Friday, March 31, 2017

What is wrong with my life Starring Shane Sheppard! THE MUSICAL

Kyle was hunched over his papers. Shane put a paw over his shoulder. “Maybe I could help write the song.”

Kyle growled, “Shane, I can’t think if you keep talking. Please!”

Shane blushed and backed away. “Sorry, Dude. Just trying to help.”

Kyle put his paws to his head, “Come on. Can’t even think of a song. I am a siren and I literally can’t think of a song.” His head rose from his paws slowly. “Do you know what a Siren can do when it's mad?”

“I-I don’t want to know…” Shane sang. Wait sang? “What?” He sang and yelled, or well… sang. “What is going on?”

Kyle turned and looked really mad, eyes red mad. “Run.”

Shane sang a really high “AHHHHHHHHH” as he ran away. He ran until he was in the music room. Klyde and Tekky were in the room looking over Tekky’s English homework. They looked up as Shane ran in.

“Shane?! What’s wrong?” Tekky stood up.

“I think I made Kyle maaaaaaaad!” He jerked his head down as if he were doing a dance, “And now I can’t stop singing!” His body moved again doing another dance move as he sang. His eyes widen, “And Oh my gawsssshhhhh! WHY AM I DANCING?!”

Klyde looked worried, “Oh no! He hit you with his spell. He is literally hunting you down by your voice. What did you do?”

.Shane looked up and did a Michael Jackson pose. “Tried to help write a song!” Shane awkwardly blushed, “Help, I am starting to look like I’m in Grease!”

100 things I just wanted to say (Part 1)

Number One. Thank you to anyone and everyone who reads my blog and content, I really appreciate you all.

Number Two. This is my hundredth post on this blog and I have to say, WOW. I did not expect to get this far. And I for sure couldn't have done it without you.

Number Three. This post is just a thing to celebrate one hundred posts and to say the things that I have always wanted to say, maybe by just... I don't know just thanking all of my friends personally I guess. Or maybe some random statements that'll make people laugh :) Or you know, random facts about this blog.

Number Four. I still actually haven't gotten over the fact that I am being published! EEEEEEEEEEEE! :D That is probably the most exciting thing I have accomplished

Number Five: I am 57.4 percent sure that Felicity Smoak will one day actually find a boyfriend that isn't a billionaire, hero, or some guy that ends up being dead by the end of his first season.

Number Six: My Parents are pretty cool people and I do love them a lot.

Number Seven: I am probably writing this to avoid some other thing that is going on in life, like writing or my sister.

Number Eight: I am actually very close with most of you and I am very happy that you're all my friends.

Number Nine: Did you know that the most viewed post on here, is my sister's poem. Gia's Poem!

Number Ten: Most of my readers, because I know a good portion of them, love the TV show Doctor Who.

Number Eleven: My fantasy choice for the next Doctor is Jenna Louise Coleman, just for the reason of messing with the minds of everyone that knows Clara. XD (Not serious, just thought that would be hilarious) Like "Clara?! What are you doing here?" "Seriously Vastra? It's me the Doctor. Who's Clara?" (Woooooow, really smooth.) That was too soon...

Number Twelve: I need to thank my best friend, Jordan/Mikey for being apart of my life and reading my posts when I am not sure they are any good and then telling me they are okay. For all the times we just talk over Taco Bell or play Halo or be silly. You really have been a great friend.

Number Thirteen: The NaNoWriMo site,  the Furry Writers Guild site, and Facebook are my main sources of procrastination from writing (the first two serve as something called irony).

Number Fourteen: You've probably noticed that I have long abandoned using the periods after numbers, and replaced it with a colon.

Number Fifteen: I have so many plans, books I can write, things I can do... Well dang I now I am all sentimental and stuff... *looks to the side* Um... I meant to say that I have so much more ideas for things I can write, and it seems like I have so little time to do it all...

Number Sixteen: My friends TheDoctor1_12 and TimeTraveller15 the biggest whovians I know, you guys are such a pleasure to work with on our voice acting stuff, and I especially love hanging out and talking nerdy stuff with y'all and seeing your comments on my stuff. So thank you both! :D

Number Seventeen: I actually used to do magic as a hobby. No not Hogwarts magic, just a few fun knicks and tricks to make people go "Oooh" and "Ahhh!"

Number Eighteen: My favorites of these tricks have to do with cards and optical illusions. I can actually still do some of these tricks today! :D

Number Nineteen: There is that awkward moment where I realized I have more characters than I have friends O_O I feel it almost every single time I sit to write.

Number Twenty: I need to thank one of the coolest guys I know, my buddy Tekky has been a huge help to me with a lot of my writing and is really just an encouraging guy and an amazing artist. We email each other almost every week and he is just the coolest! Love ya Tek-miester!

Number Twenty-One: I have no idea why I am spelling these out instead of doing 1. 2. 3. But if I change it now, I'll be inconsistent! D: NOOOO!

Number Twenty-Two: I sometimes space out and imagine what life would be like if I was Leonard Snart.

Number Twenty-Three: Does anyone know whether Transformers are cars that change into robots, or robots that turn into cars?

Number Twenty-Four: To all my facebook friends who actually click on my posts and read them, You guys rock!

Number Twenty-Five: I want to make cookies at this moment in time as I am typing. I love cookies. I would make like sooooooo many cookies because I am craving cookies.

Part 2 will come next 100 posts! :D

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Nerdy Obsessions of March! :D

Only whovians know what that name means. It is the extended name of the Fourth Doctor's companion, but when he couldn't pronounce it, he gave her a choice of either being called Romana or Fred, she chose Fred and went on to be called Romana.

Well. Romana is now one of my favorite Doctor Who companions. I really enjoy her dynamic with Tom Baker's Doctor as Romana I. As for Romana II I have no idea of what she is like yet, but I do know that there is a special place in my two hearts for Romana I. Good going Fred.

Next the Arrowverse has taken some interesting turns this month as we find that in Arrow, that Prometheus has been _____________ all along and some really crazy stuff happens to Oliver.

Then there is Flash, where one of Savitar's prophecies comes true and a team member suffers a fate worse than death, will the team be able to save ______. And of course, there is the highly anticipated (For me at least) Flash/Supergirl crossover "Duet" Only seen some snippets of it and the music and the cool villain, it was aweeesoooooome! Also, some really surprising characters show up. Actually honestly didn't expect to see one of them. Like "He doesn't even go here!" And check out the villain!

Then on Legends of Tomorrow, they have literally just done a Lord of the Rings-esque episode with J.R.R TOLKIEN (Obviously not the real guy but still :D) Oh and a "shocking" reveal at the end of the episode. Todays episode "Doomworld" sees the aftermath of a thing that happened and now someone has got to fix their mistake. Good luck to that guy/gal. Oh and bonus points to whoever can figure out who this costumed woman is in the Arrowverse. IN THE COMMENTS .

Welp! That is all for this month. Please go watch these shows to find out what the heck I even just said and stay fluffy Scribblers! Peace out! :D

Also, post 100 coming soon! :D

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Guess who's back, Jack!

I am back from South Carolina and the trip was amazing! The third day was a blur of food activities and classes which were all really fun and I really feel like I want to go to Bob Jones University! I am extremely pleased at how the trip went but now that I am home I miss it a lot. I wish I could recollect all the info... but sadly I can't remember much about the second day. Anyway! Good to be back! :D

Friday, March 17, 2017

Hello! Day two at BJU

Okay. So my methods of recollecting everything going on here have mostly been null because I have either been busy or without Wi-Fi. Also explains why you all probably think I am still in Atlanta O_O Here is what happened since the flight on Wednesday morning.

I got off that flight and on to another. O.O Yep. Two flights in one day! Woooooo! :D As I said before, the view was amazing. I sat and contemplated the complexity of my own existence while staring down at every little speck that we know and see everyday as we walk on earth... There was a point where the houses were simple dots. O____O

Landed in Greenville, South Carolina at around 11 and got to campus at around 12. Spent the whole day exploring the campus/sitting in Starbucks/sitting in a library/sitting in my dorm. Yeah. Guess what I did the most of that day? Walking actually... We have to walk allllllllll over campus to get to places and see things. Met roommates and people and stuff like that (Also got to finish Supergirl sometime before I went to bed at Midnight) There wasn't much to do Wednesday Tbh.

Yesterday was actually more eventful. I got up for orientation and an official tour :) Then I basically walked around in the cold air with no jacket (#hasacold #notbotheredtbh) It was actually enjoyable! :) I went to chapel, then went to lunch. It was very good. I love chicken. After lunch I finally went back to my room... I think I did at least. Then I went to my first class. Literary criticism! Very interesting class! :D

The rest of the day was fun. Went to a play at 8, the Merchant of Venice! But it was set in the 1950's :D It was phenomenal. I wish I could go again. Might review the play for the benefit of you all. This play was amazing.

Anyway, thats pretty much my last two days! Today's events shall be regurgitated to you in a post tomorrow! Stay fluffy friends!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I am in Atlanta! :D

Hey guys! It is I and I was… well am… I am writing this on a plane! :D/D: AHHH It is really cool if I am honest, but I am still kind of nervous because I know absolutely no one on this plane. And you know… crippling anxiety about all the bad things that could happen while on this plane. LIKE SNAKES O.O Yep! You heard me right. Yes. That means I am on a plane between two strangers at 7 in the morning. Seriously… there were no empty rows. O.O

But the view is nice. You should see the sunrise from where I am sitting. Its amazing. And when we had lifted off from WPB, the lights were like small dots and it looked really cool! :D Flying is fun! I just hope I have more room next plane I am on. As soon as we land I am going to be in Atlanta, so when I post this I will already be in Atlanta.

Not really much to do up here though, just type and look out the window. Because I am not good at talking to people. Especially on a plane in the morning…

I may try vlogging as soon as we land, but of course if I do, you won’t see it until after I get home! Anyway, for my friends and family and readers, Miss y’all! :D Stay fluffy till I post again… in probably two or three hours. I am a silly goose :P

Monday, March 13, 2017

So yesterday was not a fun day. (But it did have its perks)

Hey guys. So some of you know that this cool cat was born on March 12th. Which was yesterday. And as I have said before I have been working for the last five days. I feel like my jobs are wearing me down and my attitude has been the worst that I totally let a job ruin my day and push me into discouragement and depression.

So instead of concentrating on what went wrong, I am going to tell you some of the good things that happened yesterday.

I got to sleep in a little, which is weird because I have church every sunday morning.

My family got together in one room and gave me some really thoughtful presents. Like a thing for cooking that I don't for the life of me know the name of, Mountain Dew Jelly (Yes I said that), and a Best Buy gift card.

I had a delicious Mac and Cheese Burger yesterday.

I got to watch a new awesome Hallmark Mystery which I may watch again soon and review. ;)

AND I made lotsa monehs.

Anyway I think that was it though tbh.

Have a great Monday guys! Stay fluffy!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The post to accomplish things or something like that

Hey guys! I have a lot of time to cover, because I have a super packed week coming up. So I figure I should warn you all what is going on in case I don't post again for like nine days or something!

So I am going to busy alot this week! I have food truck gigs and regular work and then I am going to South Carolina! :D So I may not be able to post for a while! Love ya'll!

Friday, March 10, 2017

First Page of my new project with Shane: AKA The Move

Shane Sheppard stared out the window of the family van. They were moving to a new city. Wilson, a golden retriever and his step-dad, had insisted that they move to his old hometown, that it would be a good experience for the family. Shane believed him. In fact, he was actually really excited about the concept of going to a new town and living there. He had never really liked the town he was from. Reminded him too much of his dad. Wilson had come around ten years ago and given Shane a new and better father figure to look up to. Plus, Wilson treated him and his mom right, and even gave his mom another kid.
Shane looked next to him at his little brother who was a sheppard/retriever mix, Kurt played his Gameboy. His brother was kind of annoying sometimes, but Shane could easily see past that. Shane loved his little brother; he was probably one of the only people Shane felt like he could talk to.
For some reason, though, Kurt wasn’t very excited to move. Kurt actually had friends that he didn’t want to leave. Shane didn’t have that pleasure. He had only had one good friend. Cody Hallington. He was a Collie, and Shane’s best friend back home. Home… He couldn’t really call it that anymore… and honestly, he really didn’t remember much about Cody, except that he was a foster kid and that he lived in another state now. But he knew Cody was his best friend and that they would always be friends.
As he turned to look back out the window, he noticed the sky was getting darker. Shane looked at his watch. It was only noon. It shouldn't be that dark yet. “Wilson? Why is the sky getting so dark?”
Wilson looked at Shane through the rearview mirror.  “It's nothing Shane. It just means we're getting closer to Spokesville.”
Shane cocked his head, “Is it always so dark?”
“Yeah.” Wilson chuckled, “Guess I am so used to it that it doesn't surprise me.”
“Dark is so boring, dad. Why can't we go back to Chicago!” Kurt groaned when his game-boy ran out of juice.
Their mom turned around. “It was getting too crowded in Chicago and you know your father was starting to get sick.”
Shane remembered. Every year when summer would come, Wilson would get a bad sun burn and stay inside from weeks. “I am glad we moved. Maybe I'll have a chance to meet so new people… Maybe make some friends…”
Wilson gave Shane a sympathetic look. “You'll fit in fine, Shane.”

Shane had a tough time believing that. He had a weird sense of style and a quiet personality. He liked dressing in dark colors and coloring the fur on his head. He had a piercing in his right ear. In fact, people used to make fun of him for looking like a vampire. He hoped that this new town would be more accepting of him.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Restarting interviews

Okay guys second week in a row no one has questions. I realized I had an error in the most recent post which gave out a HUGE spoiler, so I went ahead and changed it. So Next week I am going to go ahead and start the interviews fresh with a different character. If you have any questions for any of the characters I have interviewed in the past, please send me them. I am serious. Do it. It'll be cool. Like a panel thingee. O.O I think. :D

Monday, March 6, 2017

Celebrity Spotlight.

Hey guys. So looking at the title you can really kinda figure out what this is. But I am going to go ahead and explain it. This is a monthly thing that I want to do to bring attention to celebrities I find inspiring and tell you how/why I like them, and why they inspire me.

NOTE: These choices are based on traits I admire about these people. If you do not like the person I showcase that is fine, but do not comment on here telling how trashy or bad you think any of these people are. I respect your opinion, so please respect mine.

Joey Graceffa

For those of you who don't know, this is Joey Graceffa. Joey Graceffa is a youtuber who vlogs and does a bunch of fun stuff on his channel like DIY's and stuff that involves knives. But did you know that he is also a writer, singer, actor, and kind of also like a cool director. He has several cool short videos that he wrote and acted in and two series of them one being a Youtube Red series (Escape the Night) that won a Streamy Award for Ensemble Cast! I am going to put the links to some of his videos, plus a link to his novel, Children of Eden!

So why is this guy inspiring to me?

Besides being an extremely fun person on his channel, Joey's writing and acting is superb! I really admire his work on the short videos he has made on his channel. For example, his video, Haunting Ian had a very interesting story to it, and Joey's acting made it super believable. Honestly guys, I really feel like Joey Graceffa is a great example in his writing and acting abilities. I mean... I haven't read his book, but most of the short films he's done on his channel he wrote himself! So when I watched his stuff, the content was really well written. LIKE SUPER AWESOME! :D

Anyway! Go check him out!
His Book: Children Of Eden!
Escape the Night Episode One!
Haunting Ian
And there is even more stuff you can check out! :)

Well that's all for this post! Have a great day, love y'all and stay fluffy!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

A.K.A Shane stops being surprised about stuff

Shane was brushing his teeth in his pajamas when he answered the door. But when he saw who was there he almost dropped his toothbrush.

“Hey Shane…” Mikey blushed a little. “Did we come at a bad time?”

Tekky chuckled and gave Shane the once-over. “I don’t know… He looks fine to me.”

Mikey rolled his eyes, “Everyone looks fine to you.”

Shane took his toothbrush out of his mouth. “What are you guys doing here? There’s no school today.”

Mikey looked at Tekky, “You tell him…”

Tekky looked at the ground. “No, you tell him. He’ll think I am crazy.”

Shane cocked his head. “Nothing has surprised me since I stepped into this town. So what is it? Is there another dragon?”

Tekky sighed, “My house is being used by mutant zombies as a training ground…

Mikey nodded, “And mine turned into a war zone.”

Shane sighed, “Oh… That sucks.”

“Can we stay here?” Tekky said without any warning.

Shane looked at them both. “Uhhhhhh…”

Tekky grinned and gave him a big, and rather long, hug. “Thanks Shaney!” He went inside and threw his bag onto the couch.

“But I…”

Mikey smiled and mumbled, “Just go with it.”

Shane smiled as Tekky turned to look at him with a worried look, “What?”

“... can’t say no to two of my best friends!” He tried to give a convincing smile.

Tekky gave him a smile that made him melt. “Oh thank goodness. I really didn’t have anyone else to go to… This really means a lot Shane.” He gave Shane another huge hug. “I love you buddy!”

Shane smiled. “Aww Thanks Tek.”

Klyde walked through the front door looking down at his phone. “Mom and Dad told me to come stay here. Apparently the mutant zombies got ticked at all the skeletons and they are having a huge throwdown.”

Shane cocked his head. “Why?”

Klyde sighed, “Apparently some of the skeletons were graffiting the zombies’ former graves with stuff like…” He paled as he looked up. “Stuff, I can’t say in front of your step-dad.”

Shane turned abruptly to see Wilson behind him. “Willllllson… Hey! How’s it going?” HE smiled nervously, knowing he'd have to explain stuff.

Wilson crossed his arms and gave the others a look. “Oh. I am alright… Just wondering why there are three other boys in my house at 7:30 in the morning…”

Tekky smiled a little, “Mutant zombies.”

Wilson facepalmed, “They trying to start another war?”

Mikey nodded. “Shane was kind enough to let us stay here while our houses turn into a war zone.”

Shane stiffened. Mikey wasn’t supposed to say that… Crap. He could feel Wilson’s glare on him. “I am such a good friend.”

Wilson sighed, “Yeah…” He smirked a little. “Okay. They can stay.”

Tekky smiled and gave Wilson a hug too, “YAY!”

Mikey smiled, “Thanks sir.”

Tekky looked at the fridge. “Do you guys have any strawberry muffins? I woke up to all of mine being eaten by zombies.”

“Zombies like muffins?” Shane cocked his head as he went to look.

Klyde nodded, “They’ll eat anything that squishes.”

Shane’s stomach lurched, “I knew that already… please don’t say that again…”


“But I need muffins!” Tekky whined from the kitchen as he tried to keep the muffins away from Shane’s little brother. “Shane! Get this little ankle-biter off of me!”

Shane ran into the kitchen, “Kurt! Let him have a muffin!”

Kurt growled and flashed his fangs. “I’ll bite you.”

Shane rolled his eyes. He still wasn’t used to everyone else in his family being vampires. But he knew his brother. “I’ll tell mom about your secret candy stash buried in my sock drawer.”

Kurt let go of the muffins. “Fine. He can have them! Please don’t tell! You promised!”

Shane smiled. “Okay. Thank you.” He looked up at Tekky. “Did you need to fight with a ten year old?”

Tekky smiled, “Yep! Thanks for vouching for me!”

Shane nodded, but for some reason he was a little… nervous. He had the feeling he was going to regret this.

No interview this week. (DONT BE SAD I HAVE MORE NEWS)

Hey guys. So I couldn't post a character interview this week. No one really asked me any questions, so I couldn't interview my character. Plus I kind of forgot it this morning.

Anyway, so please go to the Caddie Greene interview and look at the bottom for the character and leave me questions and I will try to get back to it this next week.

Now for the news. I got offered a contract for my book! The publishing company I sent it to accepted it and all I need to is sign a contract and I'll get to work with the company in editing the book so they can start the publishing process. Very exciting! :D

Anyway. This is all I have for today. May post a scene later today, but anyway, Stay fluffy all! Love ya!

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...