Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Happy December!

Hello everyone! It's December!... or... half an hour before December because I am still up for some reason. 😂 What is wrong with me!?

O____O Anyway, so it is December, which means 15 days till the challenge entries are due! Anyone who wants to do one and send it to me, you can either send it through  or NaNoWriMo people can send it to me via NaNoMail.

Expect some new videos in the near future, probably not good ones, but fun ones none the less! Have a good day!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Challenge Entry: Art: TORI: Merry Christmas!

Okay so this is the third entry so far and WOW you guys have sent in some really good stuff so far. This artist's work is really good AND as you will see for yourself, included not just one requirement, BUT ALL THREE! And even put in someone eating all the cookies. Good Job Tori!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

ARROWVERSE: 10 (11 O.O) Characters that must appear

So alot of people have been falling in love with what they call the Arrowverse. The Arrowverse refers to the network of DC Comics shows started by Arrow. And now with Arrow on its fifth season, Flash on its third, and Supergirl and Legends on their second... Lots of new characters have been introduced. Superman, Miss Martian, Vigilante and lots of others... But there are soooo many other characters that could be introduced (And may actually come soon.)

So here are my top ten expected characters.

10. Lois Lane (Supergirl):

Seeing as how the show is about a Kryptonian hero and in the comics Supergirl and Lois are familiar with each other, and she and Jim were also partners. Her name has come up alot in the show, wether it was Cat talking or Lucy maybe. And since little sister Lucy and her big bad military dad have made their mark on Season 1 AND the introduction of Superman/Clark Kent into Season 2, Lois Lane would be an excellent character to see, even just in passing. She has not been confirmed in the near future... But I am not losing hope that we will see her. I think she would fit nicely in the show.

9. Virgil Hawkins (Static) (Flash/Legends)

Now Static would be a nice edition to either of these shows seeing as Static is a metahuman. Plus, he could fit in really well in the Star Labs dynamic. He could be just a citizen who has started developing powers and he needs help controlling them and he comes across the Star Labs team. Plus seeing as how DC is adding so many young characters (Wally West, Roy Harper, M'gann Morr'z) There could be a Teen Titans show coming in the near future... and if not he could work with the Legends. This is just a wild hope, but it could happen. Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) almost happened, so I can hope for more teen characters like Virgil.

8. Harley Quinn (Arrow)

This is the one that is one of the closest to reality, because Harley has technically already appeared in Arrow. But only for small snippets, and it would be really cool to see her in a much more permanent role... But of course she has had a big role in the recent Suicide Squad so it may not happen soon...

7. Red Hood (Arrow)

This one is really dependent on whether or not Roy comes back onto the Arrow scene. There could be that he was off the scene in Gotham and he found a friend is Jason Todd and they teamed up or something like that. I would say that it would be an amazing addition to the show with Jason being a anti-hero type of thing and Oliver not really liking him that much. Anything could happen.

6. Nightwing/Richard Grayson (Arrow/Flash/Supergirl)

While we are talking about people attributed to Batman, we should probably bring up a character that people have wanted on Arrow for almost two years. Dick Grayson is probably best known as being Batman's first Robin. But on any of these shows, Dick could take one of two routes. One, he could be in town for a few days looking to catch a Bludhaven/Gotham villain as Nightwing (Kinda like the first Arrow/Flash crossover) Or they could take a more involved route with the character making him a major character for a season? Maybe he could be trying to put up the cowl for awhile and is just working as a Detective/Agent? Any path would be interesting JUST GIVE US GRAYSON!

5. BATMAN/Bruce Wayne (Arrow)

Of course, if we are talking about the Batfamily, the bat himself has to make an appearance. And if they do introduce Bruce Wayne, there could be a double battle for Oliver/Green Arrow. Because on one front, Bruce could be in Starling to make some investment and his billionaire playboy act isn't fooling Oliver at all, and on the other hand Oliver has to handle a new and dangerous bat vigilante coming in from another town... O_O Totally just a coincidence ;D Right?

4. Oracle/Batgirl/Barbara Gordon (Confirmed on Supergirl)

So this character is a definite for the show Supergirl, but would be cool to see on Flash as well. The reason oracle is so cool is because one, she is a bat and two, in comics and anything else with her and Kara sharing a screen, they are actually best buds! So she is going to be a great addition to Supergirl! Also another addition to possibly add to a Teen Titans show. So I have good expectations for Barbara in the Arrowverse.

3. Wondergirl/Cassie Sandsmark (Supergirl)

Wonder Woman has not really been mentioned much, but for the sake of the comics which display Supergirl and Wondergirl as good friends, I am going to hold on to hope that this one may actually become a thing. Maybe as like a best friend for Kara to just chill with. 

2. Superboy (Kon-El) and Lex Luthor (Supergirl)

If you have been following Supergirl, you have definitely seen that a Luthor has shown up in National City. Not exactly Lex, but who knows, Lena Luthor may be just as bad... But what would really test Kara in a future season is the overarching villainy of Lex Luthor. And if Lex comes in the picture, he could use it to test his new Superman clone that we know of as Superboy. Maybe Superboy starts out as a threat that Kara or the big man in blue himself, talk him down... or he immeadiately realizes he is programmed for some shady stuff... Either way it would be interesting and intense to see what happens if those two make it into the show.

1. Bart Allen (Flash)

Since the Flash has brought in the multiverse and time travel, that opens up the possibility of more characters, but more importantly, it means that Bart Allen could show up soon. Though probably not until next season when a new threat emerges... Bart's purpose could be that he shows up at the tail end of a season with a warning from the future for Barry and then become as regular for a season. But that would also set up him revealing major spoilers about some characters futures, like confirming the West-Allen relationship.

So that is my top ten/eleven characters
Share yours in the comments!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Challenge Entry: Art: JEREMY: Zenith Christmas

Here is the first art entry to this challenge by Jeremy. It is a Zenith Radio with a Christmas tree  built into it and if its not enough that it looks and sound cool... It actually works too! Very good job Jeremy!

Challenge Entry: Poem: TOM: A Christmas-ish poem

Here is the first entry written by Tom. He wrote a poem about Christmas and the story behind the Birth of Christ. It was less than 500 words but poetry is hard. O.O Don't judge him

Christianity, It's not just a sect, It begins long ago, Before the manger, Before God's creativity, So not where you'd expect, Preceding the light show, Before the foundations, Before one rock, Before one tree, The was a decision, A plan was hatched, The cross wasn't a shock, The plan to set men free, To bring salvation, God was never detached, Christ decided to die for thee, The one who spoke, Let there be light, Did not create it, The light, it just shined, By His word He did envoke, There was day and night, Each piece He did fit, This in His word we do find, Perfectly made, Without imperfection, There was no struggle, No confusion dwelt there, One tree He forbade, One stipulation, So they wouldn't be muddled, He made them aware, Death was the penalty, Punishment warned, Obedience necessary, According to God's word, The garden serenity, About to be torn, Introduces misery, When warning is ignored, Tempted by sin, To doubt God's goodness, Began to question, Ignore God's right decree, Pride Eve fell in, Lured by selfishness, Forsaking God's blessing, When she ate from the tree. One act of disobedience, One act of rebellion, One act of doubt, Caused death to man, Man's self reliance, The sin man fell in, Turning from the fount, To shifting sand, God did not destroy, But promised a seed, Would crush the serpent, His people to redeem, With God to enjoy, It is what we need, When we repent, The outcome of that promise, Began in a lowly manger, Where the Christ was born, Beginning of God's salvation, That God Himself supplies, Appeasing God's anger, Came that Christmas morn, By God's own instigation, As a babe He did not remain, He grew in favor with God, As He did with man, Living sinlessly, To take on man's shame, Let us creatures now applaud, In His plan let us stand, Turn to Him supremely, Don't be a meme, In the news feed, Faking your way, Putting on a show, Sullying His name, The gospel to impede, In Christ not to stay, A poor example to know, Then Christ you do profane, Christ did not die, So you can live in your sin, He came as your sacrifice, So you would rest in Him, On Him you would rely, Trusting the death that sufficed, In the one who was condemned.

My nerdy obsessions this month: NOVEMBER

Okay so a lot of things happened this month that made the nerd in me die and then regenerate... multiple times.

So lets start with the ones that I have already told you about.

Doctor Strange came out earlier in the month, it was a very humorous and enjoyable movie with more Easter eggs and fan-girl moments than I can actually count. My suggestion, GO SEE IT! HURRY! BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! 😨

Young Justice season 3 is confirmed to be coming to Netflix and it looks like we'll see some new favorites and maybe a possible return of several dead characters. Plus! DARKSEID! Come on! That would mean big things for the heroes this season. And so many characters you could introduce! Supergirl, Granny Goodness, Big Barda, Miracle Man! The possibilities are endless. Because introducing Apokolyps this season is a biiiiiig thing. And the Light may have bitten off more than the can chew again.

Most of you probably have heard about the new show coming to Netflix... THE FREAKING SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS!!!!! Let me have a second to freak out again. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 This is huge for me, I have head almost the entire series and I have been wanting to see more since the attempt at making the movie with Jim Carrey several years ago. For those of you who haven't heard of this yet. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH YOUR LIFE! Go read the books. Seriously they are amazing! Here is the trailer for show right here.

When the pilot comes out I will be doing a review of it and posting it here! And look at it. This is very exciting for me because I love these books.

I will be back with another one of these in December where a few nerdy obsessions WILL be driving me bonkers! (ROGUE ONE!)

Friday, November 25, 2016

More Challenge Details!

Okay so there has been some confusion about the challenge so I hope this fills any confusion! :D

  • The theme is Christmas and it is open to authors and artists.
  • The Challenge started on the 23rd. I will be accepting entries from anyone until December 15th. 
  • The story length must be over 500 words and contain one of these three sentences:
    • "Why is there a hatchet in the kitchen sink?"
    • "You got me a purple duck with green polka dots?"
    • "Don't be a meme!'
    • Bonus points if someone ate all the cookies. 
  • For the art challenge GO WILDDDDDD!!!! Of course you still need to include:
    • Christmas Tree
    • Present
    • Santa Hat
  • Please enjoy!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Heyo peoples!!!
Jordan: Oh Haaaaaaayyyyy
Jordan... This is my post, you had time in the video.
Jordan: Sooooo? I wanted to crash your blog too!
Okay fine fren.

Well hello everyone! Guess what? Today is the day I announce our challenge! And our theme is...
Jordan: Christmas... Its christmas everyone.
-_- Thank you fren.
Jordan: ;D

So anyway, this year's theme is Christmas, as my amazing fren said.
So this year. I am opening up this challenge this year to artists and writers who will get to write something that has do with the theme. But with any good challenge... there is a twist.

Jordan: Lemme do thissss!! 
Okay fren
Jordan: If you're a writer, you must include one of these three silly random sentences. 
"Why is there a hatchet in the kitchen sink?"
"You got me a purple duck with green polka dots?"
"Don't be a meme!'
Yes. Only one, but feel free to use more than one of them.
And artists, need to include these things
Christmas Tree
Santa Hat

Jordan: Bonus points if someone ate all the cookies. 

Entries must be:
No less then 500 words (for writers)
Safe for veiwers under 13
And include the requirements.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Penned to Kill Chapter 2

Chapter 2: School can be murder
            Jackson waited outside Mikey’s house for him, not really wanting to be awake at that moment in time. He had his box of books to sell and autograph. He sighed. Hopefully Mikey would leave the house before…
            “Well, well… If it isn’t Jackson Pacer, the storyteller.”
            Jackson cringed. Nope, today just wasn’t his day… He turned to face Shelby with a fake smile. “Shelby Keener. I see you still acknowledge me even though you hate me for no apparent reason.”
            Shelby scoffed and did her hair flip thingee. Jackson hated when she did that. “I am not acknowledging you, I am, like, just talking to you like. Doesn’t mean I like you.”
            Jackson smirked, she still had no idea what she was talking about ever. “You want to see a dictionary so you can actually ‘literally’ know what half the words you say even mean?”
            Shelby shoved him. “Watch it, Pacer. Or I will do more than burn your stupid little novel notes. You think you’re nobody now? Just wait till I get done with you. Your books won’t even mean a thing.”
Jackson glared up at her, but didn’t do anything else.
Shelby chuckled, “Oh what, is that supposed to scare me? What? Are you planning how to murder me in your head like one of your characters?” She laughed in his face. “I’d love to see you try.” She turned to walk away
Jackson wasn’t going to admit it, but she was right… But he didn’t let his mind dwell on that, because thankfully, Mikey came outside. “Bug off, Shelby. One of your loyal fans might be watching.” He glared at her. “You don’t want to ruin your image.”
Shelby glared back with more intensity. “I’ll ruin your face with my heels if you don’t shut up you big brat.”
Mikey shook his head. “You wouldn’t risk it. Mom would take your car, your Friday night privileges, and your clothing allowance and I wouldn’t have to say a word to her. Plus, what would that school say if they found out their head cheerleader had a violent history.”
Shelby grabbed him by the collar. “But you won’t, because I am a nice person.” She let go and walked to her car.
“Sure… So very nice.” Jackson said as she drove off. “She is literally the only person I wish got hit by a car.”
Mikey gave him a look. “Watch it. As much as I don’t like her, she is still my family.”
Jackson grumbled and stood up. “I am just glad she isn’t mine. How do you handle her ego again?”
Mikey chuckled dryly. “Double shot of espresso, and lots of chocolate.” He nodded toward his car. “Come on. We should get to school soon.”
Jackson stopped for a second then ran after him, box of books in his hands. “Wait… Double?! I want double!”
Jackson sipped his double-shot chocolate mocha as he walked through the halls of his school. “I think I am in love with this drink.”
Mikey chuckled, “Dang that is going to be one short marriage.”
Jackson gave him a look, “No. That was an awful joke. No bad jokes until I am fully awake and happy.”
Mikey chuckled, “You are such a…”
“PACER!” Shelby stomped up to Jackson, looking very disheveled and angry. Her two co-cheerleaders (Alisha Hughes and Tasha Collins looked slightly amused but they didn’t show it too much lest Shelby caught sight of it and ripped their hair out).
Mikey chuckled, “Actually I was going to say spoiled sport.”
Shelby gave him a look, “Can it, loser!” She turned to Jackson. “I don’t know how you did it, but I am going to kill you.”
Jackson put his hands up. “Whoa, wait a minute! What did I do?”
Alisha put her hands on her hips. “You released a compilation of videos of Shelby bullying kids around campus and then ended it with the words “It’s Reckoning Day, Shelby Keener.”
Jackson cringed, “Ugh, please. That sounds really lame. Is this one of your mean pranks to get me arrested?”
Shelby shook her head. “No. You did it. It was posted on your YouTube account.”
Jackson laughed and looked at her with a grin. “You have to be kidding.”
Shelby glared.
Jackson went serious fast. “You’re not messing? Shelby, I don’t even have a YouTube account.”
Shelby snorted, “Really? No YouTube account? Every cool person has a YouTube account.”
Jackson gave her a look, “I am not cool. I don’t even have an email account!”
Shelby stopped, “Okay, so maybe you didn’t but since you just went full loser; we are done with this conversation.” She turned and walked off like she was a model.
Jackson threw his hands up. “I don’t even know what video she’s talking about.”
Alisha sighed and dropped her arms. “It is really weird… But if you ask me, I am glad someone is trying to expose that evil…” She paused deciding to use that word in a school so she didn’t get expelled. “But seriously… You didn’t make that video?”
Jackson shook his head. “No! I swear. I legitimately do not have a YouTube account.”
The other cheerleader, Tasha Collins, looked around. “Hurry Alisha. Before she notices were gone…”
Alisha crossed her arms, “Dang it…” She looked back at Jackson with a small smile. “See you at your book signing…”
Jackson nodded and gave her a small smile. “See you.” He smiled as he watched them walk away. Alisha had been a friend of Jackson’s since Shelby had torn up his notebooks. She had brought Jackson some of the pieces of his notebook so he could construct most of the ideas. They began a support group like thing where they would get together and just hangout, enjoying each other’s company. Jackson had begun to develop a crush on her.
Mikey looked up from his phone and as if he could read Jackson’s thoughts. “Don’t forget about her boyfriend.”
Jackson turned to look at him. “Have I ever mentioned I sometimes hate you?”
Mikey shrugged and went back to tapping on his phone. “Better you hate me, than Jason Kendrick hate you.”
Jackson stopped cold. Jason Kendrick was on the football team. No he wasn’t the quarterback… That would be super cliché and cliché is boring. Jason Kendrick was much better than the quarterback. He was the guy that broke bones when sacking quarterbacks. He had a firm build and wide shoulders, his voice was deep and he almost sounded like a jazz singer. But he could get angry… really angry. “True…” He didn’t want Alisha’s boyfriend to shatter his spine… or anything else important.
Mikey handed Jackson his phone. “Dude… They were right… The video is on your… I mean… A channel with your name on it.”
Jackson watched the video in shock. “He hadn’t taken any of these videos… He was even in the last one… which was from that very morning.”
Mikey paled, “Dude… I think someone was spying on us.”
Jackson looked at Mikey, “Why use my name though?”
Mikey shrugged, then his eyes widened. “Dude. Maybe Shelby forced someone to make it and blame it on you.”
Jackson considered that, but it didn’t make sense. “Why would she ask someone to make a video that could ruin her reputation?”
Mikey shrugged.
Jackson also shrugged, “It’s probably just a harmless prank. There isn’t anything to worry about.” He sighed, “Come on we have class.” They made their way down the halls and to their first class of the day.
Halfway through the day there were a few more incriminating videos about Shelby which included that she was seeing Alisha’s boyfriend, Jason; that she had forced a young tech to change all her grades to give her straight A’s so she could stay on the cheerleading squad; and all sorts of other embarrassing things. All of them had the same words at the end of it. But the weird thing was, each of the videos was launched from an empty YouTube account with different name to it. And all of the accounts were fake. Jackson could tell. Because when Mikey saw that the account, under his name, that was used to send one of the videos, he realized that that the one video was the only one on his channel. He couldn’t find any of his gaming videos… and then he realized that it wasn’t his actual account.
Jackson sat at his desk in Physics thinking about that, and pretty much ignoring the teacher. For some reason, YouTube death threat pranks were much more interesting than… whatever his teacher was rambling on about.
Someone was making videos and fake accounts as a big prank. That was it. Nothing dangerous. Jackson had to hand it to the person doing this. It was a very interesting method, which kept the person from being revealed and getting into trouble. Now this was a well-planned prank... Someone was really out to make Shelby look bad, and they were probably driving her crazy. He hoped he didn’t see her for the rest of the day. He couldn’t imagine how mad she would be. She was probably dying to get ahold of the person responsible… He had never seen her do anything extremely violent, but he had heard several rumors about kids that crossed her that ending up in the hospital. And apparently from what he had heard, those were for little things. So what would Shelby do if she found the person who was trying to ruin her reputation?
He was brought of his thoughts by the bell ringing and he shot Mikey a look. It was time for the book signing. He picked up the box of books he had been tugging around all day and they made their way to the cafeteria.
When they got there, they saw Mr. Kingsley, the English Lit teacher, putting up a table for them to sit at. Jackson smile a little and sighed as they walked up to him. “Mr. Kingsley… You know you don’t have to do this for us.”
Mr. Kingsley looked hurt, “Jackson! It’s the least I can do for one of my best students. You are the only student I have that has actually published anything. And since you won’t let me give you the recognition you deserve, I can at least help you out.”
Jackson smiled, “That’s kind of you.” He smiled and began taking the books out of his box and putting them in stacks of ten. He counted them three times to make sure he had all thirty, and smiled turning around to look around the cafeteria.
He never really got the chance to though because someone was standing directly behind him and scared the living daylights out of him. “JAIME!?” He lowered his voice at all the looks he got. “How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that?”
Jaime smiled at him innocently and shrugged, “Probably a lot, but I kind of usually ignore stuff like that.” She held up a bag and a cup that she had. “I got you some food. Roast Beef sub with American cheese, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and vinegar and a frozen lemonade.”
Jackson shivered, she always knew just what to buy. “Oh my gosh. Jaime you are my new favorite person!” He took the bag and cup from her and sat behind the table eating it.
Jaime smiled, “So what time does the book signing start, again?”
Jackson shrugged as he chewed some of his sandwich. “As soon as I am done eating this sandwich.”
Jaime smiled, “Okie dokie!” She stood in front of the table just looking at the covers of the books for a long time. Jackson was a little nervous that she was still standing there, but he was glad someone was that big of a fan to come to every signing and buy his books. He hoped that Jaime would continue to do that even when if he never got super famous.
Suddenly he heard Jaime yell and looked up and saw Shelby and her crew. “Shelby.”
Shelby smirked at Jaime on the ground, then turned to look at Jackson. “Hey Pacer. Just came to see your new…” She froze and looked past Jackson.
Jackson turned around to see Mr. Kingsley standing behind him. “Miss Keener… I must say I am disappointed in your behavior… I saw those videos this morning and I didn’t want to believe it.”
Shelby glared and stomped. “Its not what you think sir… I merely bumped into Jaime.” She helped Jaime up off the floor and gave her a hug. “See? All fine.”
Jackson could tell by Jaime’s face that it was NOT all fine. She looked majorly ticked off.
Mr. Kingsley must have noticed it too, because he sighed and gently took ahold of Shelby’s arm. “You’re going to need to come with me to the office Miss Keener. That type of behavior cannot be tolerated. One day, you are going to realize how you treat people has consequences…”
Shelby tried to pull away. “No. You can’t tell me what to do.”
Mr. Kingsley sighed, “Would you like me to call your parents instead, Miss Keener?”
Shelby froze and sighed, “Fine. I will go with you to the office. But I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Mr. Kingsley led her away towards the office. “I’ll let Principal White be the judge of that.”
Jackson looked back at Jaime who was rubbing her arm. “You okay Jaime?”
She winced, but nodded. “Yeah… I am alright.”
Alisha and her boyfriend came up, behind Jaime, to the table and looked at the books. “Is it time for the book signing?”
Jackson looked up at them, “Yes.” He tried to keep his expression clear, but Jason was a big guy and was kind of intimidating. He had never personally met the guy. But being face to face…
Alisha noticed his expression and smiled, “Oh… You have met my boyfriend right?”
Jason smiled a small smile and stuck out his hand. “I’m Jason. I really loved your book.”
Jackson smiled as he shook the big guy’s hand, afraid not to make any wrong moves so he wouldn’t have a broken hand. “T-Thanks Jason.”
Jason chuckled low, “It’s okay. I am not going to hurt you. I am so ready to read more of your writing. You have a way with words.”
Jackson smiled, “Wow… Thank you.” He shifted in his seat. “Okay then. If you are here for my signing form a line behind Jaime… you know because she got here first.”
Jaime squealed. “I can’t wait to read this one!”
Jackson smiled and took one of the books and signed his name on the inside front cover. “What do you want it to say?”
Jaime grinned widely, “Address it to your biggest fan!”
Jackson chuckled and scribbled down. “To… my… biggest… fan!” He closed the book and handed it to her. “I hope you enjoy!”
Jaime took her new book and immediately started reading it as she walked to her lunch table.
Jackson picked up another book and scribbled down his name in it as Alisha stepped forward. He smiled up at her. “What do you want yours to say?”
“To my good friend, Alisha!” She chuckled, “That sounds good right?”
“Of course!” He said as he wrote it down. “To… my… good… friend… Alisha!”
Alisha grinned and took the book. “Thanks!”
The line went by fast, for some he asked what they wanted him to write. Like for Tasha, she wanted him to write “To the queen of cheerleading.” Others, like Jason, he wrote something on his own. For Jason he wrote “To the next big name in professional football.”
 His favorite autograph was the one that he gave Mikey. Mikey had asked for him to write “To the Mikeynator!” But Jackson, instead, wrote “To the biggest goofball in the universe!”
The books went super quick and in no time Jackson was handing his last copy of his book to Mr. Kingsley. “Wait…” He took the book back, “What should I write in it?”
Mr. Kingsley shrugged, “I don’t know…”
Jackson smiled, “I have the perfect thing.” He scrawled something down and handed it to his teacher. “To my favorite teacher!” He smiled.
Mr. Kingsley chuckled, “This is nice, but no… I am still not changing that C you made on your late report last week.”
Jackson laughed out loud. “I had actually forgotten about that. Whoops…”
Mr. Kingsley smiled, and walked off to his classroom as Jackson packed up his things and got ready to move on to his next class.
The rest of the day went smoothly. The classes went by fast and Jackson and Mikey headed home to play video games at 3 o’clock. They didn’t see any Shelby, seeing as how she had cheerleader practice. They played video games till about five o’clock, when Jackson decided to go home and sleep.
When he got home, there was a note on his fridge from his parents. He read it and realized this was the week of a big business trip and that they wouldn’t be back for ten days.
He shrugged and laid down on the couch and closed his eyes.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Jackson opened his eyes and looked at the clock. It was 6:30. He mumbled, “Who the heck could that…”
The knocker knocked hard. “Jackson Pacer? This is the police. Open the door.”
Jackson sprung up from the couch and raced to the door to see two cops standing outside his door. “Is there a problem officers?” He rubbed his eyes.
The officer on the left, an older gentleman, gave him the once-over. “Are you Jackson Pacer?”
Jackson nodded, a little worried but curious as to what was going on. “Yes sir. I am.”
The officer on the right, a rather intimidating young blonde woman, gently took a hold of his arm. “We need you to come with us. You are wanted for questioning.”
Jackson struggled a little, “Wait a minute, what is going on here?”

The woman turned to Jackson. “Shelby Keener is dead, and as of right now, you are the prime suspect in a murder case.”

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Preview of Chapter 2 of Penned to Kill!

Jackson laughed and looked at her with a grin. “You have to be kidding.”

Shelby glared.

Jackson went serious fast. “You’re not messing? Shelby, I don’t even have a YouTube account.”

Shelby snorted, “Really? No YouTube account? Every cool person has a YouTube account.”

Jackson gave her a look, “I am not cool. I don’t even have an email account!”

Shelby stopped, “Okay, so maybe you didn’t but since you just went full loser; we are done with this conversation.” She turned and walked off like she was a model.

Jackson threw his hands up. “I don’t even know what video she’s talking about.”

Alisha sighed and dropped her arms. “It is really weird… But if you ask me, I am glad someone is trying to expose that evil…” She paused deciding to use that word in a school so she didn’t get expelled. “But seriously… You didn’t make that video?”

Jackson shook his head. “No! I swear. I legitimately do not have a YouTube account.”

The other cheerleader, Tasha Collins, looked around. “Hurry Alisha. Before she notices were gone…”

Alisha sighed, “Dang it…” She looked back at Jackson with a small smile. “See you at your book signing…”

Jackson nodded and gave her a small smile. “See you.” He smiled as he watched them walk away. Alisha had been a friend of Jackson’s since Shelby had torn up his notebooks. She had brought Jackson some of the pieces of his notebook so he could construct most of the ideas. They began a support group like thing where they would get together and just hangout, enjoying each other’s company. Jackson had begun to develop a crush on her.

Mikey looked up from his phone and as if he could read Jackson’s thoughts. “Don’t forget about her boyfriend.”

Jackson turned to look at him. “Have I ever mentioned I sometimes hate you?”

Mikey shrugged and went back to tapping on his phone. “Better you hate me, than Jason Kendrick hate you.”

Jackson stopped cold. Jason Kendrick was on the football team. No he wasn’t the quarterback… That would be super cliché and cliché is boring. Jason Kendrick was much better than the quarterback. He was the guy that broke bones when sacking quarterbacks. He had a firm build and wide shoulders, his voice was deep and he almost sounded like a jazz singer. But he could get angry… really angry. “True…” He didn’t want Alisha’s boyfriend to shatter his spine… or anything else important.

Hope you guys enjoy :D 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Crazy Week

Holy cow, has it been a crazy week or what?
I have been super busy with work and school, so forgive the fact that I am just now making a new post.

First my thoughts on our President-Elect Donald Trump, and the open fear and hatred for the choice of him. America, we chose and Trump was the outcome. Nothing we do will change the fact that a majority of our nation voted this. Though you may not be happy, I am asking that you don't do anything that you may regret later. Your upset? Don't let that destroy your will. Just because your candidate doesn't make presidency, doesn't mean you should give up on life. Instead let the world know that your existence isn't defined by an election. You never know whats going to happen with any president, so do not be too quick to judge someones skill before you see them in action.

Second, I GOT TO WORK IN A FOOD TRUCK!!!!! I was so excited about that, because I have always had some sort of aspiration to run or work in a food truck, and it was a really fun experience. I got to take a lot of orders and at the end of the day I made 54 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third, you guys are amazing. Just felt like there needed to be third thing so why not!!!

Also for everyone who wants to be in the challenge which I haven't given any details for yet, I am going to either do a livestream or a youtube video giving the details of the challenge sometime in the next week and a half so keep and eye out for that!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nominated for a challenge?! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

I HAVE BEEN NOMINATED FOR A CHALLENGE by the magical Rubixcube of 

The rules of the challenge are :

Thank the blogger who nominated you. 
Gracias Ruby!!!! :D ^-^

Answer the questions you were given by that blogger.
Kinda the point of this post

 Nominate 10 bloggers (Or youtube creators) , give them ten new questions, and let them know they’ve been tagged.
Christina D.
Jordan L. (JordanisMikey)
Melody Jackson
Blaire L.
Remi B.
Anyone who has the letter L in their name that is reading this (I SEE YOU! DO IT)

1. Nuts or raisins in cookies?
Nuts totally. I don't really like raisins. But they taste alright in cookies, but nuts are better.
2. If you could rule a country which would it be?
I would say that I would rule... Kansas? I don't know not the ruling type... Unless it was a fictional place, then I would be mayor of Zootopia!

3. Weirdest thing that’s happened this week?
Hit a turtle on Saturday. That was weird and sad. O_O

4. Apple or Android?
Android. The I in iPhone is not for this I.

5. What are the top five countries you want to visit?
Canada, UK, Austrailia, Italy, and France... Not in that exact order.
6. Pet peeves?
I hate it when people subtweet. And talk about politics... D:

7. What irritates you the most about fictional villains?
That someone came up with a better idea than me... Oh you know their evilness... Yeah that is totally it. O.O 
8. What is a piece of literature that is like a comfort blanket to you?
I really like mysteries, but I found comfort in reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
9. If you could paint your house any color, what would it be?
Purple. Because I can.

10. What is the cutest animal that has four legs?
Baby wolves and huskies and foxes!!! And Cheetahs!

There you go! ALL TEN ANSWERS FOR YA! :D

Here are my nominees questions.

1. Which actor would you want to be if you woke up one morning in the body of an actor/actress?
2. Favorite Batman actor?
3. If you could rewrite any popular character from any franchise and make them better, who would it be? 
4. Which of your characters would be your best friend?
5. When was the last time you wrote for a complete hour undistributed by anything?
6. Favorite cake flavor?
7. Why did you do that one thing?
8. Where would you play hide and seek if you could play anywhere in the world? 
9. Least favorite day?
10. Are my questions boring you yet? O____O

Monday, November 7, 2016


Oh my Gosh guys. We the fans begged for it, and now guess what?!


Don't believe the crazy weird cheetah? Well I have proof!!!!

Still don't believe me?

BAM! It is real so stop pinching yourselves and get ready for whatever bombshells this season will drop on us when it comes out.

So what do you think will happen in season 3? Comment below what you think! :D



Now most of you can probably relate to that statement and probably have said it once or twice... maybe more... in your lifetime.

Monday tends to be that one day of the week that gets a bad rap. You know, like black cats, the Star Wars prequels, and our presidential candidates. And usually Mondays get hate, because after they mark the end to the weekend and all the reckless and fun stuff we do during the weekend. It also marks the work week starting back up, and a lot of people don't like work... So guess where they put the flame for their frustration when stuff goes to pot? Poor old Monday.

In reality, Monday is not by default the worst day of the week. I am pretty sure that we have all had bad days that weren't on a Monday. Maybe we didn't get our coffee due to running late through traffic on a Tuesday morning, or you hit a turtle while driving to vote on Saturday (O_O Totally random example).
I guess what I am trying to say, is bad days happen. And when they do, you need to make the best of it. Because whining about how "It's Monday" or "I didn't have my coffee" won't fix your day, but a smile and a good attitude just might.

:) Happy Monday

Saturday, November 5, 2016


I had a weird day today. O____O

So I started my new job Monday, and today was the last day of training. So of course, I had to drive there to actually start working today. As I was driving, I saw a turtle crossing the street. SO I did the thing anyone else would do, I tried to move out of the way... KA-THUNK! I look in the rear-veiw mirror and see a dead turtle in the road. I felt REEEEEEEALLY BAD about that. Like seriously, I still feel horrible.

So anyway, directly after that I went to go . You know... Because I am an upstanding citizen of this country. So I go and fill out the front of the ballot and turn it in. As I am leaving the courthouse, I had a scary thought and turned to someone who was next to me and asked, "Was there a back of the ballot?"

Guess what the answer was... :(

Luckily for me the day picked up after that and I had a good day at work thanks to them engaging with me, and making feel like part of the family. (And thanks to some encouragement from some amazing friends(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :D))

Friday, November 4, 2016

Doctor Strange!!!!!

I saw Doctor Strange yesterday, aaaaaaaand DAAAAAAAAAANG!

Without saying too much and spoiling it all... Here is my review of the movie Doctor Strange.

Benedict Cumberbatch did amazing as Doctor Stephen Strange, who kind of reminded me a lot of Tony Stark but I really liked how he played his character. His ego and cluelessness in the ways of magic, make watching his character deal with certain... situations very humorous. I found my self laughing a lot!

Tilda Swinton also did a great job playing The Ancient One. I really haven't seen her in anything but the Narnia movies, but her role in the movie was amazing. She was very perky and funny throughout the movie. I personally enjoyed her portrayal.

As far as the rest of the characters, I was amazed and impressed. The movie itself was intriguing and action-packed, but it did a great job at highlighting Strange's newness to the world of magic in a bunch of ways that were crazy funny. You could definitely tell that Doctor Strange had no idea what he was doing at some points.

All in all, one a scale of 1-10, I give this movie a nine for a great storyline, good potrayal of a lot of the characters, for all the humor infused moments, and Benedict Cumberbatch's American accent (Seriously, British People using American accents is just as cool as the British accents themselves.

I definitely recommend this movie to everyone, especially Marvel fans. It is definitely a must see if you want to stay in line with the phase Marvel is following in their movies.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Goooooood Morning, everyone!
How doth everyone fare, this lovely morning?

For Nanowrimo people, it is DAY 3 of Nanowrimo. My projects, as you saw yesterday, have been going well. So to those NaNoers, Good Luck!!!!
Chasing the Fox: 6312 words
Penned to Kill: 1257 words
How's your NaNo word count? Let me know in the comments?

Today I will be going to see the movie Doctor Strange. Now I am a Marvel/DC nerd (Though probably more DC). Doctor Strange is one of my favorites. I watched the animated movie a few years back and was really impressed. THEN I heard that they were making an live-action movie, with Benedict Cumberbatch. O_____O So I am pretty excited to be going to see this movie. I will let you guys know what I think tomorrow before work!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

(PENNED TO KILL) Chapter 1: The quiet before the storm

            “Karoline trudged through the mud, trying to escape the man who was following her. She had finally realized that her idea to follow, was not the best. She took her phone out, trying to find a way to call the police… but her phone had no bars. She could hear the cracking of twigs behind her. She had to get the evidence to them, but first she had to get out of there alive. Unfortunately she tripped over an unexpected twig and fell. She turned around and looked up as the guy chasing her broke through… “I am not going to let you get away with this…””
            Jackson Pacer sighed and tapped his fingers on his laptop. What happened next? What should happen next? Should Karoline try and stall the guy, maybe get the guy to confess? He sighed and sipped his coffee. 5:30 in the morning was usually the time where all of the ideas in his head flowed, but for some reason this morning wasn’t working for him.
            He couldn’t put his finger on what was wrong. After all, he had written and published two books in the past three years. But for some reason, he couldn’t finish one lousy paragraph. He thought and thought, but he couldn’t figure it out.
            He sighed. It was probably the fact that school was starting again, and this was his senior year and he wasn’t looking forward to it. Seriously, Jackson could not think of ONE person who actually enjoyed school… And then his phone buzzed and he remembered that he did know someone who actually enjoyed school.
“Michael Nash.” He said smirking a little. “What’s going on?”
Mikey groaned on the other end of the line. “You literally only answer the phone like that because you know I hate it.”
“You know it, buddy.” Jackson smiled. “Guessing you’re already ready for school?”
Mikey stayed quiet for a second or two. “Yeah… How’d you know?”
Jackson laughed, “Because I know you! You love school. I don’t need to be Sherlock to figure that out. Plus… You are up at 5:30 in the morning.”
Mikey chuckled, “Oh really Sherlock? Well then, I bet you’re in front of your computer working on book three in your pajamas and drinking coffee.”
Jackson chuckled, “Maybe I should write a book about your detective skills.”
Mikey laughed, “Please don’t. I hate the thought of being shot at. Besides in both of the books you’ve written your main character, Karoline, has almost met her demise more times than I can count.”
Jackson chuckled, “Aw, come on. It would be boring if no one almost died trying to solve a murder.”
Mikey sighed, “You say that, but you’ve never actually had to solve one.”
Jackson smirked a little, “Who says I couldn’t?”
Mikey was silent again. “Dude, you are nuts.”
Jackson sighed. “I really hope you didn’t take that literally. Murderers can be dangerous to chase down, Mikey. I am not going to risk my safety to try and play the detective.”
Mikey laughed, “You say that now…”
Jackson rolled his eyes. Mikey was obviously trying to mess with his mind. “Mikey… Seriously. I better not find any dead bodies in the near future.”
Mikey laughed, “Chill, Jackson. No one is going to die. Promise.”
Jackson let out a breath of relief. “Okay… Good. I don’t know if I’d even have the stomach for that kind of thing. I just write it.” Jackson’s mind immediately went to the book signing he had later that day during school. “Oh, yeah. Mikey, before I forget to ask. You are coming to my book-signing for book number two right? The one in the school library?”
“Of course!” Mikey’s pitch rose. “I am totally going to be first in line.”
Jackson chuckled, “Yeah, sure. Bet you my number one fan will be there when I get there.” He chuckled a little just thinking about her. Jaime Wright was her name. When Jackson’s first book got big, she started following him around, bringing him stuff. It was nice… but it was creepy at the exact same time because she knew exactly what he liked… and exactly where he would be.
Mikey coughed twice and cleared his throat. “Jaime? Oh come on man. She’s just a fan of the book. She is harmless. Besides, free food.”
Jackson sighed, “Kinda creepy if you ask me.” He chuckled, “Yeah… I do enjoy free food.”
Mikey chuckled, “Yeah.” Mikey sighed and coughed again. “Well, I am going to let you get ready for school.”
Jackson chuckled, “More like stare at my computer screen for another thirty minutes and down another cup of coffee.”
“Aw come on Jackson. Where’s you school spirit?”                                                     
Jackson groaned, “I lost it when the education system took my soul.”
Mikey laughed, Jackson knew it was at him and his buddy was not going to let him forget about it. “Oh that’s rich. You should copyright that line, smack it on a t-shirt!”
Jackson rolled his eyes and hung up the phone. He had always wondered how he and Mikey became best friends, though the fact that they were neighbors really did help them develop a strong friendship. Plus they had mutual dislike for things like Presidential Candidates, pears, and Mikey’s younger stepsister Shelby Keener.
The first two were obvious as to why they didn’t like them, but their dislike for
 Shelby would make some people think they were crazy. But that was because they didn’t know the real Shelby Keener. Only a handful of people ever saw the real Shelby. The Shelby Keener that everyone else saw, was a popular talented girl, who was the city of Halston’s sweetheart. She was even elected Miss Halston twice.
But that wasn’t the real Shelby Keener. Only a few people knew the real Shelby. It was a small group which consisted of her two assistant Lead Cheerleaders (as she called them), her boyfriend (who happens to also be her best friends boyfriend if that says anything about her character), and several smarter people in the school. Shelby was ruthless for bully people like Jackson when no one was looking. And from what he had heard from scattered cheerleader chatter, Jackson knew that Shelby had a temper even with her friends. All in all, she probably was an ace at acting like an angel while hiding her pitchfork from her adoring public.
Jackson had his own reasons for not liking her. When he first started selling his books on campus after his first book came out, she destroyed his table while he was away to lunch and ripped apart one of his idea notebooks. Jackson growled just thinking about it. It took him a year to remember all of that stuff and written it down again… and he still thought he was missing something.
He breathed, trying to calm himself down. He couldn’t let himself get mad. He got out of his chair and went to splash his face with water. This year would be different. He wouldn’t have to deal with Shelby if he just stayed away from her. He’d just stick with Mikey and keep away from Shelby. Yeah. That would totally work.
“Yeah right…” He mumbled. He considered drinking a lot of water and throwing it up so he would have to miss the first day of senior year… but Mikey knew he had done that last year. He would probably know again.

Jackson sighed and started getting ready for school, dreading the worst.

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...