Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Yes. As I promised. I am back. Nerdy Obsessions are here. I have a lot to talk about. Just a fair warning, I am not caught up on either of these. So I have been doing research and will be making this post based on appearance and picture alone. And some premise but that doesn't MATTER. DON'T JUDGE ME. STAHP

The new Teen Titans themed show known as Titans will be launching in 2018 with Brenton Thwaites in the main roll of Dick Grayson. (Probably as Nightwing) And even more cool is all those cast choices I showed you in October/September, they are the actual cast. That has been verified!

Wow. Guess there isn't much news for that :/ Well darn. I hope this isn't the case for the other shows...
;) Spoiler alert: IT ISN'T. New characters have joined the roster of these shows, with some noteable ones including Elongated Man (Detective like funny guys from the comics who solves mysteries with his wife), ZARI ADRIANA TOMAZ (who could be Black Adam's wife Isis. I don't know for sure), and DANNY FRICKIN TREJO. ON THE FLASH. OKAY GUYS STAY CALM. LOOK AT ME BEING CALM. O_O

We also have an infamous crossover which sees the return of some familiar faces to face a Nazi parallel earth. Oh my. This crossover is going to be hard to piece apart seeing as how I haven't seen it. But the one detail that makes me nervous is the fact of Barry and Iris's wedding.

The first time we see Barry and Iris ready to get married, ONE OF HIS ENEMIES KILLS HER. This event is setting up for one of the only Season 1 flashback scenes we haven't seen yet. Prison Barry. Don't worry, I am 94% sure that wasn't in the crossover. We do see some cool stuff like more alternate characters Heroes and Villians. Should be a fun ride. Here are some promo shots!

This is a pretty much almost full roster with the exception of Firestorm and others. But alot of each shows main cast is in this crossover. It is serious. Also surprise! LOOK ITS WENTWORTH MILLER IN COLD COSTUME! And Gold mask is The Ray! :D And the one next to Vixen in the woman I think is Isis that I mentioned earlier. I am probably wrong though because it looks nothing like her. Also that is Diggle hiding behind Ollie in that picture. Clarifying that for you guys... Definitely not for me O____O

Now onto Black Lightning. It is not on air yet, but it still looks like it is gonna be good.
There have been several teasers for it as of recently. Links below!

We see him in suit and in action. That is some good fighting after being  out of the game for so long. Bravo Mr. Pierce. Bravo!

This is all I have for today. Sorry it is so choppy and stuff, but I am doing this on a whim. Have a great day!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Return?

Hey all. It's me, Scribbles.

 Oh yeah... I haven't posted in a month. Anyone still out there? *knocks*

Anyway, been a particularly busy month with work and stuff. NaNoWriMo has been taking a little of my time :) But the main thing that I wanted to talk about is the future of this blog. I probably will not be able to post any things for another week or so, and I might start up the character interviews then.

But since my book is coming out THIS UPCOMING SATURDAY WHICH IS DECEMBER 2ND. Not today though. Otherwise I would be unprepared. I would be honored if you guys would share my posts/tweets, so we can all excitedly count the days together. I may try to do like something. I have no clue, too excited tbh!

Meanwhile expect a huge Nerdy Obsessions post in the middle of December because I have a lot to geek about! :3

In the mean time. Love you all! PEACE OUT!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

10 ways to survive a SLASHER movie. (Halloween Edition!)

So recently in the last three months or something, I wrote a post about 10 ways that one could use to survive a horror movie. And people seemed to like it! So I figured, with one of the spookiest days of the year coming close, why not do another post similar to that! Hooray!

Slasher films are very different than horror movies though. Horror movies are movies that make you afraid to go to bed without some sort of light. Like IT, Get Out, or The Shining. Slasher films are the ones that make you not trust your friends and make you paranoid. Films like Halloween, Scream, or Nightmare on Elm Street.

Just like any movie where the main goal of the character is to survive, these people do the craziest stuff. SO I feel the need to make another list for you all.

Now normally I would have characters to help me show these, but I don't really have any that would best fit these scenarios.

1. Don't move to a town with a history of murders. Or even better, avoid any place with a history of murders. Especially when  done by a serial killer. It boggles my mind that kids still went to Crystal Lake camp, or that people still lived in Woodsboro. Like I said in the horror one. Research people. It can't hurt.

2. Don't be alone when there is a masked murderer on the loose. You should at least be in a group of four or more people so that way if you all stick together, you guys have a better shot of all getting out alive. Being alone, or with your love interest, or even with a few buddies won't do you any good if you are outside taking out the trash and Ghostface kills you.

3. In case you skipped that last step, I am just gonna say it again in different context. Splitting up, is the worst thing one can do in a scary movie. Separating yourselves from the group, makes it easier for a killer to kill you. You're basically just "investigating a cracking noise coming from the woods, and Jason will be like "It must be Christmas!" and kill you. If you're in a group, and get attacked it's easier to make sure more people come out safe. Unless it's like Scream and there's more than one killer. Then you best run as fast as you can.

4. Don't assume your boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend/family member isn't the killer. If that killer is wearing a mask and it could be anyone. It could even be me. Your love for these people will not change the fact that, if any of these above people were the killer, they will kill you. (See Scream 1-4, and Scream the tv series.) Be very careful who you trust.

5. If someone is calling you and threatening you, there is a good chance you are being watched. Now here your options are very limited. Don't go outside. There is a good chance they are outside waiting for you to come out. Keeping that in mind, it is also not a good plan to cut off your escape by locking windows and doors or by going upstairs. Your best bet is to hang up the phone and call the police. The killer might be trying to keep you on the phone and distracted so you won't find them. After calling the police, arm yourself and wait.

6. Now in the situation that there is a killer in your house and they are after you, do not go upstairs unless you plan on jumping out the window. Even then you probably wouldn't survive the fall. Your best bet is to run outside and away from your house as fast as you can. Run to a place where there's a lot of people or towards the police station.

7. If there is a masked killer on the loose, stay away from Halloween parties/costume parties. In Scream 2, a woman was killed in a theater of people, some of whom were dressed as the killer from the first movie, by the killer of the second movie. On stage.

8. Now I know that most of you reading would not do this, but I feel the need to say this. Don't flirt with the killer. If you see a shady looking guy in a mask and hood, don't make flirty remarks. He was flirtatiously slice yo throat.

9. If someone texts you out of the blue, and you've heard rumors that they A.) Might be responsible for murder, or B.) Might be dead Don't answer them. Don't have text conversations unless you know fully well that the person on the other end is really who they say they are. Otherwise...

10. This one might be the most important. If there is news that someone is killing people in your town... I wasn't actually going to say this when I first wrote this step but moving out. Moving out works just as much as this. I was actually going to say, don't try and figure out who is murdering people. That's just stupid. That's how most slasher victims die. :) Be smart. Also yeah. Moving out of that town would work too. Seriously I... Hold on guys I'll be right back. Something is making a sound outside and I am home all alone. Let me just go out there with no protection and I'll be right back!

Wow. That guy was an idiot. He literally just walked outside. Yeah... Don't worry about him though...

Just kidding guys. I am not dead. :) Also I am not home alone. I was attempting humor.
Thanks for reading! Hope you all enjoyed and please stay safe this Halloween. I should be back to posting semi-regularly soon! Stay fluffy! BUHBYEEEEEE

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Titans is casted. I shall come out of my hole now

I shall come out of my hole now. A great deed has been an accomplished. :) YAY
Titans is coming!

Here are the main cast members as it seems
Brenton Thwaites- Dick Grayson
Teagan Croft- Raven
Anna Diop- Koriand'r
Lindsey Gort- Amy Rohrbach
Minka Kelly- Dawn Granger
Alan Ritchson- Hank Hall
Ryan Potter- Garfield Logan

There is a picture on twitter on the entire cast in relation to their counterparts. There are three on this list that might not ring any bells so I will be clarifying and explaining those three.

First is Dawn Granger and Hank Hall!
Dawn Granger is known in the DC world as Dove. She is a not as well known member of the Titans, which in the comics is a team in comics that is composed of the young adult superheroes first formed by Nightwing, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, Beast Boy, Red Arrow, and Donna Troy.

I can't really say much about Dawn without spoiling her whole timeline, and I have no clue where this season will start with this storyline as per comics. She is paired with Hank Hall who is Hawk. Apparently he has quite a temper and she has been able to calm him down.

Hawk and Dove are powered by the Lords of Chaos and Order respectively, which is really darn cool tbh. Hawk is the fist Hawk and Dove is actually the third person to have the title. She took on the role from the first Dove who was actually Hank's brother Don.

Like I said I can't say much. BUT SO COOL AMIRITE?!

And the last character is Amy Rohrbach
Her character is a police officer from Bludhaven. She was associated with Richard Grayson when he was a police officer. There is still not much known about her, but my guess is the show is gonna introduce Grayson living a double life as a police officer and as Nightwing. While leading the Titans. And Amy is going to be curious about his disappearances and reappearances and use her detective skills. Hopefully she is a loveable character.

And there is a season villain called Acolyte. Don't know who he is. Never heard of him. I do know that this villain has something he wants from Raven. So I am hoping to see this season looking into Raven's backstory.

As for the actors, Brenton Thwaites has been a long time actor that people wanted to see as Nightwing, The others seem okay. I don't really know them

The only other one I know is Alan Ritchson. He has been in several things and has actually been in the DC tv lore before as Arthur Curry, or better known as Aquaman. But also was in Catching Fire as Gloss and both of the new Ninja Turtle movies as Raphael.

I am honestly loving the way this cast looks. And I am super excited for this! :D

Like this? Want me to do something on a show you like? Comment below! :D

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Blaze Interview!

So I am here. Two weeks late to possibly the biggest character interview I have ever done. I have Blaze here.

Blaze: Yo.

And his six friends/employees who will definitely butt in. But I have asked them to be quiet unless they have something important to say. They are Caden, Karoline, Kody, Chandler, Cirby, and Karina. :)

Blaze: Can we get on with this?

Yes. We can. Whats you favorite food?

Blaze: Burnt marshmellows, Buffalo Chicken, Bacon, and Applejack, and oatmeal raisin cookies.

What's your favorite sandwich?

Blaze: Buffalo Chicken, Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Onions, and a slice of eggplant.

Do you like pitbull puppies?

Blaze: *nods* Yes. Pitbulls are very affectionate dogs.

What's your least favorite puppy?

Blaze: I do not have one. I like all dogs.

So, do you have a favorite gun?

Blaze: Yes I do. A sniper rifle. I keep it on my back at all time. I have named it Barry.

Favorite comic book?

Blaze: Suicide Squad.

Which comic universe do you like, DC or Marvel?

Blaze: DC

What is your most popular dish at your diner?

Blaze: Biscuits and Sausage Gravy.

Do you like broadswords or samurai ones?

Blaze: Broadswords.

Who is your least favorite employee?

Blaze: Why don't you ask them who they think and we'll see what I say?

Karina: Wait? So we can talk now?

Blaze: Yes.

Caden: Pretty sure Kody is his favorite. I am pretty sure I am his least favorite

Kody: I think Karina is his least favorite.

Karina: Really Kody? What happened to being a friend? but I would say it's Caden too.

Karoline: *Sighs* I don't like this... But I think it might be Chandler... Chandler is a good person but I think Blaze finds her kind of annoying.

Chandler: Hey! How dare you? I totally think it's Karoline.

Blaze: Choose again. She's my favorite.

Chandler: Drat... Fine. I pick Caden.

Cirby: In the case of Blaze? It's probably me. *laughs*

Blaze: *slightly smirks* If you want honesty, It totally is Caden.

Caden: It's the hair, isn't it.

Blaze: No. It's your mouth.

What's your favorite number?

Blaze: 27

If you could take anything with you on a desert island what would it be?

Blaze: Only what I usually have with me. Twenty-One knives, six guns, and my equipment belt.

Whats it like being first?

Blaze: Thrilling.

Sooo, do you get paid to kill people?

Blaze: Why? Want someone dead?

If you were given a generous sum to upgrade one thing in your diner, what would you choose?

Blaze: Upgrade? Well I definitely would love an automated security system. Some guy in a helmet keeps breaking in.

How long have you been shooting guns?

Blaze: *smirks, and quotes Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation.* I can not confirm that information without the secretary's approval.

What kind/genre of comic is your favorite?

Blaze: Suicide Squad.

What do you care most about?

Blaze: My girlfriend Vanessa. She's recovering from a low point in life. I have been helping her out.

What he'd be terrified of losing?

Blaze: I am not answering this question.

Have a favorite place?

Blaze: No.

Books or movies?

Blaze: Books.

Favorite vegetable

Blaze: Spinach.

What can't he leave the house without?

Blaze: Some sort of gun, or pointy object.

Who's your best friend?

Blaze: Vanessa.

Second breakfast or elevensies?

Blaze: Second Breakfast.

Potatoes or fish:

Blaze: Not even a question. Potatoes.

Wow... This was a lighter ending than I expected...

Blaze: Would you like to make it dark?

No thank you please.

Thank you guys for asking questions and reading!

My next interview will be for the K's! Which means it's Karoline, Karina, and Kody.

Karoline is a computer enthusiast and is very good at breaking into computers. She enjoys listening to music, reading mysteries, chinese food, and quiet coffee shops. She also writes edgy poetry for fun.

Karina is a talented gymnist who uses her talents to steal things. She is smarter than any security system and works best at night. She enjoys comic books (Wild guess to who her favorite DC character is), skating, Iced coffee, and Micheal Jackson.

Kody is an American Ninja, basically he is skilled in the areas of agility. He aspires to be apart of the CIA and has experience serving on the presidents secret service team as an undercover agent. He enjoys the beach, movies with Jackie Chan or Tom Cruise, fudge brownies, frog legs, and of course American Ninja Warrior.

Ask me questions please! Have a wonderful day guys! BYE!

Saturday, September 30, 2017


The poll is over.
Yes. Over.

And I have the three genres for the challenge that will now be happening in DECEMBER (The month after NaNoWriMo)

Now I need to figure out what three holidays will be accepted in the challenge!
Such as
Or even Groundhog day!
You decide!
There will be a poll on the side over that way →→→→

Friday, September 29, 2017

Things get serious. (SPOOKSVILLE IS BACK SON!)

Shane looked down at the map that he had found in Scarlette’s hood. “What I don’t get is why that demon had a map of the school in her hood?”
Tekky took a sip of his shake. “You said you killed her at the school? At night?”
Klyde looked up from his Maple Pecan Marshmellow Surprise Donut. “Wait… You were at the school at night?”
Shane nodded. “I needed a place where I could stall and hide. She was following me everywhere. And besides. Brody was apparently living in the shed outside the school.”
Klyde drummed his fingers on the table. “Um… So… That’s all that happened?” He exchanged a glance with Tekky.
Shane cocked his head and took a sip of his shake. “Well… Yeah. That’s all.” His ears drooped. “Please don’t tell me I awoke an ancient evil swordsman from feudal Japan.”
“Did you?” Klyde’s ears perked up.
“Not to my knowledge…” Shane scratched his head.
“Then you should be fine. Except…”
Shane’s forehead hit the table. “I hate my life.”
”The school is haunted… Especially at night.”
“Oh joy. That makes me so very happy.” Shane looked up and was extremely pale.
Tekky looked down at his shake. “Are you gonna drink the rest of that?”
Shane pushed the shake toward Tekky.
Klyde sighed. “So I better explain since Tekky is focusing on his stomach.” He took a deep breathe. “About fifty years ago, back when the town wasn’t as overrun with monsters, monsters were feared and ridiculed. It was bad enough to the point where some of the monsters had to hide the fact that they were monsters. Just so they could live in peace. And there was a student here in the school who would do everything he could to make the students that were monsters, miserable. His name was Tyler Grant, and he was a normal husky. He’d do things like trip them in the hallways, or call them names. He did this for years until one day when the other kids decided they’d teach him a lesson. They ended up scaring him so bad, he went into a coma for three months. When he woke up, he seemed to be better. He didn’t mess with anyone and actually seemed to be nicer. Then the night of the Halloween dance came… All of the monsters in school met up in a graveyard to party it up… Tyler put on the school hockey uniform and mask and went to the party as well. He killed over half of the monsters there before he was sliced in half by our Detective Grim.”
Shane sighed. “So Officer Delightful killed a guy who went nuts and now the guy’s ghost stalks the halls of the school at night?”
Klyde hesitated. “Not exactly. He haunts the school at night… But he’s more than a ghost. Kids have gone inside the school and not come out.”
“So a murderous ghost?”
Tekky shook his head. “Oh no. Tyler is way worse than that. I was there the night he died. His ghost literally would have kept chopping us up if Grim’s boss hadn’t trapped him in the school at nighttime.” He put an arm around Shane’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We don’t have a reason to go into the school at night.”
Klyde looked at the map. “This map says otherwise.”

Tekky grabbed Klyde by the shirt. “Shut up!”
Shane turned to Tekky, “How were you there?”
Tekky gave him a look. “I am 220 years old Shane. It wasn’t very hard.”
Shane jumped, “220 years old? You look good for your age.”
Tekky put an arm around Shane, “Always knew I was attractive.”
Shane sighed, “Stop.”
Klyde crossed his arms. “We need to go to the school after dark.”
Tekky growled, “I swear I will bite you in a not fun way.”
Shane also growled, “I am not going in a school with one, a ghost and two a serial killer.”
Adrea looked up from her seat and gave him a look.
Shane glared back. “If you were actually in the conversation, you would know we were talking about a particular ghost and honestly, I wouldn’t go in there without you because you’d be very hard to kill since you are already dead.”
Adrea’s eyes widened. “Really! SCORE! I love sleepovers! Plus I have never been outside out house at night.” She grinned. “Where we going?”
“School.” Klyde didn’t look up from the map.
Adrea froze. “I’d like to take back my previous comment.”
Tekky shook his head. “NO. If we have to go, so do you!” He looked down at the map. “Why do we need to go in the school at night.”
Klyde narrowed his eyes at the map. “I don’t know… Wait!” He grabbed the map and pulled it close to his face. “OH! There’s a map key! Apparently we have to find a secret thing… Looks kind of like an ankh.
Tekky covered Klyde’s mouth. “No choking. Not on my donut please.”
Klyde snapped at Tekky’s paw. “Stop! An ankh is an ancient Eygptian symbol for life.”
“But what does it do? What is it for?” Shane put his head on his paw.
Suddenly the map started to burn up in Klyde’s paws. “AH!” He dropped it on the table and it fully disintegrated. “NO! I was reading that!”

Shane fell back in his chair and hit the floor. 

(Another poem) Dreams and Nightmares

Unrealistic realities taking place in our mind
Or maybe they are realistic
We dream while awake
We dream while asleep
Either way dreams are an escape
Or maybe a prison
We let our dreams have so much power
Power to paralyze with fear
Power to make us want to finish the dream
Then forget it all when we open our eyes
Not all dreams are unrealistic though
Some can be achieved
Not all of these dreams are happy ones
Nightmares in reality
More than paralyze us.
We want to wake up
But we realize we are already awake.
Dreams can be DANGEROUS
But not always
Just bear with me, I said dreams can be achieved
I didn't mean only bad dreams
You can go places
Or accomplish goals
Maybe you dreamed of marriage
Or hope for a family
Dreams can push you to achieve
Dreams can encourage
Dreams are GOOD

So next time you dream
Remember you will always dream
Whether scary, happy, sad.
I don't know\Just remember to always chase your dreams and fantasies
But keep the nightmares locked up in the back of your mind

Thursday, September 28, 2017

5 Housepets Characters I really do not like O.O

LOOK! I am posting about Housepets again!
You guys read that last post right? Six of my favorite Housepets characters? :D

But what about the ones I don't like. Fortunately most of the characters are very likeable. But there are some... that I really don't like. And this one I might actually try and do a countdown to the worst.

Starting at number 5:


Sasha a dog who kinda reminds me of Lindsay from Total Drama Island. She is kind of a ditz. She also suffers from having an abusive dad/owner. But that is not why I don't like her. And don't get me wrong. There's an arc where King, who is still having his "I am a dog" crisis finds Sasha on the road crying and cuddles up with her. A truly touching scene there.

But Sasha is kind of blind to the effect she has on some people. Like a certain grey husky named Fox.
Fox helped her after a break up with Bino (He's on this list too!) and a Valentine Party where all of the guys insulted her. When Fox finally comes to his senses and decides to tell her everything. LO AND BEHOLD, she is dating another dog. Fox gets thrown back into the friendzone. There are other reasons I don't like Sasha, but breaking my favorite characters heart puts her on this list for me.


If you know this comic well, you'll probably be surprised that Bino isn't number one on this list. Because Bino is the comic's resident jerk. But he is not as bad as these other three on this list. And I will tell you why.

Bino was/is a loyal boyfriend. You see in that whole break up ordeal, Sasha broke up with him to date other dogs. He was the one who gave Fox the mission to try and get her to like him again. Granted the next day, he too found a new dog. One who made me wish Sasha had come back (You'll see)

Plus. He always gets himself into silly messes in the comic. It is so funny, I can't possibly hate Bino.

Don't get me wrong. He's a jerk. Kicked both Peanut, King, and HIS OWN BROTHER out of the resident dog club . Yep. Lets just say I don't hate him, But boy was it funny to see him arrested, hit with a frying pan, mauled by a bear, and dunked in a dunktank.


Tiger is a lazy dog with a cats name who I am pretty sure hasn't really actually ever been the good guy. He is a knock off of Garfield as it would seem and is a pretty bland guy. The few times he did do something interesting was when he had his own TV show... which ended with a burning building and a near arrest. OR when started a food fight at a fair and ended up having to give his winnings to his rabbit brother Zach.

Other than that and a few Imaginate scenes... Pretty unlikeable in my eyes.


This guy might as well be the devil. He has almost no consideration for any of the other character. You see he is a part of the game that The Great Kitsune DM's. So yeah a demi god who is a jerkbutt. He is the one responsible for turning King into a dog. This was only after he didn't get Grape as his avatar. He controlled and manipulated King and alot of his friends before getting banished to mortality. Hoping we will not see him soon, but we probably will.

But to be honest I hate this  next character... SO MUCH. THE MOST.


This dog. She is Bino's girlfriend. But she is the literal worst person ever. She belittles everyone around her, including her own boyfriend. She tried to win a contest using King, and when she lost, she tried to make romantic advances on him. King had a girlfriend. O.O

She is actually guilty of crime. In a recent arc. She halted Fox and Mungo's police investigation
which I am pretty sure is not legal. Her personality is terrible and I can not stand her. I am hoping (and this is the only time I ever say this) Poor Bino... mans up and dumps her tail. That would make me like him more.

Like this list? Like this post!


Friday, September 22, 2017

The Calm. An original poem by me.

That calm before the storm.
Before and maybe after
You know, that one time when everything is quiet.
After all the lightning and hurricanes and rain
After all the destruction
In actual storms and actual life,
When the rain stops and the sun peeks in for a time.
Okay not peeks, but actually fully shines
The time when things seem to be going okay.
At first you’re reluctant
Like, this can’t really be real
Especially when life has been so bland for so long
It comes as kind of a shock
Like when you realize you have money in your pocket
You don’t feel like crap and it doesn’t feel bad
You start to want to feel active
Doing things you never wanted to do
And doing less of the things you did to clear your empty depressed mind
You feel refreshed, happy to do things
Work is easier, words and ideas flow through your mind
You feel more confident about things your anxiety kept you from feeling good about
It feels nice

Life actually feels nice again

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Vincent Monhagen and Randy Trake Interview!

TWO PORTALS OPEN! AND VINCENT AND RANDY JUMP OUT! They both look almost identical, except Vinnie is wearing a flannel, blue jeans and an apron; and Randy is wearing a labcoat over pajamas. 

Vincent: HELLO! Sorry we're late.

Randy: *looks back at the portal* Sure hope we didn't break reality.

No. I think you guys are good. Vincent, Randy Trake. Randy, Vincent Monhagen.

Vincent: Hello! So nice to finally meet you!

Randy: Careful, we're technically a paradox. Alternate versions of ourselves.

Vincent: Right. Keep forgetting that.

It sucks. Because we can't do group hugs... :( Anyway! We have questions!!!

Vincent: Yes. Questions.

Randy: Wait, people actually like us?

I am constantly shocked by that fact.

Vincent: People like me.

You run a diner. People love you for your food.

Vincent: NOOOOOOOOOO! I always thought it was my wolf tattoo.

What is something you could never leave the house without?

Randy: All my test tubes of potion. I like giving random ones to random monster/people and watching what happens.

Vincent: ... I just carry around the keys to my diner.

Vincent, what is your favorite flavor of pudding?

Randy: Oh thank goodness. I hate pudding.

Vincent: *gasps* How are we almost the same person!? You traitor. I like pistachio.

If you were going to complete in a TV cooking competition, which one would you want it to be?

Vincent: Chopped. It would be the greatest honor in my career to cook for those judges.

Randy: *giggles maniacally* Cutthroat Kitchen.

Let's say you're going to paint a mural on one wall in your bedroom (or have it painted if you don't paint ;D)... what would it be of?

Vincent: A garden, I write best in serene looking areas.

Yes or no?

Vincent: What kind of question...

Randy: *interrupts* Yes. Obviously.

Favorite childhood memory?

Vincent: When my brother Sammy was born. He was so small and cute! ^-^

Randy: When I burned down that one hospital. The nurses there were jerks.

Have any hobbies?


Vincent: I like reading, and if I have time I write some.

What seemingly insignificant thing can someone do to brighten up your day?

Vincent: Hugs always make my day better.

Randy: If someone offers to help me with one of my creations. Usually people are terrified of the things I make. But when people help me make them it makes me happy.

Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?

Vincent: Chocolate is good.

Randy: Strawberry.

Crunchy cookies or chewy cookies?

Vincent: I think we can both agree chewy cookies are better, right?

Randy: Yes. Chewy cookies are pretty good.

Do you know each other? If so, how'd you meet?

Vincent: The science of that question is hard to explain. Randy?

Randy: We are both technically alternate versions of the same person. There is laws against us being in the same place unless certain precautions are taken. This is the first time, we have met. This is why I told both of these two not to touch each other or a paradox would happen.

Vincent: It's like the multiverse in Flash except... You know... On the same earth.

Randy: I have always wondered how we could exist on the same earth.

Vincent: Your plane of reality is more mystical than the one I am from. So probably like a dimension inside a alternate earth?

Randy: Interesting idea. Do you do science?

Vincent: I dabble in it from time to time.

What's each of their favorite things to read?

Randy: I am a huge fan of Agatha Christie.

Vincent: I like James Patterson and Joanne Fluke and SHERLOCK!

Randy: Oh! Sherlock. Very fun detective to read.

What is worth dying for?

Randy: My friends.

Vincent: Same. And my family.

What is worth living for?

Vincent: Honestly, the mystery. Life is crazy, and even though there seems to be bad moments, you never know what's waiting around the corner.

Randy: Yeah, I was gonna say the thrill of running from things that could easily maul me in my slumber.


What do you want?

Randy: Oh! Is this my christmas list?! I want a new vaporizer gun. Those things are so hard to build. I want some parts for my monster. He wants to be able to make cookies without his arm falling off.

Vincent: OH! I love christmas lists! The diner needs a new stove. And I want some new notebooks and those cool tins of popcorn.

What couldn't you live without?

Randy: My heart. 0.0

Vincent: O_O Umm... I would say my family. They are so supportive and kind and I just love them.

What couldn't you live with?

Randy: I would not want to live with no oxygen. I like breathing.

Vincent: I wouldn't ever want to live in space. I have a fear of heights.

Thank you guys for showing up like you did! Please have a safe trip back.

Vincent: See you later! Nice meeting you Randy. We should facetime.

Randy: Oh! Thats a good idea!

They jump into their respective portals.

Thank you to all of you who sent in questions!

Next week I will be doing another interview! This time I will be interviewing Blaze. Blaze is a mercenary who's age is not specified. He is one of the first characters I had ever created and one of my favorites. He enjoys guns, grenades, food, running his diner, puppies, and reading comics. Oh and he also likes swords and tanks.As I mentioned he runs a diner. If you have any questions about him for any of his employees, all six will be there. They are Caden, Karoline, Kody, Karina, Chandler, and Cirby. (They will be interviewed at a later time.)


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Top 6 Housepets Characters! (In no particular order)

I am a easy person to please. I love to write, I love the new Wonder Woman movie, I love a good fudgy brownie!

But one thing you don't know about me is that I love to read. Escpecially comics. Web-comics are not totally my jam. But I do know a good webcomic when I see it! I totally recommend this webcomic to you guys. It's funny, it's family friendly, and I just love all of the characters!  Well... I say all. But I can say for a fact that these ten are my favorites! :D The webcomic is called Housepets! And these are my top ten.

Housepets is a fun little comic that centers around the phrase "Pets are people too". It started out as a silly webcomic that posted little strips with the shenanigans that centered mostly around dog and cat/brother and sister duo Peanut and Grape. As the comic progressed, it grew into story arcs and started introducing more funny, crazy characters. It has been going on for more than seven years I believe. And I love a lot of the characters. But I will only be listing 10 of my favorites.

I'd put a picture for each, but most of these guys are so common you'd eventually find them.

Kitsune (Or the Great Kitsune)

Honestly, he's kind of an arrogant guy when you see him. But it's like a "You know you love me" arrogance. He seems to be a super powered deity who likes playing with life like it's D&D. Yes. You heard me right.

He dresses classy for a fox with multiple tails, and he loves to play mind games with some characters. :)

I have liked Grape's character since the beginning the comic. She's sassy, she doesn't let herself fall into cat stereotypes, and loves associating with dogs and has proved herself as actually better than them in some ways earning her respect among a lot of dogs. She has a great sense of humor. But she is kinda cynical sometimes. But she has times where she melts into a fangirl. Oh and people have accidentally confused her for being a guy.

What do you get when you put together a big buff doggo, a soft caring puppy, a klutz, and an officer of the law. You get this guy! 
My favorite thing about Mungo is that his character has a full arc to develop. He is a huge softy but he is a by the book cop, and that makes him a good and interesting character. But do not mistake him for a ditz because he is a cop and will do what he can to make sure the law is upheld.


Fox is a husky, who actually has been around since the beginning who really didn't become to be fully in the spotlight for awhile. But his character has had a lot of work, especially since a character named King was introduced introduced. (You WILL be hearing about him later ;) ) Fox is a caring soul, who has/had loyalty to a very bad friend, and a crush on a girl who almost cost him his career as a K9 officer and a good partnership with Mungo.

Fox has had so many fun interesting adventure. I love his character so much. I can't wait to see what happens in the future for him.

Joel Robinson/King
Joel was a bad guy when he was first introduced into the comic. Then by magic he was turned into a short corgi, and almost enslaved by a evil nerdy gryphon named Pete (Who was like Kitsune). His name becomes King and he has to cope with being an animal. This is where he meets Fox and he ends up becoming a better person by being a dog and... SPOILERS HAPPEN AND I AM SO SORRY I WISH I COULD SAY BUT READ THE COMIC AND SHUT UP!

King is one of my favorite characters. King is my spirit animal. His storyline is one of the best in the comic right next to Fox. 

Res is the coolest in my opinion, because he is a writer. He is closet writer, whose owner publishes his books and gets famous. He befriends Grape when she discovers that he actually wrote the books. He is sweet, shy, and a big nerd and I LOVE IT

Enjoy that post? Please give this comic a read. I enjoy it so much.
I may make a part 2 soon! :D FUN! YAY

Friday, September 15, 2017


Yes. I know I did a challenge in August.
Yes. I know that was a month ago.
Yes. I do like Taco Bell.
Yes. I know that was off subject.
No. I do not care

Hey there.
So I had this wonderful idea for a new challenge on this here blog thang. Won't be giving out details yet seeing as how I am planning to start it in December. I am looking for three genres to use so there will be a helpful little poll on the side over that way.

What way?
That way ---------->
That is one bad looking arrow.
I know.

Choose one from the list. I will have six genres out. If I missed one, that is child friendly, comment it and I will add it to the post.


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Manny Kershov Interview!

Hello! :D Today I will be interviewing Manny today!

Manny: Buck gets to sit in too! 

Buck: Hello friends!

:D Good! And I have so many questions from people who like you guys!

Manny: Awwwww! You guys are so sweet!

So lets start answering some questions! Have you ever climbed the goalposts?

Manny: No! Those aren't for climbing silly!

Buck: Then why does Razor do it?

Manny: Because he's silly!

What's your favorite number?

Manny: 4! I like 4! It's so pretty!

What's your favorite sandwich?

Manny: Buck makes sandwiches out of salad and those are delicious. He puts lettuce, ranch, tomatoes, cheese, hardboiled eggs, croutons, and Bacon bits!

Have you ever tried putting jerky on your sandwiches?

Manny: Only the beef or bacon... I don't eat deer jerky. Buck doesn't like it... He says it makes him sick...

Buck: *shivers* It makes me nervous...

Favorite jerky flavor?

Manny: Bacon! I love Bacon jerky.

Have you ever built a sandcastle big enough for you to fit inside?

Manny: No! Oh! Buck! We should try that!

Buck: Oh! Yeah!

What do you like most about ducks?

Manny: Quack.

Buck: *sighs* Manny...

Manny: Quack! Quackity Quack!

Have you played any other sports?

Manny: I played Wii!

What is your favorite mythical creature?

Manny: I like gryphons!

Least favorite mythical creature?

Manny: Unicorns, The horn is so pokey.

Buck: EXCUSE ME!? I am offended.

Manny: Only the evil ones. The ones who hate friendship...

Buck: Oh! I don't like those either...

Least favorite color?

Manny: Grey... It's just so lifeless and boring...

Favorite thing to wear on a Thursday?

Manny: Jeans! And I love wearing the fuzzy socks!

Your most despised piece of clothing?

Manny: I don't like wearing bows... Like the ones they put in their fur...

Favorite video game?

Manny: Can I say it now?!

Buck: Yes.

Manny: Mario Party!!!!!

What do you think of Minecraft?

Manny: Oh? I have never heard of it...

Buck: I haven't showed him yet.

How do you feel when you lose a winning streak?

Manny: I feel sad...

What's the longest you've stayed up to play video games?

Manny: 2 PM two days later...

Do you have sleepovers, and if so with whom?

Manny: Buck and Razor! *grins*

Do you like chocolate covered strawberries?

Manny: YES.

What's your favorite handheld device?

Manny: I like forks!

Have you ever played on a playground?

Manny: I do it all the time!

What do you think of tire swings?

Manny: *squeals* Can we go to one! :D

Buck: Not now... You're in the middle of an interview.

Actually those are all of the questions we have for today!

Manny: LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *drags Buck off to find a tire swing*

Those silly boys. Hope you all had a wonderful day! See you guys for the next interview!

In this next interview, I will be interviewing... me? Or to be more certain Vincent Monhagen and Randy Trake. They are both crazy and food savvy. They love creating and writing and cookies. They are basically characters who are made up of parts of my personality. Ask them questions!!!!

Hurricane Update!

As most of you know, Florida was hit by Hurricane Irma this past weekend. My house is without powers but I am okay, and I hope everyone else is too. Our house didn't get much damage besides a few loose shingles in the yard. Don't worry about me! I am fine and should be posting soon!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Yes. This is still Scribbles Playground.

Hey guysssss!

Yes. I changed up the blog a little bit. Mainly just in the format, because my blog has been orange for so long. Time to jazz things up!

Also wanted to replace everything because alot of stuff moved around. The title and description of my blog are still at the top of the blog. The sidebar still contains my links from other websites. NOW INCLUDING TWITTER! So check those out! Also my pinterest board is there on the side as well and all of the posts I have written on this blog.

And at the bottom, under the posts is the place where you can subscribe to my blog using your email or other means! :D Make sure you are subscribed so you can catch all of my posts as I will soon havenews about my book! :D

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Five Character Friendships from seperate books that I love!

My characters are all fun happy balls of happiness and emotions and crazy and stuff! I love using them to weave together fun stories with silly shenanigans. And I often like having fun amazing characters interact with each other even if they are not from the same projects. Some of these character friendships are extremely nice! :D

This is the post I tell you about these friendships!

Jasmine Chandler and Malik Zane

Jasmine Chandler is a HUMAN girl from the future who is super strong and rather smart. She knows when to use compassion, and when to use force and she loves to make conversation.

Malik Zane is a wolfvampire from Spokesville who is super shy and sensitive. He has a lot of feeling and doesn't want to hurt anyone. He knows how to make people smile.

I have been kinda experimenting with an Escape the Night story thingee with several characters of mine. These two seem to be clicking quite well in it. Jasmine's strength and Malik's kindness end up playing off of each other and they end up being able to bond over anything, like ice cream, puppies, or music They share secrets and love to talk about movies and books. Malik also makes a nice reading pillow!

Tis a very nice friendship.

Blaze and Cason Hendricks

These two were also in the Escape the Night project thingee.

Blaze is a slightly sociopathic wise cracking mercenary and a human. He doesn't care for small talk and loves to tease other people. He works out a lot, and knows two forms of martial arts. He also likes guns and fire. He should be in jail.

Cason Hendricks is a young Border Collie with anger issues who loves to play soccer. He has put several people in the hospital because he can't control his anger. He is learning martial arts. He also loves making snarky remarks and chewing bones. He should also be in jail

These two are a fun match seeing as both of them are angry violent danger waffles who can dish out the sassiest sasses. They get along great. Blaze actually has tried to teach Cason less destructive ways to take his anger out on people and helped him figure out how to control it.

As for his relationship with Cason's girlfriend. It might be actually better. Blaze is actually a lot nicer to girls, but hanging out with Mikayla means he doesn't have to let up. He spars with both her and Cason, and admires her taste in cooking. He's even let her cook in his diner.

Friendship level: BROMANCE

Cherry Sue Wilkins and Jacob Harden

Cherry Sue Wilkins is an middle-aged woman (And a human if that wasn't obvious) who runs a rather successful restaurant. She is from Kansas, and makes all of her recipes from scratch. People love her cooking.

Jacob Harden is a teenage aspiring husky chef who dreams of opening a food truck with his partner Clay. He cooks based off of family recipes and from the internet but has been trying to start making original recipes.

These two would be great friends even despite the age gap. I see their friendship being more a mentor-student friendship. They swap recipes, teach each other tricks of the trade, and even taste test each others food. They probably tell each other funny stories of mishaps they have experienced around the kitchen while Clay fumbles around trying to help but in the end has no idea what to do. Cherry Sue is a good teacher though so hopefully he'll figure it out. Plus. You need lots of chefs, because I have a lot of characters O_____O

What a five star friendship!

Zandra Hayes and Clay Benson

Zandra Hayes is a human girl from the future who is in her twenties. She is just as crazy as her father Blaze, but she is more cunning and manipulative. She is on parole from being in jail. She loves to paint, and considers herself to be an interior designer. She has color in her hair, but she's more known for her rebellious streak.

Clay Benson is a young wolf artist who draws for his friends for money. He has a little bit of sass but is more kind and understanding. He is still in high school for now, but he one day he dreams of making a career as an artist. He loves colors.

Zandra and Clay have an odd friendship. The only thing that brought them together in the first place was art. But as it turned out, after they talked for awhile. They realized that they both enjoyed talking and watching slasher horror films. They also shared a love for foosball, and even though Zandra was way better, Clay still played because he liked hanging out with her. Jake finds their friendship kind of terrifying but finds that offering Zandra cookies calms her down.

Hooray for strange weird friends!

Harmony Talder and Jasmine Chandler

You guys already know Jasmine from up there.

Harmony Talder is also a normal human girl, who's boyfriend is a mutant cheetah. Kinda has a crazy weird life.

These two are both from different centuries but they became friends right when they first met. They have so much to talk about since neither one knows much about the time the other comes from. And since their lives are kinda crazy, and they don't live in the same year. They can share secrets and know that no one they know will find out. They both love chocolate ice cream, dramatic films (you shoulda seen Jasmine cry when she watched Titanic with Harmony and Malik), and strangely enough basketball. Jasmine seemed to pick it up right away. Jackson seems to get along with her fine. He likes making her treats to take home to share with her friends and family and she taught him how to play chess 22nd century style. It got confusing.

Parodoxical! :D

Should I write stories with these pairs? What do you think? Do you like these? Let me know. Hope you guys liked that because it is late and I need to sleep now. BYEEEEEEEEE

Friday, September 1, 2017

Buck Wilder Interview

Okay so my interview schedule is wonky so I am sorry I will try to get back to doing it on Tuesdays or something along that line. But I wanted to introduce you to todays interviewee!

Buck: HI THERE! My name is Buck Wilder! And with me is my good buddy Manny!

Manny: *looks around* Um... There's no one else here.

Oh. I am just writing this down and I am gonna post this on my blog.

Manny: Oh! Wait... What's a blog?

Your question time is next week silly. You ready, Buck?

Buck: YEAH! :D

Why do you like unicorns?

Buck: Because unicorns are so pretty. They are like... Sparkles and rainbows. Those are my favorites! :D

How long have you played football?

Buck: *thinks* Umm... Five years?

Manny: Four years.

Buck: Four. Thank you Manny!

Do you play on a team or just for funzies with friends?

Buck: Both! Manny and I are apart of the Tigerthorn Tigers!

What position do you play on team/with friends?

Manny: We play defense!

What is your favorite kind of party?


Buck: But that's a game.

Manny: But it's called Mario Party. So it counts.

Buck: Umm... Okay. I was gonna say pizza party. Or superbowl party.

Manny: Wait! I want to change my answer.

You'll get that chance next week Manny. This is still Buck's interview. Do you like costume parties?

Buck: OH! I could've done that one for the last one. I love costume parties!!!

Do you think unicorns have rainbow manes and tails or do you think they have solid colored ones?

Buck: *scratches chin* Ummm... That's a good question. Maybe both. But some are just sparkly.

If you could ride a unicorn to any place where would you ride it to?

Buck: I would ride it through my little brothers school. Kids love unicorns!

Do you and Manny ever play video games for hours on end?

Manny: Yes. With pizza, and cookies, and our friend Razor!

Buck: Yeah!

This one is a specific question from one of my readers. TimeTraveler15 says "I LOVE SPARKLES, we should have a sparkle war, you game?"

Buck: HECK YES! Pick a time and place. I'll bring the bright sparkles! :D

Manny: What about me? *frowns*

Buck: You can come too!

Feeling really left out here...

Buck: You can't. You need to write.

Cason: You can say that again...

CASON. Go chew your bone.

Cason: *grumbles*

Favorite sandwich?

Buck: I actually eat salads... I try not to eat much meat.

What do you think of IKEA(the place not the furniture)?

Buck: Oh. That's easy. The food. Seriously. Look it up. They have food there.

Favorite YouTuber?

Manny: Oh lord...

Buck: BOI! I am obsessed with Tyler Oakley. He slays my entire existence. Oh my GAWD. He is just so funny and fashionable. And did I mention that he slays?

Manny: Shhhhhh... They know bud. They know. You said that already, okay?

Buck: *chuckles* Sorry. He is the best.

Least favorite topping for your ice-cream?

Buck: I really don't like those chopped nuts. I mean I like nuts as much as the next guy. But they make my ice cream salty. Bleh.

Well, that's all I have! Thank you Buck for answering these questions! And thank you guys for sending all these questions! :D

Manny: I am next right?!

Yes. Next is Buck's best bud in Phantom Janitor. Manny Kershov. He enjoys playing football, video games, sand, beef jerky, and mythical creatures. Please ask questions! :D

Manny: See y'all next week! :D

Stay fluffy!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

YJ S3 Concept Art! :D

Hello all! :D

Today I will be writing a post about this picture above. I talked about this in my NERDY OBSESSIONS! :D These are the new character designs for the Young Justice team. :) Mainly some newbies and characters introduced as heroes in Season 2.

Some of these you may know. But I am here to tell you about the ones you most likely don't know. I circled them in the picture above. I will briefly go over the familiar ones! :D

The first one on the left with the red circle is actually Virgil Hawkins. You probably remember him because he had a character arc from Season 2. And it looks like he is back with a cool costume and a cool new hairstyle. I am hoping that he has another arc because it'd be nice to delve into his character as Static more! :D

The next person is Bart Allen/Kid Flash. He's got a new costume. A cool new costume. And he has officially took over his role as Kid Flash! :D

After him is obviously Robin. But no one seems to know for sure if it is still Tim Drake. My guess is that it is. Because if it was Damian, he would be younger. Plus even with a jump, it seems like it would be a weird thing to do...

Wondergirl still is Wondergirl. Cassie looks the same.

Now this next character with the red circle's name is Stephanie Brown. She is know as Spoiler. Now the character of Spoiler is  interesting, because she is the daughter of the villain known as Cluemaster and was a love interest for Tim Drake in the comics. She has served with the Bat under other names too. Like Batgirl and actually Robin as well. Actually she has appeared in YJ Season 2  I'll outline some theories concerning her in another post when the show starts releasing episodes.

Jaime Reyes still looks the same in his Scarab armor.

Next circled character is a character who even I don't even know. Her hero name is Thirteen and she is a magic user. Her full name is Traci Thirteen and apparently she ends up dating Jaime Reyes! I don't know any more but here's an article on her on the Fandom Wikia. She will probably be the teams resident magic user this season. So we may not see much of Zatanna.

Next circled character, you also have seen before but you probably wouldn't guess it at first. Her name is Cissie King-Jones! She is the daughter of a former archer hero Bonnie King, who had the same name. She appears in the older comic also known as Young Justice. I am hoping that the showrunners play off of the "mom being a former vigilante" thing because that would be so cool!

And then all you have left are Arsenal and Beast Boy. Both actually look pretty good. Arsenal must've shaved his head though and he looks like he's gotten back some of those lost years. (O.O Please don't be another five year gap) And apparently he must be on speaking terms with the team again. I don't trust him though. I trust Red Arrow, and he ended up being a traitor in Season 1. But Arsenal is different and I am not sure how I feel about this. Beast Boy looks good. He looks like he's fifteen/sixteen now. Hard to tell. But his hair sure looks nice. Heh.

So that's all the younger players. But there are four more I want to talk about. :D

Here we have four characters. All rocking the dark clothes. So here on the left in the ninja looking clothes we have Dick Grayson and Artemis. Artemis as you remember, now goes as Tigress. And I am thinking that Dick may not be using his Nightwing persona anymore??? Hard to tell. It has happened in the comics where he became a secret agent codenamed Grayson. Who knows.

Now believe it or not the guy next to Dick is not Aqualad. It is actually Black Lightning. I may have been right about Virgil having a part in this season because if Black Lightning is joining the cast in concept art (him being Virgils new mentor) Virgil may be a key character again. Black Lightning is a hero with lightning powers who's day job is being a teacher, Jefferson Pierce. We saw him in season 2 but in this art he looks different. (UGGGH Time jumps suck.) I am hoping that we see at least a peek at his family because Jefferson Peirce has two daughters who both have powers. I actually talked a little bit about them in this post LINK! This is my review of the Black Lighting Trailer

And last we have Conner. But the one thing that is bugging me is where's the S? Is he undercover? What the heck is going on?

So many questions about this new season. Hopefully, all will be revealed in time.

Enjoy that? Comment and tell me what most excites you about this new season. And share it with your friends who like Young Justice. Did I miss something? What do you think is up with Dick and Artemis? And Conner?

Stay Fluffy y'all! Buh Byeeeee!


The challenge is over and now I can finally reveal the entry writers and artist! :D

The writer of the poem is... Tom Pasquarella!
The writer of the story is... Silver Xynto!
And the artist is... Victoria Whitty (Or TimeTraveler_15)

And the BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG winner of the challenge isssssssssssssssssssss


Congratulations! :D

And thank you to Silver and Tom for showing off your work! :D You three did amazing! :D

Hopefully we can do this again sometime for next year!

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Nerdy Obsessions of the Month of August

This month, there weren't very many things to be nerdily obsessed with.

Except for these three things of course! HAHAHAHA! Yeah, if there really were none, I wouldn't even make the post. Silly geese.

That is right! After the crazy events of these last seasons, Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Legendsare coming back for another crazy season. All those trailers to watch, and all of these questions we have from last season like "Will (Barry Only highlight if you want the spoiler) return? What happened to all of our favorite Arrow stars? What happened to 2017?! (I mean in Legends. Don't turn this into a political post.) And the most important question... WHEN IS SNART COMING BACK TO THE GOOD GUYS!? Come on! I am not the only one who wants this.

Plus we got Black Lightning to come. I cannot wait to see that!!!!!!!!!! :D

Young Justice Season 3 has popped back up on my radar with the really cool looking concept art of some of the characters. I will do a separate post showing you which picture and what I know about them. From the looks of it though, there is gonna be some cool stuff going down in this 26-episode season. That's right. 26 episodes. YES. YES. YESSSSSSS.

What's Titans? Well, lets just say that the talk of a Teen Titans Live Action Show, IS COMING TRUE! It'll be shown on a separate DC streaming system, it looks like, and it is not confirmed if it will be in the same universe at the other DCTV shows. But it is confirmed that at the start of the season, the titans will be composed of Dick Grayson, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy! Starting off small for the team, and no Cyborg. I heard that the show starts filming next month, and they have already cast Raven. So it's close! :D YAY

Hope y'all enjoyed that. Any new craze that I don't know about? Leave a comment and if I find it obsessive, I'll put in next months NERDY OBSESSIONS! :D Buh-Bye!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sylvester Klayson Interview!

Hey guys! What is up? Welcome to this character interview! SUPER Late again for some reason, but my interviewee doesn't hate me. Thank goodness.

Sylvester: It's fine. Just been here chatting with Cason about his terrible wardrobe.

Cason: *facepalms*  I am leaving now.

Ready for this Sly?

Sylvester: You betcha!

What would you say was your most successful machmaking thing?

Sylvester: I would have to say my step-dad and my mom. He was my gym teacher in sixth grade and was really nice to me. So I made them accidentally bump into each other at the grocery store.

Do you have a nick name?

Sylvester: Yeah. You just called me Sly.

Oh yeah. I did... Oops. Have you ever gotten arrested? 

Sylvester: No. But I have a friend who's been arrested. His name is Cason Hendricks.

What's your favorite thing to do on a Tuesday?

Sylvester: I tutor a nice dally named Scotty.

What are your favorite toppings on a burger?

Sylvester: I usually go for really meaty burgers. Bacon. Pork. And lots of Cheese.

What are your favorite people to hang out with?

Sylvester: Cason, Castor, Brandon, Zane, and Darke.

Favorite TV show?

Sylvester: I like Steven Universe

Top five things you would do before you die?

Sylvester: I want to buy a yacht, I want to go to a Demi Lavato concert, I want to adopt seven kids from different species, and I want to have the most epic death.

What is your least favorite condiment?

Sylvester: Mustard. I don't trust mustard.

What is your favorite color?

Sylvester: Purple!

Ever pulled a reeeeeeaaaaalllllly good prank? If so what?

Sylvester: I once got a teacher fired by splicing together different phrases to make it sound like he was ranting about the principal to another teacher.

What position do you play in soccer?

Sylvester: Defenders

What word describes you best?

Sylvester: Odd

Favorite number?

Sylvester: 27

Favorite sandwich?

Sylvester: Philly Cheesesteak!

Is being silly why you are counted a troublemaker?

Sylvester: Kind of...

And on that note this interview is over!

Hope you guys enjoyed this weeks interview. Sorry I took so long!

Next week I will try to fall back on schedule! :D

This next interview will be for Buck Wilder. He is a character from the book Phantom Janitor, and he plays football. His best friend's name is Manny. He loves playing football, going to parties, unicorns, sparkles, and Tyler Oakley. Please feel free to send me questions for Buck!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

CHALLENGE ENTRY 3: Mystery Author

When I woke up that morning, my head and neck ached; this turned out to be the least of my problems.  With the dew-covered nettles of an evergreen tree suspended above me, sunlight sparkling off them, it took me some time to realize I had been using a log as a headrest.  I found it comfortable, if one didn’t think too much about how unyielding it was, nor the ease with which I could get a splinter, and would’ve went back sleep were it not for the rustling in the cabin a few feet from me.
Groggy, I pulled myself up.  Early as it was, I was freezing, though fortunate enough to be wearing jeans and a green T-shirt.  I brushed off their new layer of sticks and dust slowly and patiently, trying to figure out how I’d gotten here.  My guess was that my friend, who had a stupid, annoying sense of humor, had arrived in the night (a day later than promised).  He had seen me sleeping in the cot and had decided to play a little prank.  At least, that was where I remembered I had last been, and I had forgotten to bring any blankets with me, so of course I would be wearing my regular clothes.   That was all my tired, foggy mind could come up with, and I was content with the explanation.
I stretched, pulling my shoulder in the process, and looked around.  It was a lovely scene – made of imposing, thick trees towering up into the sky, partly blocking the view of deep purple mountains.  A small creek trickled a short distance away, passing over smooth rocks.  While I walked among the fallen nettles (treating it as a minefield; they were nasty), I tried to distract myself from a growing nervousness by focusing on the smell of pine and the distant cries of birds.  Soothed by the beams of light shooting through the trees, I found and walked along the dusty path leading from the small wooden outhouse to an ordinary-looking log cabin.
The shuffling noise continued as I approached the place.  On the outside, everything about the cabin appeared normal – suspended on posts, composed of huge logs, a small chimney poking out from the top, a porch with scratch marks on the steps…ah.  Now wary, I took a cautious step onto the stairs, grabbing onto the battered railing as I stared down at the marks.  After taking a small leap, as one of those steps had been crushed by great force, I was in front of the building.  The door was unharmed, though slightly ajar.  Also, it was almost off its hinges, as though somebody had tried to open or close it quickly.  As awakened memories of what happened last night started to filter back into my mind, I took one last look at the rest of the space (including the porch swing, where I had spent the previous sunset eating a bag of potato chips) and cautiously pushed open the door.
Beyond the massive furry creature trying to push its way out of the spare closet, the inside was a mess.  Boxes had been thrown about and broken, contents spilled out onto the floor.  As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw my camping gear torn up and scattered by my bed, where something heavy had rested.  My books, in another corner, were untouched, but the same could not be said for the food that I had brought with me.  A few drained, crushed soda bottles and emptied bags of chips surrounded the closet, where a small tub of ice cream now rolled out.  As I recall the incident, a strange moral comes to mind: and that was when I realized why people don't put ice cream in the closet.
I was tempted to start screaming, but whatever was stuck stopped moving and growled.  The entire cabin shook as my heart somersaulted and collided with my stomach.  Clutching my chest, I finally collected what was left of my courage and tip-toed across the cabin.  The bear, as I now determined, was truly and utterly trapped, and had perhaps been stuck overnight.  As such, it was simple enough for me to grab the box of books, snatch the neighboring music player, and beat a hasty retreat from the room.  Admittedly, after stumbling across the nettles again, I did have to return to grab a pair of shoes and clumsily put them on, which thoroughly ruined my momentum.
Still, in a short time, I was happily sprinting down the dirt path leading from the mountain cabin towards the country road where I had parked my car.  Actually, I was laughing at the absurdity of the situation, or as much as a man can while running for his life and clutching a box close to his chest.  Amusingly, it took the trauma of seeing the bear for the second time to reawaken my memories of the first time.  The door to the cabin didn’t have a lock, so it had been easy for bear, in the middle of the night, to smell the food scattered inside and barge in.  I had woken up to see the intruder, then panicked and surprised it by shooting past it and slamming the door.  When I had retreated to a safe distance, I had waited to see if it would come out again, but soon determined it was trapped in there.  Afraid to return to my room and losing my adrenaline, I had decided to sleep where convenient, letting dreams drown out the memories of that night.  If it weren’t for my return visit, I would’ve succeeded.
I ran between imposing stone cliffs and the wide, green valley shown in charming pieces between the trees.  There was something about that contradiction between the beauty of the dawn and the horrid inside of the cabin; my laziness in the past day and my activity now; and my fear interspersed by a moment of courage that made it all the funnier.  The landscape was glorious to breathe and run in, even if I was covered in sweat, my muscles ached, and adrenaline burned through my body.  Fortunately, by the time I went down the gracefully sloped hill towards the gray pavement of the road, I had slowed from a sprint to a mere jog, and was sporting a less-than-sane smile as I stopped by a red sedan.  From what I could tell by the waning sound of the engine, it had parked just moments ago.
    The person inside rolled down the window.  “Hey, sorry I’m late, but – uh…what’s up with you?” my friend looked with concern at my shaking, madly grinning figure.
    “You’ve got to see something,” I said, after setting down the box and sitting on the ground, propping my palms onto the earth to hold myself up as I descended into a coughing fit.  “I bet you’ll love it.”
    He raised an eyebrow, but opened the car door and stepped out.  In a minute, my knees finally stopped shaking, allowing me to hand the box over to him.  Accepting it, he placed it within the car, and we were soon walking back the way I had come.  As I reasoned, why not let him join in on the surprise, if only to cap off this highlight of my morning and the summer itself?  That put me at ease.

CHALLENGE ENTRY 2: Mystery Artist


Mystery Poet: ENTRY 1

Are you in a drought?
The arid summer days,
No water from rain,
Fruit seems its dying,
Living seem naught,
Hopelessness stays,
Happiness you feign,
On self relying,
No sun-splashed times,
Nothing to look forward to,
Can’t find joy,
There’s nothing to find,
Always hitting mines,
Life comes against you,
Nothing to enjoy,
Burdened in your mind,
Summer, winter,
Springtime, harvest,
Sun, moon, and stars,
Held in their courses above,
He is the center,
Holding North, South, East, West,
He sets the bars,
For His glory He does love.
Who do I think I am?
Not the captain of my soul,
I don’t control a thing,
Not my own sovereign,
I’m just a weak lamb,
My soul I can’t hold,
I can’t stop the sting,
In this life I do not reign,
Men without purpose,
If we were our own king,
Sin is our uniform,
We’ve had no hope within,
Empty, vain, useless,
When our praise we do sing.
Our glory cannot ever win,
We’re not Jack Sparrows,
We’ll not cheat sin’s curse,
Without Christ’s sacrifice,
We’d be dead in our sin,
Satan’s purposed arrows,
In us wickedness would course,
I am not my own,
Purchased with great price,
Innocent one became guilty,
Me, the guilty one, now innocent?
His blood did atone,
I am clean,
I was once filthy,
Mortified, mortifying every vice,
It doesn’t make sense,
Boggling the mind,
Perfection slayed for the imperfect,
Jesus slayed, He frees,
Hope elsewhere we can’t find,
For sin God must reject,
Open your eyes and see,
Christ died for pardon,
His death did suffice,
Believe, please believe,
Repent and continue to repent.
The drought will end,
Summer will be full,
Fruit will avail,
For Christ now reigns,
He does not bend,
He is faithful,
Your hope won’t fail,
For His blood in your veins.

Ways that Scooby Doo could never really happen in the real world.

Wow Scribbles. You think cartoons are real? You are so immature.

Um... No. Actually I was just watching Scooby Doo the other day and I realized that there are some parts of it that would not work if they ever tried to make another remake...

Now lets get the obvious one out of the way first. The Talking DOG. Dogs don't talk in real life... Yeah. That's all I had for this one... O_O

Another really big thing that I noticed is that when Shaggy and Scooby are running and they run off of a clip they don't actually fall until after they look down. Like gravity was like "Whoa! You guys are running from monsters? I'll break the rules for ya as long as you don't look... Oh. Okay. You looked down."

The Scooby gang actually breaks scary movie rules! You know friends famous line  that is probably used so much it could be his catchphrase. "Lets split up gang!" or was it "It's time to trap this monster? -_- YOU NEVER SPLIT UP IN SCARY MOVIES FREDRICK. And you shouldn't try to trap them. What if it was a serial killer? Poor Shaggy and Scooby would probably die! And what is the deal with using them as live bait!? No wonder they have trust issues! And that's probably why their metabolism is so high. They always running from guys in ghost costumes!

And the guys in costumes. Sometimes they're apprehended by most of the time. They are just standing there waiting to be unmasked. Real life crooks would not do that. They'd be gone in two seconds. They aren't going to wait for four kids, a dog, and a random police officer or civilian to unmask them.

Daphne is almost always the one kidnapped, so why does Fred never use her as the live bait. And when she is kidnapped, the kidnappers tend to do a crappy job tying her up. And they put her somewhere they can find her easily!

Plus, have you ever noticed that these four are actually kids?! And they all look so much older. Velma kinda reminds me of the librarian that shushes you in the library. But don't worry. They have gotten a little better at potraying them in newer shows.

There are so many more things I could point out. But I am going to stop for now. Now DISCLAIMER. I actually love Scooby Doo. I just happened to want to point out some inconsistencies with the real world that actually did make their way into the movies.

Have a fluffy day! Love ya!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

10 ways to survive a Horror Movie!

I am not a fan of horror movies. They are super shady and scary. Plus, half of the characters are really really stupid... I mean... unwise. Yes that is a nicer word for it. Anyway. People are not the wisest when it comes to horror movies. But what if someone wrote a blog post, I don't know, maybe giving some helpful tips and using loveable characters to help portray the tips!

Cason: HI!

Shane: I am not loveable! *blushes*

Tekky: Yes you are shut up. I am the scary monster!

Monster: Um... Rawr?

And of course, I have a co-writer next to me! :D SAY HI.

Jordan: No...

Come on...

Jordan: Okay... Hi.

YAY! So here we go!!!!!

1. Research the place you're going The first important tip on how to survive a horror movie, is to research the city your moving too. If the city has a history of deaths or serial murders or something that seems shady. You probably should not go there.

Cason: *typing on the computer* Hmmm... Spokesville. *presses the enter key and stares at the screen* Um... Okay, yeah. Not going there.

2. Don't go to creepy broken down and abandoned places. Pretty sure this one is self explanatory. Creepy broken down houses should be a sign of "Stay away. I am bad news." And what do these bozos do? "Hey! I bet you can't stay one night in that creepy hotel/house/hospital." Or. "Oh no our car broke down! Lets ask for help in this abandoned supermarket!"

Shane: *leads Cason through the town* And this here is our library! I know you like books. Want to check it out?

Cason: *looks up at the creepy rickety library* Ummmmmm No thanks dude.

Tekky: *comes out of the library* OH COME ON!

3. Don't look behind you. If you feel like some one is following you. Don't turn around, because when you do it is gonna be some creepy monster dude and then you're gonna scream and then you are gonna DIE! GET OUTTA THERE!

Cason: *is walking down a dark hallway of Shane's house*

Tekky: *sneaking up behind him* Hehehe.

Cason: *runs off* OH HECK NO!

Tekky: CASON! Get back here!

4. Carry a weapon. If you have a weapon, you are less likely to die. Because when Freddy Kruger comes at you with his spiky hands. Just shoot him or something like that. He dead. You not.

Shane: *running down the road* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Monster: Oooga Boooooga.

Cason: *runs into the road with a gun and shoots the monster*

Monster: *gets hit* OW! What! YOU SHOT ME!

Cason: Yes. I did. I am not stupid!

Tekky: A fluff with a gun? Cute.

Cason: You are next.

5. If you see something out of the corner of your eye, but nothings there... RUN.

Cason: This one does not need a skit. O____O

6. Stand in the corner of the room. So you can see what's coming without being worried about getting attacked from behind/

Tekky: Cason? Where are you? *walks into the room to see Cason backed up in the corner* Um... Hi?

Cason: Stay back. I am watching you. You're shady.

7. Don't spend the night at a strangers house. Do you not get that hanging with strangers is not safe? In a spooky town. Hanging with strangers can mean death.

Tekky: So, you need a place to stay tonight?

Cason: *gives Tekky an uneasy look* Um... I don't really know you.

Tekky: Shane will be there. Or would you rather stay with that guy. *points to Monster in hoodie*

Cason: Staying with you.

Tekky: Good. Gonna bite you now.

Cason: No you aren't.

8. Don't pick up an object you find in the middle of the woods.  It is usually a trap. Someones gonna follow you home and slice you up.

Cason: *finds a small chest in the woods* Oh! What a neat looking chest. *goes to touch it* Wait a minute. Why is this just lying in the open...? Okay No. Bye. *turns and runs*

9. Dolls are a no-no. In the case of horror movies, dolls are very bad. Dolls usually apparently have some sort of bad thing making them come to life and slaughter.

Cason: I hate dolls.

SEE! Problem solved!

10. Don't do anything stupid. If someone is in your house trying to kill you. Avoid going upstairs. That is pure stupidity. Don't go somewhere where your escape is cut off and based on whether or not a murderer is able to find you. Don't have teenage parties while camping. Don't leave your ax lying around for someone to pick up and chop chop you. Common-Sense is one thing horror movie people need.

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...