Friday, October 9, 2015


Okay so we are going to have a get to know your blog admin. I am gonna post some questions with some numbers and you guys are going to comment/send me the numbers. However I am open to getting other questions as well. Have fun.

1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Apple or Android?
4. Name 10 people you would like to meet.
5. Favorite ship.
6. Least favorite subject in school/college/life.
7. Do you like anyone?
8. Who is your favorite judge on the Voice?
9. What gender are you?
10. Favorite Holiday.
11. Coke or Pepsi?
12. Apples or Oranges?
13. Favorite Article of Clothing.
14. Favorite TV show.
15. Favorite character (whether OC or other)


Let me inbox be spammed!

Here is a baby tiger for your Dawww!

Monday, October 5, 2015


Hello everyone!

I am excited! You guys know why? ITS OCTOBER!!!! I ain't excited for Halloween (Don't celebrate it...) though.

Reason 1: For all us NaNoWriMo participators it is our Prep month for November where we try and tackle a 50000 word novel (And maybe even go over) And I don't know about the rest of you NaNoers BUT I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! :D

Reason 2:
 Supergirl is flying onto CBS on Mondays. Very exciting for all the nerdy people like me! Just look at her costume. Already feeling the rush and I haven't even started watching it yet! So if you can catch CBS's Supergirl starring Melissa Benoist!

 For you Flash Fans, Flash is speeding back to your TV screens with a  thrilling new plotline and some interesting new characters/character development. ZOOM IS COMING. But not the comic Zoom, But that doesn't mean there is no Hunter Zoloman in the future. Wally West and Jesse Quick have also been confirmed and Teddy Sears is already rocking the role of Jay Garrick in the trailer. I am also excited for Patty Spivot! It will not be long until we see some fun/heartbreaking/interesting developments in our friendly neighborhood Star Labs team.

The Arrow is back guys and he is ready to kick some butt! He is sporting new gear and costumes and working with some new faces and some familiar faces *cough* CONSTANTINE *cough cough* Also the fate of Ray Palmer is revealed, a new big baddie, and a new big superhero has been cast...
Okay. This is for my Nano peeps. 
I have two inspiration wolves for adoption and you guys get the first grabs!

Tybalt: And older pup with grayish-brown fur and golden eyes. He loves playing pretend and has a wild imagination. He sometimes walks around wearing an eye-patch and growling like a pirate. His favorite kind of book to read is pirate novels, but he loves all other kinds as well. He is very hyper so if you are not writing, he will be using all that energy doing other stuff... mainly dealing with destruction...

Adriax: Also a wolf pup, he is bigger than the other . He is straight black with red circles around his green eyes. He is a mischievous little guy, who has a taste for graphic novels and dragon books. When you are writing he will jump up onto your desk and sit there watching you type. If you make a mistake, he will hit your arm with his paw until you fix it.

I will see you later, humans! :D You guys rock!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Welcome to year 2015-2016 of I'm Only Human.

I am sorry that I haven't been too active in this. I have been busy, but I will try to be more involved, and post more often.

I am here for you guys, so if there is anything you want me to talk about, or put on the blog. I am all ears :) Just email me, or find some way to tell me.

One new thing I am gonna incorporate... Big word... Any way one thing I am gonna start doing is once in a while give you the veiwers the chance to write a post on whatever you want... That is G-PG rated. Could be a movie review, could be a rant abut peanut butter. Anything you want.

Like What I have written down below.

Okay guys, I just watched the trailer for Suicide Squad. Jared Leto is super interesting. I don't really know what to think yet, but he may present a problem for those who say the Ledger's Joker is the best. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

As for the characters, They all look awesome! These actors in their costumes look like they are ready to blow your minds with an amazing performance. With Will Smith as Deadshot, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, and the rumor of Batman showing up. Most fans will be running to see this one.

I have a feeling though that it will not be rated well, due to the characters... and actions that may occur.

So if you have any ideas, send them to me via email.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mini Challenge

Okay! It is time for a mini-challenge!!! YAY!!!!

So you guys all remember the last challenge, and our reigning champion of the challenge, Leila! Well this time we are gonna do it a little different. I realized that not all of you guys are writers, so this time I am making it open for anyone!

The theme of this challenge is... Back to School. This is only in spirit of having to go back to school.

Even though the topic may not be fun, I want you guys to have fun with it! If you are a writer and want to write, you could maybe write something about your characters going to school, or maybe write about an entirely different kind of school. If you decide to do something artsy, let your imagination go wild, make something that will make people want to go back to school.

Remember, this mini-challenge is optional.

The rules are:
1. Have fun
2. Don't stress out about it.
3. When you are done, send your completed entry to me at

All entries will be posted on the blog and when all entries are in, You the humans of the blog, will get to vote on the best!

So... Ready... Set... Go!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Anyone here have a Pinterest? *raises hand* Well I do! A lot of people I know say Pinterest is for girls, but... It really isn't. I am a guy and I have a pinterest, I have boards to support my nerdiness, my appetite, and my interests... Being called Pinterest and all... But if you are a writer, which I think I have a few writers out there. *waves to writers* And some writers have made pinterest boards for there novels, or characters (points at self). And I have seen a bunch of them. Pinterest is full of inspiration. There are several pictures I have found that have helped me in my character development. Here just take a look at my book board.   


So to my fellow writers out there, Try out pinterest and make yourself some awesome character boards :)
HOLY COW!!! I haven't been on in forever! I missed you, my fellow humans! My summer has been filled with writing, swimming, and Food Network (and the drooling over all the delicious looking food :D BUT NOT BEING ABLE TO EAT IT *AAAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!*) Anyway how have your summers been so far? I'd love to hear about it! Just drop a comment!

To apologize for being gone FOREVER!!!!! I will share some of the fruits of my labor from while I was away. PRESENTING... Whatever is down there!

Jackson looked at everyone, then turned to Abi, with a really nervous look on his face.

She gave him a ‘Well get on with it’ look.

He shot back an ‘I am terrified right now, Help me’ look.

She gave him an ‘Oh please, just do it’ look.

Jackson turned back toward everyone, who was staring at him, and said, “Okay… So if we are going to do this… We need a way to get there…”

Harmony raised her hand, “The school bus. It can hold up too fifty people.”

Jackson nodded, a slight smile forming on his lips. "O-okay... Any other suggestions?” He looked around the room, however no one else had any ideas. “Okay… So… it looks like we are using a school bus…” He laughed nervously, “Yay…”

Abi groaned and face-palmed, and Rixon rolled his eyes. “He’s just nervous Abi. Cut the kitten some slack.”

Abi growled, “I know…”

Jackson looked around, “Anyone in here able to drive?”

Some of the older ones, like Blaze, Abi, Zander, and Mack raised their hands.

Adrian shouted, “I nominate anyone but Harmony!”

Harmony rolled her eyes, “Adrian, you asked me if I could drive before. You didn’t ask me if I had my drivers permit!”

Adrian put his hand to his mouth. “Ooooooh Law breaker! Shame on you!”

Blaze turned and glared at Adrian, “You have something against Law Breakers, toothpick?”

Adrian back up slowly, “N-n-no big guy…”

Blaze stepped closer, a smirk forming on his face. “You don’t even know how to drive do you?”

Adrian turned red, “Shut up!”

Blaze grabbed him by the collar, “What?!”

Adrian whimpered, “No-no-nothing…”

Blaze put him down and turned around. “Go on, Jackson.”

Jackson smiled shakily and swallowed, “Th-thank you… Are any of you willing to drive?”

All four previously mentioned drivers nodded.

Jackson smiled, his fear starting to go away. “Awesome. Now we need a place we can get supplies from. If it’s gonna be as dangerous as Vinnie says…”

“And it is” Blaze, Abi, and Zander interrupted in unison.

Jackson gave them a look as he continued, “Umm… okay… Then we need to have a mean of defending ourselves.

Blaze chuckled, “No. You will need a means of defending yourselves.” He gestured to everyone else. “Well… Except for those two.”

He said pointing to Mack and Jarrod, who had their weapons attached to them.

Jackson growled, “Anyway… We need a place to get them… Anyone have any ideas?”

Jarrod turned to Mack, who smiled, “My Aunt and Uncle own a thrift shop down the road. It’s got clothes, weapons, canned food, snacks, books… anything you need for a reasonable price.”

Jackson face palmed, “Thank you for the commercial break, dude… But that sounds like the best idea, unless Blaze wants to share his weapons.”

A glare from the mercenary gave Jackson his answer.

“Okay then! We head to Mack’s Aunt and Uncle’s shop! We should probably start loading the bus…”

Everyone picked up the stuff that they had and headed out the door to go load the bus.

Jackson looked toward Abi, “How did I do?”

Abi sighed, “Well… there are a lot of things you need to…MMPH”

Rixon put his paw over Abi’s mouth, “Ya did great, kid! Keep it up!”

Jackson smiled, “Thanks talking weasel!” He turned to leave.

Rixon glared at his back, “My name is Rixon!”

He took his paw off Abi’s mouth, “Abi! Don’t discourage the kid! If you do, he will make a terrible leader!”

Abi sighed, “You’re right… And you know how much I hate that.”

Rixon put on a smug look and looked at his claws, “I know. It just happens so much.”

Abi growled, “Yeah, rub it in; why don’t ya?!”

How did you guys like that!? New characters! A nervous leader! A talking weasel?... Anyway I have been busy! But I haven't forgotten about you guys! It's because of you guys I keep coming back. :)

Make sure to keep coming back for more posts, challenges, or random polls!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

So Its that time where we announce the winner of the challenge! *drum rolls*
 We had two great entries from Leila and Remi and you guys had twenty days to vote, so the winner is... LEILA!!!!! *party balloons and streamers fall onto Leila and Remi* Yay! Congratulations to Leila and Remi who both wrote very good entries!


It's a great day, and I am a really happy camper!
So I am going to talk about some of the things that have made me really happy!

Here is my TOP 10 right now!

1. (Starting with the best) God is still on his throne, and will never leave it. He keeps us alive! And he gave us grace, by sending his son Jesus to die on the cross! A free gift of salvation for anyone who takes hold of it and lets go of the sin that has weighed us down.

2. God has given me another day of life! He keeps my heart beating and my lung breathing. We can do nothing without God having control over it.

3. My family. Believe it or not guys, my family (Even if we are a little crazy, or sometimes get under each others skin) is MY family and I wouldn't want to live with anyone else. And my Nonna is visiting, and we have had a lot of fun together.

4. My amazing friends! (Whether they be the Chritenos, my reluctant writer buddies, my real life buddies, or other internet friends from FLVS) You guys are the best and I love y'all!

 5. My writing. I really do like to write. I believe God has gifted me with the ability to write, and I love him for it (and many other reasons). My writing has given me the opportunity to meet some great people on NaNoWriMo or the Fine Arts Club with FLVS, or other places.

6. The Fine Arts. I love to act! Some of you may already know this, but I have huge dreams about starring on my favorite TV shows or movies (Like this one time I imagined my self as Casey Jones...)

 7. Food. {This one is more of a guilty pleasure...} I like food a LOT...

 8. The Flash. My favorite superhero.

9. I love being creative. I have made some very interesting characters... *gives Marquez a look*

10. And All of you! :D I love you guys! You are the reason I come back and keep posting.

I would love to thank some of you personally for staying with me. Thank you Rubix, Leila, Autumn, Thomas, and Remi. Thanks for your participation and feedback. And all you others out there. :) Thanks.

So lets see your TOP 10. I want to see the things that make you happy.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Remi's Challenge Entry

I shuddered at the cold wind which beat against my back. When I left home, I hadn't been thinking ahead. I just had known I had to escape before time ran out. When-I shook my head to clear my thoughts. No sense in getting caught up in bad memories and having another panic attack. I had to keep moving. The snowy mountaintops loomed over me, almost as if challenging me to dare and climb them. But I had no choice...did I? I had to get to their tops, no matter the threat. Or else I...or else I...or else I would die. My mind reeled at the thought. I tried to shake it off but it was too late. I was already slipping into a memory. I closed my eyes, hoping it would be over soon...
"Here," yelled my brother, Satchiel, throwing my suitcase at me. I had packed it in advance with him, hoping in vain I would never need it. I grabbed it in the air and he tossed me a quick grin before crossing the hallway and kissing my cheek. "Don't do anything rash, princess. Okay?" I nodded quickly and heard footsteps thundering above us. "That's your cue," Satchiel said hurriedly. "Go now!" I nodded, and ran away as fast as I could. I turned at the exit of our house, the only home I had ever known to look back. Satchiel waved goodbye then gasped and fell to the floor. I saw my dad angrily holding up a fist behind him. He spotted me with my suitcase and yelled angrily. I ran as fast as I could, flying through the neighborhood until my surrounding became a blur. I wept for my brother, unable to come with me due to a disease that made physical activity limited. It had been a while since my dad had been nice. My mom was gone and my dad had turned to alcohol to mask the pain, quickly becoming my worst nightmare. He was one of the reasons I had panic attacks. One... I returned to reality screaming, with my eyes clenched shut. I slowly stooped screaming, gasping for breath. I opened one eye and started screaming again. There was a girl standing beside me, looking at me strangely.
"You're weird," she said simply, and marched right past me. I scrambled to my feet, trying to calm my breath.
"Wha-what are you d...doing here?" I finally managed out. She gestured to the tops of the mountains.
"I heard there is something magical up there. I'm trying to find it." She scowled at the mountain, as if it were the bane of her existence. I scrambled to catch up with her.
"That's..that's what I'm doing t-too! But I h-have a clue of what's up there..." I stuttered. I took out a worn out piece of paper. My mom had given it to me before she left, and told me one day that it would lead me to her. So I had emerged my life with figuring out the riddle after I left home. The girl studied it carefully and mouthed the words.
Come find me where the journey ends,
Devil's creek comes round the bend.
On the tops of the mountain above,
Only when they are white as dove.
My treasure lies in the cave,
But only one can it save.
Up the mountain you shall go,
To the corridor white as-
I gasped in surprise when the paper was snatched our of my hands. The girl growled and unsheathed a sword. A man's laughter drifted from a bit away from us and a man, about twenties, materialized.
"Hey darlings," he said, winking. "Want this?" He waved it around. The girl growled and he laughed. "Come and get it then!" He darted up the mountain, and I stared in amazement. He was simply leaping up an over-200-story mountain. The girl looked at me and sighed.
"Well, we both need that so I suppose we have to get it back," she said grudgingly. "I'm Isabel."
"Sama," I said hesitantly. ISABEL nodded.
"Hold on," she commanded and I grabbed onto her shoulders. She took off like she nearly had a jet pack on! I stared, flabbergasted at the disappearing ground.
" can fly?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.
"Technically, I control wind, but close enough." We landed at the top where there was simply piles of snow. "Now where'd he go?" She muttered. ISABEL scurried over to footprints right when I spotted them, and began to follow. They led us to a cave. I hesitantly went in, hating the small space. It got narrower and narrower.
"I'm sorry, I can't do this!" I squealed. Isabel shrugged and went on. I contemplated, then followed. I hated being alone even more. We came to a door glowing green inside the cave. I hesitantly stepped in after Isabel. The man was in there, staring at a green stone, emitting a bright neon green glow. Isabel became entrance with it.
"'s so..beautiful," she whispered. She reached for it and the man turned to her. I cried out. His eyes were bright green. He stared at Isabel and hers became green too.
"It is mine, little girl," he hissed, snakelike. Isabel drew her sword and the man did the same. Then, the dance began. One would strike, then the other would dogs. On and on it went. Then, a humming sound filled the room. It vibrated the cave and I felt my insides shake to the core. They stopped fighting. The humming abruptly stopped and a boy erupted out of the ground. I screamed as loud as I could. He turned to me and flicked his finger toward me. I rose and and was smashed against the ground. I felt my nose begin to bleed. The boy smashed the other two similarly and went for the stone. Isabel fought her way up and made an attempt to slash him wirh her sword. The boy grinned and smashed her against the rocks, mobbing at super speed. His eyes slowly turned green as he spent more time in the cave. I wondered why mine weren't green. He became possessed and let out a roar. The man and Isabel started fighting him as well as each other.
"Stop," I whimpered, before I could have another panic attack. They turned on me and I cowered. They started toward me, advancing slowly. "Please don't hurt me," I begged. No response. Isabel raised her sword to hurt me. I curled up, bring the coward I am. The memory overtook me, and I accepted they I was probably going to die now that I was blinded by the memory. People say treasure your memories. Yeah right.
What's up! I am SO sorry!!!!
So... I have another blog now! It is a writing helpsite! For a social media project!
If you or one of your friends has trouble with writing but REALLY loves doing it, come check out  the site, and if you have a NaNoWriMo account there is a thread that you can join as well. I will post both links below.

In other news The Challenge is over! I have one more entry to post for y'all and them we can commence the voting! *trumpet noises*

I would love Leave me some feedback on the comments page or shoot me an email at Love you guys! :D

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hey humans! I missed you guys. I am sorry I haven't posted in... Whoa over 2 weeks! O.O
Anyway, I am here to give you one final reminder about the Challenge. So far I have only one entry. You probably have all read Leila's Entry, and hopefully you were impressed. So I dare you guys to do better. I will even turn in an entry myself for fun! The deadline for the challenge is the 31st. gives you eight days to finish up the challenge. :) \

Love y'all! (Sorry for the short post)
Here! A picture of a cheetah!!!!
This is JACKSON!!! :D

Friday, May 1, 2015

Leila's Challenge Entry!

HUMANS!!!! We have Challenge entries!!!!
First Entry is by Leila! Remember that you are all gonna vote on whose is the best! Enjoy Leila's story!

Cami stormed in in all her angry red-headed glory. She threw a patched and mud-stained robe onto Kent's head. "Put your dirty robes somewhere other than my dragon-riding trophies," she said angrily.
"You're too hung up over that stupid game!" Kent cried, annoyed.
"You don't have enough sense to like it," Cami stated haughtily, turning around to march out of the room. "Put your laundry somewhere else or I'll clobber you."
Kent threw a clod of dirt that he caused to materialize in his hand at Cami's back. "Ooh, don't you dare put that dirty robe on my precious trophy!" he cried in a mock-girly voice. "I won't get a single boy to like me if they see how messy I keep my room, so I'll blame it on poor, unsuspecting Kent!"
"Stop mocking her," Averett said, standing up and knocking his chair to the ground, his dark blue eyes flashing murderously. The murky black ink spilled all over his freshly completed essay, but he took no notice of it.
Cami gave him an annoyed look. "Get off my back, Iyer," she grumbled. "I can fight my own battles."
"And lose at them, eh?" Kent put in cheerfully.
"One more word and you're fried, Ala," Cami threatened, pointing a finger at him warningly.
"You wouldn't hurt me," he sneered. "You aren't allowed to use your powers outside of practices, are you? They say you're dangerous, but I think you're just a loose cannon."
Cami trembled with anger, her red hair crackling with energy as it did when she got angry, a warning sign for the others to buzz off or else. "Let's see just how much I care about the Homan's punishments," she said, referring to the leader of the school. "You're dead, Ala. I'm a thousand times more powerful than you, and you know it."
"I'm so scared."
"You should be," Averett said, glaring at Kent.
"Yeah, suck up to her," Kent shot back. A fissure opened up at Averett's feet, causing him to leap back while Kent smiled smugly. "We all know you have the biggest crush of all time on that girl. Weakness needs strength, eh?"
Averett shot over the quickly widening crack, knocking Kent to the floor. A blast of water that Averett was trying to shoot into Kent's ear flew out of control, hitting Cami's cheek and leaving a red welt with the force of its power.
"That's it!" she yelled, diving into the fray. Her body tingled with electricity, and when she touched the boys, they flew back instantly, hitting the wall. Averett was covered in mud and Kent was drenched from head to toe, and now they had matching bruises on the backs of their heads.
But Cami wasn't done, and she certainly had no interest in acting the peacemaker. She snapped her fingers and they flew into the air, shaking like rag dolls. "Little boys," she cooed, "why don't you come down and have a snack?"
Kent grinned and he quickly freed himself of Cami's invisible grip, flying to the floor like a magnet. "Do you have cookies?" he asked cockily. Dramatically, he waved his hand, causing a wave of earth to overpower her, knocking her to the ground and burying her from head to toe. "That's it, baby!" he crowed. "Don't mess with a-" A tidal wave came out of nowhere and drenched him from head to toe as he whipped to face his attacker.
Panting from the energy it had required, Averett regarded him with satisfaction. "Want to go jump in a lake?" he whispered, eyes narrowed. "There's a nice deep one out back."
Kent took a step back, but Averett just stepped forward, saying in a whisper that would send chills down anyone's spine, "Don't touch her again or I swear I'll drown you."
His snarl sounded like an animal's. "You wouldn't dare."
Averett's eyes flashed. "Try me." He raised his hand and Kent flew into the air, riding on another tidal wave.
The door flung open. Quela's blond hair was stuck to her forehead and her eyes were crazily wild as she regarded the scene. "Stop it."
Averett obeyed, dropping Kent to the floor, where he landed on his head. He sat up and looked at Quela, who looked as if she had come from an insane asylum.
"I'm sorry, Q-" Averett began, but she shook her head and, paler than ever, walked over to Cami and started digging her out. Gasping and choking, Cami emerged from the dirt, brown all over.
"Look who finally got a tan," Kent whispered, chuckling with mischievous glee.
Quela flashed him a look of utter contempt and Kent hung his head, embarrassed.  "I'm sorry," he said quietly.
"You should be sorry," Quela said fiercely. Her eyes looked so broken, which made the threesome feel worse than ever. She looked as if she were struggling to hold back tears.
Kent walked over and wrapped his cousin up in a hug. "I really am sorry. We all are," he added, glaring pointedly at Cami and Averett, who were quick to murmur their agreement.
She pulled away from him and shook her head. "Don't." She shook her head, apparently at a loss for words. "We've been through so much together... But you're just ruining it all by fighting!" She swallowed painfully and shook her head, pressing her hands to her cheeks.
Cami looked to the other girl, biting her lip. "We shouldn't have, Q, you're right." She glared at Kent. "Maybe if he hadn't put his robes all over-"
"Maybe if you weren't so darned stuck up!" Kent yelled.
"She is not stuck up!" Averett cried indignantly.
"STOP IT!" Quela yelled, trembling with anger. The three quieted instantly, staring at her as if she had come from another planet, indeed, they had never heard her be so loud. "Stop," she said in a quieter tone. "You've got to understand. I've seen so many people fight... I saw so many awful visions of fighting... You don't know how awful it is! Apologize!"
The boys looked at each other and grudgingly shook hands, muttering their apologies. Kent turned to Cami and gave a formal apology, looking as if he sincerely regretted having to do so. Cami repeated it, eyes slightly narrowed, but mainly cowed by the sound of near-tears in Quela's voice when she had yelled. Averett and Cami did the same.
Quela nodded at them all and left the room, but something was changed. The memory of Quela's sudden anger and near-breaking was impressed among them all and none of them wanted to be the one who pushed her over the tipping point.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hey Humans... Today is gonna be a serious topic day.

I am gonna get straight to the point. America is a broken nation. You've probably heard or seen on TV, stuff about riots in Baltimore or Christians going out of business because they chose to stick to their beliefs. Guys our nation needs prayer! Pray for the rioters, pray for the police in Baltimore, pray for the Christians that are being affected by the new laws concerning same-sex marriage, pray for those who practice or support same-sex marriage. Guys all these people need Jesus! Believers or  not! These people need the love of God! Cause those who do not know God as their LORD and SAVIOR are in danger! The Bible says that our sins separate us from him! BUT GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE!!! GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD! GOD SO LOVED AMERICA! GOD SO LOVED THE REBELLIOUS RIOTER! GOD SO LOVED THE HOMOSEXUAL! GOD SO LOVED THE CHRISTIAN! GOD SO LOVED THE NON-CHRISTIAN! God loves us all! And he desperately wants everyone to come to him! He loves us all! But he hates OUR SIN! That is why Jesus died! So we could be FREE from sin and ALIVE in Christ! We are no longer caught in Death and sin! We are a new creation! So Pray for these people involved! Pray that the ones who don't know Christ would find God's love and find their sin so repulsive, even if everyone else says its right, and lay it at the feet of the one who can wipe all the sin and shame and hurt away!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Challenge Update

Hey humans

Just  an update on the  challenge. I need entries by the end of the month.I know you guys will come up with some amazing entries. I love you guys!  You guys are amazing.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Challenge Time!!!!

Hello humans!
 It's Challenge Time! I asked you guys whether you guys wanted a writing challenge or  a art challenge, and all of the vote I got called for a writing challenge.  So get your  imagination and pencils ready!

The Challenge  Prompt: Three of your most dangerous characters get into a fight and your most emotionally broken character  is the only one there to stop it. Write about what happens (If you don't have any original characters, then use characters that you like from your favorite TV show.)
 When you are ready to turn it in, Email it to me at I will post all of the entries on the blog and then have you the viewers vote for the one you think is the best.

 So what are you waiting for? Go have some fun with  this  challenge! 😀

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What's up everyone! This is just a post where I thank those people who have either been following this blog or commenting on it! So here goes.

Thanks Autumn and Melanie for following this blog. It means alot to me since I am new at this. Thank you for your support! Thanks to Leila for the comment on my first post! Keep the comments coming!

I am gonna be doing a lot more to get my viewers involved with my page!

If there is something specific you guys want me to talk about, leave a comment! And please follow me!
You guys are so amazing. Love you all!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Happy Easter!

Hello everyone! Welcome to April! You have made it through the entire month! Give yourselves a hand!

So Sunday is Easter So I am remind you guys why easter is so special. Easter celebrates the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus! Jesus had it all in heaven. He had unlimited access to God the father  Yet because he loved us so much. He sent his son to die for us! For you, and I. He loved us so much that he put on human flesh and lived a human life. He faced every struggle we face, he went through every temptation, but he never EVER sinned. He lived a perfect life, so he could become the perfect sacrifice. He was despised, rejected, ridiculed, betrayed, and hung on a cross to become the perfect sacrifice, to take the wrath that was meant for us. He didn't deserve the wrath of God, but he became our propitiation for us! If the story stopped there, there would be no hope. We would all die in our sins and spend eternity in hell. BUT Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive! There is now no fear of death and hell if you belong to him. The price for sin has been payed by the blood of the lamb, and we are dead to sin and alive in him!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Happy Sunday Everyone! Guess what!? I told you in my first post that I am a writer... Well once in a while I am gonna share a small peice of it on the blog! For you!

So for my first piece I am gonna introduce three very important characters! Hope you like it!

Jarrod Augustine (9) sat in the waiting room of the Locust Hill Hospital. Last year his family started falling apart. His parents were great people, but then they started fighting. He had tried to stop them from fighting by distracting them. It helped for a time, but his parents eventually broke up. Since neither of them wanted him, he was sent to live with his Grandpa. Which was fun for awhile, but then when they least expected it, it happened. His Grandpa had fallen into a coma. Now here he was, waiting in a waiting room for a nurse, or somebody to come tell him that everything was all right. He heard the door open and turned his head. He saw his Grandpa’s nurse, Nurse Krista walk in. He looked up hopefully as she walked over. She looked into his eyes and his hope was shattered. “He’s gone isn’t he?” Jarrod asked looking at the floor. Nurse Krista put a hand on his shoulder. She hated to be the one to give people the news of a family member’s death. “Would you like to see him?” Jarrod looked up “Yes, please, I want to say goodbye.” Nurse Krista took him down the hallways of the hospital, until they came to room 117. Jarrod walked into the room to the figure of the man who once was his Grandpa, but now was a body. “Goodbye Grandpa”, he said. He turned to leave and realized that Nurse Krista was not there to escort him out. He guessed that this meant that he was supposed to show himself out. On his way out heard a young voice over the radio telling listeners in Maine to watch out for escaped zoo animals. Jarrod shuddered and looked around. He couldn't see anyone at all. ‘What will I do now?’ he thought to himself. He clenched his fist and decided that it was time he started fending for himself. Then he saw an ax on the wall next to the fire extinguisher. He thought about the report he had just heard and decided that it was better to be safe than sorry. He walked over and picked up the ax. As he walked out the Hospital and onto the street, he looked around. The streets were literally empty. He looked at the ax in his hand. He was glad there was no one around, because he probably looked like an idiot walking around with ax. He walked through the town until he got to the playground. As he walked up he saw a little girl, maybe five or six years old, playing in a sandbox. He looked around for her mother, but instead he saw two young lions stalking the little girl. The lions got closer to the girl. Jarrod looked down at the ax and started running toward the lions. The lion closest to the girl open his mouth and roared. Jarrod ran up and planted the ax in the lion’s back. The lion crumbled and lay dead on the ground. The little girl, who had finally realized what was happening, screamed and ran away to hide in the slide. The second lion swatted at Jarrod, the force of the blow knocked him down and the ax flew out of his hand. Just as the lion was about to pounce, Jarrod heard gunshots and the beast on top of him went limp. He pushed the lion off of him and stood up. In front of him stood an eighteen year old boy who was holding a shotgun and his axe. “Mack Bronx” the stranger said extended his hand, after putting his shotgun away. Jarrod shook his hand “Jarrod” he responded. “That was a brave thing you did for that little girl Jarrod. You're really good with an ax. Where did you learn to use one?” Mack said. Jarrod smiled I learned it from my grandpa, he taught me a lot. He looked around for the girl. “Is she okay?” he asked Mack smiled and pointed to the top of the slide “She’s fine.” Jarrod turned to look and saw the girl smiling at him. “Come here little girl” he said smiling back. She slid down the slide and came running up to Jarrod. “Hi”, she said. “Hi” Jarrod said, “I’m Jarrod” “I’m Kyla and I’m six”, the little girl said holding out six fingers. “That’s cool Kyla. Where is your mommy?” Jarrod asked. Kyla looked around, “She was over there, but she went away.” Jarrod turned to look at Mack. “She means she disappeared, right Kyla?”  Mack asked looking at Kyla. Kyla nodded. Mack’s face roughened “It’s not safe here. We better leave. There are more animals out there. You want to come with us Kyla?” Kyla nodded and grabbed a hold of Jarrod’s hand and walked with him. Jarrod smiled, Kyla trusted him and he wouldn’t let her down. “Where are we going Mack?” Jarrod asked. Mack stopped and pointed to a store called Weapons, Clothes and More. “My Aunt and Uncle own that store over there. They said I could come by any time, and maybe we can figure out where the heck everybody is.” Kyla looked scared “Guns?” she said. “Don't worry Kyla” Mack said. “There are toys and books there too.” Kyla smiled, she loved reading books. She tightened her grip on Jarrod’s hand. They walked across the street and opened the door to the shop. “Aunt Jennie, Uncle David; are you here?” Mack shouted. His call was met with silence. “Is anyone here?” “I don't think they’re here” Jarrod said. “They've got to be here, check everywhere.” Mack demanded. “Why do I have a bad feeling one of us is going to meet a killer” Jarrod scowled. Mack smiled as he walked away to look around for his Aunt and Uncle. Jarrod turned to look at Kyla and said “Well, we might as well look around.” She nodded. Mack was walking near the weapons. He grabbed a machete off the rack and kept walking down the hall. As he was walking he heard a noise from the clothing room. He walked in and looked around. He saw a bunch of clothes strewn on the tables and floors and two or three mannequins. ‘Hmm, nothing strange in here”, he thought as he turned to leave the room. Suddenly one of the mannequins pulled out a dagger and pounced on him.

Did you like it? Is there anything I should change?Tell me what you think in the comment section.You guys are awesome! Can't wait to see your responses!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Happy Friday everyone! I got something really exciting to share! Last post received over 50 views! Thanks for checking out my blog and giving me a chance!

So as I was working on the blog I found I problem... I couldn't find the comment box on the page. *cue dramatic music and terrified scream* Its okay though, because I found it. If you go under the post, there is a link that says how many comments there are. If you click that link, you will be taken to the comment box.

This week I have had an urge to listen to music from the remake of Annie. One of my favorite songs from the movie is "Tomorrow". The reason I love this song is that it conveys a theme of hope. "The sun will come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on till tomorrow" This line is my favorite line in the whole song. It's saying Yes you may have had a bad day, Yes, you may have messed up bad, but guess what! Tomorrows a new day! You have a new chance to make everything right! There is hope!

Sorry this is so short!
I will have something longer next time!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Who am I?

Ok so never done a blog before, but I am only 17... so there are still a lot of things I have never done before. Since this is my first post on this new blog and you know nothing about me, I am going to use this time to introduce myself. My name is Vincenzo (pronounced Vin-Chen-Zoe), but if you want something easier just call me Vinnie. As I said earlier, I am 17 years old and in the 11th grade, I am also homeschooled. (Shout out to any homeschoolers reading this). I am a writer, an actor, and a huge comic book fan! I am also a Christian, but this blog will be open to anyone who reads it. I will not judge you for your beliefs. If you want to talk, I will try and be here to talk.

Okay so to anyone reading this. You know that there is a section for comments. You guys are free to use that section, but please can we not  be rude and inconsiderate of people's feelings. The last thing I want is to log on and see a bunch of people bullying someone or having a useless argument over something I said.

So I introduced myself! Now its your turn. Use the comments below, and tell me just a little bit about who you are. I would refrain from giving any super personal information, please.

Instead give stuff like:
1. First name (Or even a cool username or nickname you want to be called)
2. Age and Grade (And hey maybe you are home schooled like me, so that woul also be a cool thing to share)
3. A few fun facts about yourself.

Looking Forward to seeing your responses!

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...