Sunday, March 20, 2022

What's up?

At this point, this is more of a leisurely blog where I only post things when and if I feel like posting.

And that is one-hundred percent okay. If that's where my mental health is, then that is what I am going to do. It's been a good while since my last post, so let me catch you guys up on what I have been doing with my spare time.

The reason I haven't done so many things like the next Character Interview, updates on my Nerdy Obsessions, or any stories is because I have been going through mental gymnastics with myself. Imposter syndrome, depression, the ghosts of past trauma... It just combines to become one big mess of mental disarray...

I have however done some pretty cool things. Nothing close to "I'm published again" but I am sure I will cross that bridge when I get to it. January saw the release of Scream twenty-five years after the original's release. I was very excited for this as I have done extensive research into the slasher genre. Scream was always a series I wanted to get into. Let me tell you, there is nothing like watching a movie like that in theaters. The experience was fantastic. It was a great film. I watched all of the films after seeing that. I definitely recommend them.

I had my birthday five days prior to writing this update post. Turning twenty-four is pretty nice, I guess. I am a year older. So that's positive as long as you don't think about your birthday bringing you one year closer to the inevitable embrace of the afterlife. 

Other than that, it's been substitute teaching, editing, and Pokemon for me. I have tons of projects I need to catch up on. So I will be doing those. Hopefully, I will be slowly returning to publishing online content soon. Who knows? :) 

In the meantime, thanks for sticking around.

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...