hello everyone! Did you miss me?! :D *crickets chirp*

... Well then. Thats encouraging.

Anyway! My weekend was super long and I didn't have a chance to write any posts. But I am back and I am okay!

The Superbowl happened... Didn't really care. Just went for the food because... You know, food is good. And I don't get the chance to eat not vegan very often.

Didn't like the results of the Superbowl, obviously something shady went on to get the Patriots from 3 to 28 and ending up winning, but as I said. I didn't care. Still don't. Football isn't my thing.

But I did watch a cool Star Trek Fan-Film with my dad. The effects were a little iffy, but I liked the movie. I can't remember the name but if I do I will put something up with a review of it

Oh! And I got to hang out with my buddy Thomas! :D Thomas is cool!

Anyway that was my weekend. Kinda boring, but those were the two things that stuck out. Other than that, I worked. Thats how I get paid. So I can... buy things! ;)

ANYWAY x2... I will see you guys next time I post with something better than whatever the heck I just did  Have a great day! And DONT FORGET! I am still taking questions for Jackson Pacer. SEND ME QUESTIONS! 

Love y'all! Stay Fluffy! PEACE!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Please ask me questions

Please ask me questions friends. I want to be able to consistently post character interviews every week, and the only way I can, is if I get asked questions for them.

Anyway friends, I may not be posting for the next few days? I don't know. I have work and I will be hanging out with my dad! So if I dont see you before Saturday, Love yall! Stay Fluffy!

Shane Sheppard Interview!

Shane: *walks in, looking a little confused* Um... Hi! I am Shane, here for my interview?

Hey, Shane! Come sit down.

Shane: Okay, sweet! *sits in a chair* What kind of questions am I being asked?

Oh you know, random questions. People are curious to know about you and stuff like that

Shane: Okay. Cool. Ask away person. 

Okay! First question! What do you think of Earl Gray, hot?

Shane: Earl Gray as in Earl Grey tea? Wait... Is that a Star Trek: Next Generation reference? Make it so. *laughs* I love Star Trek!'

Star Trek is pretty darn awesome. What about orange creamsicles, and aliens, and fuzzy socks?

Shane: Whoa okay thats alot of things... Ummm. I really don’t like orange creamsicles at all… Aliens are cool, unless they suddenly became real and tried to kill me… and even that wouldn’t surprise me at this point. And fuzzy socks on fur actually feel like what I think heaven feels like. You have no idea how much I love soft fuzzy things!

What would you do if he suddenly grew wings? Or turned into a fish?

Shane: I would freak out if I grew wings… and I would hate being a fish so…

Which is your favorite video game?

Shane: I really like the Uncharted games. I just really like the concept of being an explorer/treasure hunter. Just because it would be cool. Oh and I like Undertale now. It’s a super fun game, that makes me cry.

Would you wear purple?

Shane: Purple is a very nice color, but I would not wear purple clothes. Purple tends to clash with my normal clothing style. But sometimes, I spray the fur on my head purple, with fur spray. I like it.

Have you been mistaken for a bear?

Shane: Oh, I hope not. Bears aren’t the friendliest people. Being a dog, I like being recognized as one. People like dogs! :)

What hand do you write with?

Shane: I am a lefty. Though I could write with my right if I wanted to… Just don’t want to…

Don't you just love these random questions?

Shane: I really don't know... Man who asked that dumb question?

I did... 

Shane: Oh that wasn't a question? Wait... Don't leave! I  am sorry!

So yeah... That interview ended abruptly.

Shane: Dude! I said I was sorry!

Anyway! Hope y'all enjoyed that. My feelings are okay. Shane didn't break them ;D

Till next Thursday I will be accepting questions for Jackson Pacer.
For those of you who have been with me for the past few months, you know Jackson. He is the pessimistic, not so popular murder mystery writers, with a love for chocolate and coffee concoctions, and a dislike for pears, the presidential candidates, and Shelby Keener.

Again please comment, email, facebook, or Nanomail me questions you want to see Jackson answer! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Shane! :D

Tekky looked at Shane. “So you’re new to town right?”

Shane nodded, “Yeah… Just yesterday.”

Tekky grinned, “Oh! You’re the kid who just moved into the house across from mine! I was wondering who screamed last night.”

Klyde smirked, “He met the ghost.”

Tekky laughed, “In this town, who hasn’t?”

Klyde gave a sharp shake of his head.

Tekky cocked his head, “You mean he doesn’t know yet? You haven’t told him?”

Shane watched them curiously, “Huh?”

Klyde winced, “I was going to tell him…”

Tekky glared, “Like he’d last long without knowing…’

Shane put his paws up. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you guys talking about?”

Tekky turned to Shane, “He should’ve at least gotten some clue from the ghost in his house.”

Klyde crossed his arms and sighed, “Fine then, you tell him.”

“TELL ME WHAT?!” Shane yelled, impatiently. Suddenly he realized, that everyone in the room was looking at him. He chuckled, embarrassed at raising his voice…

He looked at everyone, then he started to notice something. He had been noticing it since he got here. These weren’t normal students… this wasn’t a normal town. But now he could see something in some of them. Some of the students were paler and he could see fangs peeking out of their muzzles, like Tekky. Others looked messy before, but now Shane could see that their fur was peeling off in places and they looked almost dead… and there were so many others that he immeadiately realized… “Oooooh my god.”

Tekky grinned again showing his fangs. “Now he’s getting it.” He laughed, and slowly the others started laughing too.

Klyde stood up, “Shane… just calm down…”

Shane stood up and ran out of the room, yelling. “MONSTERS!”

Klyde turned to Tekky. “I’m gonna go make sure no one kills him…”

Tekky shrugged, “Sure…” He watched Klyde run off, “Oh I love new students.”

Tekky is the property of a friend of mine, I am using him with permission.


31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...