Monday, July 31, 2017

Characters who should enter the Arrowverse (2k17)

So, it's almost fall! And that means new seasons of your favorite shows! And you guys know which shows I love. DC TV SHOWS BABY! WOO! Meaning Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends, and starting this fall, the one... the only... BLACK LIGHTNING! New seasons could mean, new superhero characters and everyone loves new superhero characters. Who doesn't love new superhero characters? KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT TIMMY TOM. I DON'T NEED YOUR NEGATIVITY.

So I thought, what better time to write a new list, except this time, I can't use any of the new characters. (I LIED) So here is my updated 2k17 list of characters who should be in the Arrowverse (ONE FOR EACH SHOW)! This time it's not in any particular order! :D  I am going to go into connections with already existing Arrowverse characters

Static Shock/Virgil Hawkins (Black Lightning)
For those of you who don't know, there is a solo hero in the DC universe who's powers are not unlike Black Lightning. That someone is Virgil Hawkins. I don't know for sure if they have ever had any connections for 100% sure. But with these two having similar powers, it'd be a good fun character dynamic where he takes a young Virgil try to control his powers and become his own hero.

Powergirl/Karen Starr (Supergirl)
Being the literal other dimension doppleganger of Supergirl, I feel like Karen Starr needs to be on this list. She is the Earth 2 clone of Supergirl and since it looks like the universe is heading in the direction of CRISIS! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

Rose Wilson (Arrow)
If you think about it, we know that Deathstroke in the comics has kids. And they are all kinda interesting. But Rose would be the most interesting on Arrow. This theory is a longshot since as far as we know, the Deathstroke in this Earth has no kids. But hey, it's a thought. She'd be a really interesting Huntress-like ally, but then not really, because Rose is on the line between good and evil.

Hal Jordan/Green Lantern (Legends)
With the situation that the Legends will be in, at the start of Season 3. There is no way that the Green Lantern Corp will just miss these changes made to the timeline. It's there job to protect earth, so I would say that a green lantern should get involved in it. It's there job. The reason I chose Hal Jordan, is because he'd bring back some Snart level sarcasm.

Vic Stone (Flash)
Cyborg may be in the Justice League movie, but what's stopping just regular old Vic Stone from showing up in Flash? His dad was a scientist. So he'd probably have a good part in Team Flash. Even without his powers he'd probably a good character and have a fun quirky character! :D

Sorry the list is so small. I thought it would be cool! Anyway! Enjoy your day friends!

Mikayla Hurst Interview!

Hello all! I am here for another interview, this time with the...

Mikayla: *interrupts* You say the word lovely, I'll knock your face off.


Mikayla: I'll accept that for now.

Mikayla Hurst... Isn't she just the nicest?

Mikayla: Liar.

ON TO THOSE QUESTIONS... Who's your favorite superhero?

Mikayla: I really liked Batgirl, back when she was in that wheelchair. She is really good at that hacking stuff. But now I am a huge fan of Black Canary.

What is your favorite thing to cook?

Mikayla: *smiles* Well, my favorite thing to cook for the kids is monkey bread. They're always coming up to me, asking if I can make them monkey bread.

Do you like baking cookies?

Mikayla: Oh! Definitely!

If you could meet any superhero who would it be?

Mikayla: Hmm... Well, I would like to meet Black Canary.

Do you have your drivers licence?

Mikayla: No... I am sixteen but I don't like driving... or cars...

Has Cason ever hit you?

Mikayla: *stares at me* What?! He would never do that! He's a real sweet boy, violent... But he'd never hit a girl. Trust me.

How much do you get paid at your job?

Mikayla: I get a room to stay in at the center, and I get to see all of these kids go through their lives with smiles on their faces. I don't need money. I really have everything I need. But I do get a small allowance from the center. I'm saving up for cooking classes.

Have you ever made the game winning shot?

Mikayla: *nods* Yes!

How many stripes do you have?

Mikayla: I dunno. I don't count my stripes.

Are you a white tiger or an orange one?

Mikayla: Orange. *glares at me* Someone must've forgotten to share that helpful knowledge.

Did your parents die or did they drop you off at the orphanage?

Mikayla: *bites her lip* I don't know my mother... Or my father to be honest... I don't want to know him any better than I already do... He pushed me out of his truck when I was six years old... Just because I talked too much. He drove off without me. Never came looking for me. And I am glad. I never want to see him again.

What's your favorite sandwich?

Mikayla: Pulled Pork sandwiches. I make 'em for the kids on Saturdays!

What's your favorite TV show?

Mikayla: Honestly, I watch so much Paw Patrol, it's hard to hate it now.

Do you like swimming?

Mikayla: I'm a cat. What do you think?

Do you like chocolate dipped strawberries???

Mikayla: OKAY, So Cason. That little sweetheart actually bought me a box of those to celebrate our first win. He was so cute!

Cason: *shouts from the other room* HEY! I CAN HEAR YOU!

Sylvester: *laughs from the other room* You are a sweetheart.

Cason: *sounds of angry grunts and things breaking*

UMMMM That's all the time we have for today! See you later! Thanks Mikayla!

Mikayla: *laughs*

Hope you guys enjoyed that interview! If you want to see my others, there's a link on the side-bar that will take you to my past character interviews!

Next week: I will be interviewing another fluffy Border Collie. None other than Cason's older brother Benjamin Hendricks. He goes by Benji, though. He lives at home with his brother and parents, and loves pulling pranks on his brother, going to the park, watching Hallmark movies with his girlfriend, and Family Game Nights. He is twenty-one years old and takes classes at his local college for his major in Criminal Psychology.

Feel free to send me questions!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Asking for your input!

Hello my wonderful readers! :D

I have written so much for this blog over the past few months and I am so glad to see so many views on my posts! With the challenge winding down, and character interviews coming along nicely, I want to reach out to you guys and see what you think I should post about on my blog!

I have some ideas myself for possible new posts such as:
  • 10 Characters who should enter the Arrowverse (2k17)
  • Top Five Female Arrowverse Characters
  • 10 of my characters who might... possibly meet a sad end and why.
  • Top five Arrowverse heroes
  • Top Five Bad Guys.
But I want something that you guys will read and share with your friends. So send me your ideas and I will make sure to do some of them, as long as they are reasonable topics.

Thank you all for reading my blog! :D

WARNING: 13 days remain in our challenge! HURRY HURRY HURRY!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Late Bloom Chapter One!

The year was 2109. Louis Chandler stared at his bedroom ceiling. Today was a very important and terrifying day. Today was his fifteenth birthday.  But he wasn't excited about it… Today was also the day that he would discover his power… If everything turned out okay. If he succeeded. That's what terrified him. What if his powers weren't there? What if he couldn't do it? He turned to lay on his side and stared at his wall. He didn't want to think about that…

He looked over at his clock. It blinked 7:31 at him in bright green lights. It was an hour before he had to go meet with Mrs. Ferguson to show her what he could do… If he could do anything. This was his one chance to do it, so he could stay with his family. He sighed and closed his eyes, wanting to not worry about it…

He was brought out of his thoughts by a small shock to his feet.  He jerked his feet under the covers. “Morning twerp! Today's Exile day!” The voice of his brother came from the direction of his doorway.”

He opened his eyes and turned to give his brother an annoyed look. “You do not know that, Andrew.” He threw his pillow at his brother.

Andrew caught it with a smirk. “Well just in case, you should pack up your things. Y'know, so you don't have to do it later.”

Louis sat up and picked up another pillow to throw at him, when his brother was jerked out of the doorway and he heard his sister, Jasmine, screaming at his brother. “Andrew Samuel Chandler! What are you doing? Do you want to give him heart attack? I swear I will throw you half-way across the city again if I have to.”

Louis heard Andrew mumble a response and Jasmine growl. After a few minutes of what sounded like a running and shouting, Jasmine came into his room. Louis smiled at her. “Hey sis.”

“Hey big bro.” She came to sit on the bed next to him. “How ya feelin'?”

He put on his most convincing smile. “Oh I am feeling great. No pressure at all.”   

Jasmine lightly punched him on the shoulder, making him wince. “Liar.” She grinned a little and hugged him. “Lighten up bro. Today's a big day for you.”

Louis sighed. “Don't remind me, Jas.”

She pushed him off the bed. “I was talking about your birthday stupid!” She giggled and helped him off of the floor. “Your test is just a test. Your birthday only comes once.”

“Every year.” He smiled and let her help him up.

She laughed and pulled a small wrapped box out of her back pocket and handed it to him. “Happy Birthday Louis.”

He looked down at the box and then up at his sister. “Awww Jas. Thank you.” He tore the wrapping off and opened the box. He gasped and took out a small flat blue square with a picture of an apple on the back. “Wow!”

Jasmine grinned, “I know. It's called an iPod, according to the records. No ones used one of these since way before World War Three!”

Louis looked up at his sister. “You mean… Early 21st century stuff? Oh my goodness! Thank you Jasmine!” He gave his sister a big hug.

She hugged back with a smile on her face. “I knew you'd love it!”

Louis looked down at it. “This is a relic! How in the world did you get that?”

“I found it in a bag when I was with my class on our trip outside the walls. It had the charger, and earbuds. I tried it out and it has dozens of songs… Some of them were weird though. They said the word butt a lot.”

Louis laughed, “Oh. That was around the 2010's then. Americans then were weird. Not all of them though.”

“That was when your grandpa was a boy.” They looked up to see their parents in the doorway. “He sure had some stories.” His mom chuckled in an attempt to keep her son happy.

Louis sighed, “I guess it's time for me to get ready, isn't it?” He put the iPod back in it's box.

His dad nodded. “You should get dressed. We have to go in twenty minutes.”

Louis sighed and gave his sister another hug. “Thanks for the present, Jas.” Jasmine hugged back and went to her own room.

His mom elbowed her husband. “Samuel!”

Samuel Chandler crossed his arms. “Sorry, Susan… It's a very important day. His whole future depends on today.”

Susan Chandler also crossed her arms. “You think he doesn't know that? If anyone should be the most worried, it's him. Are you afraid that he’ll reflect badly on you, Mr. Secretary?”

Samuel put his hands to his head. “He's my son, Susan! You think I want to see him leave at fifteen years old?”

Louis put his hands on his ears. “Please! Stop fighting! This isn't making me feel any better about this...” He fell on his bed and awkwardly face-planted into his pillow.

His dad came and sat on the bed behind him. “I'm sorry Louis. I wasn't thinking about how you were feeling… Will you forgive me son?”

Louis nodded as his mom sat next to him and ruffled Louis' hair. “Louis. Don't worry son. It's super rare that one's powers don't show up by now. And the doctor will be there to help.”

Louis sat up and smiled a little. “Thanks… I feel a little better now.” He lied. He was still terrified. Just because something was rare, didn't mean it wasn't possible.

His dad smiled and clapped him on the back. “Okay. But seriously. You need to get dressed. We now have thirteen minutes. He led his wife out of the room to give Louis time to change.

Louis breathed in and then let it go. He needed to get ready. His parents were probably right. He shouldn't worry about it. It was his fifteenth birthday! Maybe he had developed it over night. He stood up and went to go take a shower.
Twenty minutes later, Louis sat in the waiting room with his mother. His dad had an important meeting scheduled and Jasmine had stayed home to make Louis his birthday lunch. “For when you get your powers.” She had said.

The room was empty, besides one other boy and his father. The boy looked how he had been feeling. He looked terrified. He turned to his mom. “I guess there aren't many kids my age with birthdays today.”

His mom whispered back. “Febuary 29th isn't a very common birthday.” She was right. Febuary 29th was not a common birthday, which seemed a little weird to Louis. Especially since they had permanently done away with the leapyear. It didn't come only once every four years anymore. So why were there still so few births on that day?

A nurse opened the door to the waiting room. “Joey Daniels?”

The other boy looked up. “Y-Yes sir?”

The nurse smiled a comforting smile at Joey. “The doctor and Mrs. Ferguson are ready for you in the back.”

Joey looked down and closed his eyes tight. “I'm gonna fail. I'm gonna fail...”

Louis smiled at Joey. “Hey. You'll do great.”

Joey looked up and gave Louis a nervous smile. “That's nice of you to say… But you don't know that.”

“You don't know either. Just be positive. Your emotions can really influence your outcome.”

Joey smiled and stood up. “Th-Thank you.” He walked to the door and followed the nurse and his dad into the doorway and closed the door behind him.

Louis smiled. Joey seemed like a nice guy. He hoped that when he was done with this, that they could meet up and hang out.
Twenty-five minutes passed and Joey came back out looking really excited. “You were right! Oh my goodness! I have powers!” He gave Louis a hug. “Thank you! Thank you so much… What's your name?”
“I'm Louis. Louis Chandler.” The hug took him by surprise. He didn't really give many hugs, so he really didn't know what to do.
Joey blushed and pulled away, “Sorry... I forget personal space boundaries when I am excited.”'
Louis chuckled nervously. “It's okay.” Then he changed the subject. “So what power do you have?”
Joey extended his hand and suddenly a small flame rose from his palm. "I can control fire."
Louis grinned, "Wow! That's cool!"
His mom nudged him and chuckled, "Dontcha mean hot?" Louis gave his mom a look. "You know... Fire? Hot?" He facepalmed. "What?! That was funny Louis."
Joey chuckled. "That was a good one."
Louis was about to respond, when he heard someone clear their throat. He turned to see the nurse waiting for him at the door. He turned to Joey. "I'll see you later, I guess."
Joey smiled, "Good luck, Louis..."
Louis turned to the nurse, and went through the open door.

This is one of the three projects I have decided to do work on this fall! Please comment and tell me what you think! Give me suggestions! Fun squishy stuff like that! Stay Fluffy Y'all!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

There are 17 days until the end of the challenge! Now is the time to start sending in your entries to me!!!! :D :D :D

Monday, July 24, 2017

Cason Hendricks Interview

Hello everyone! Welcome to todays post! Today I going to be interviewing another one of my characters! The fluffy Border Collie with an attitude.

Cason: ME! *chuckles* Hello!

Well! Looks like you are ready to go! :D

Cason: You bet!

Okay! First Question! What would you do if you found out you had a long lost family member?

Cason: Um... Is that supposed to be significant thing? I would not trust him at all. Long lost family members usually turn out to be crazy! Trust me. I watch movies.

That seems highly unlikely.

Cason: *punches my shoulder* Don't contradict me.

Cason: Next question.

Why do you hang with cats?

Cason: Because they make fun friends. Plus they give really fluffy hugs.

What is your favorite food?

Cason: I love steak. Steak is just so delicious with that meaty flavor. Actually, any meat is good!

*looks down at my questions and my eyes narrow and I sigh* When was the last time you hit someone?

Cason: *winks* Five minutes ago.

Do you consider yourself adorable or just cute?

Cason: I believe the term you were looking for is handsome.

Please don't flirt with my readers. You're only fifteen, kid.

Cason: I'm not as bad as Sylvester.

Sylvester: Excuse me?

Cason:  Shut up. This is my interview.

If aliens were to land in your backyard tomorrow what would you say to them?

Cason: I'd probably be too scared to say anything. But aliens aren't real, so I am glad.

If you could own any car what would it be?

Cason: Blue Maserati.

What's your favorite sandwich?

Cason: I like steak clubs. With swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, and spinach.

What's your favorite video game?

Cason: A custom game one of the kids at school named Night Howlers. You play as a werewolf and you have to fight in MMA fights.

Do you like napping?

Cason: Yeah. Playing soccer is tiring.

Have you ever considered learning martial arts as a form of anger releasing... thing.. action..?

Cason: *crosses his arms* My new therapist told me that that was a good idea just this morning.

What's your favorite number?

Cason: 27. It's the number on my jersey.

What's your favorite subject in school?

Cason: Right now, history. My teacher, Mr. Manchester, is pretty darn good.

Where are you from?

Cason: I live in the fabulous state of Alaska.

Who is his best friend?

Cason: His name is Zane and he's a white tiger.

What are some of your favorite pastimes?

Cason: I like to play soccer, go on walks, and go to restaurants.

What languages do you speak?

Cason: Eh bien, je peux parler un peu de français d'une année passée au Canada avec mon cousin Dallas. (Well I can speak a little bit of french from a year spent in Canada with my cousin Dallas.)

And that is all the questions I have for you!
Cason: Good. I have soccer practice later and I need to get some rest. BYE ALL

Gee whilickers! Well that was fun! :D Thank you so much for sending in these questions.
My next interviewee will be another character from "This is for Benji" named Mikayla Hurst.
She is a tigress, 16 years old, and turns out to become Cason's best friend... Or maybe even more. She is an orphan who lives/works at the orphanage she was practically raised at. She enjoys cooking, playing soccer, and watching superhero movies with super buttery popcorn.

Friday, July 21, 2017

A Grim Problem

Detective Grim sat at his desk looking rather... well dead. And frightened. He looked up at James, who sat in front of the desk looking just as frightened. "You're sure you saw a chip in the door to..."
"I am sure sir. They've been pounding on the other side so much..."
"I know, son." Grim folded his bony hands. "If they escape... Everyone will be in danger."
"I know... Last time they wiped out the whole town before your boss was able to force them back in." James shivered a little.
"Yes. That worked last time... But this... They've been in there for almost ten years. They are angry, hungry, and evil. They won't be as easily stopped. And the poor regular everyday citizens will be helpless... The whole country might even be in danger." Grim sighed and stood up. "And you know my boss doesn't want anything to do with me after I gave you a chance."
James looked down. "I never wanted to become one of them... I just wanted to have my own life." He looked at his paws and held one up. It flickered a little and darkness rose from his fingertips. "And besides, your boss made it very clear about how he felt about me. He trapped me here. I can't leave town..."
Grim went over to James and patted him on the shoulder. "And I have treated you like my own son since then. And I will make sure nothing happens to this town, or to you. Okay? Now we need to think of a way to stop this." He went to his filing cabinet and pulled out a scroll. "The shadows are literal embodiments of death and darkness." He opened the scroll on his desk. "The only things that have ever stopped them are light, magic, or more death."
James looked down. "Well besides your boss, we don't know anyone that can help with the first two. And we don't even know how long it'll take to get ahold of him..."
Grim sighed and put his face in his hands. "I can gather the strongest of us to hold them off when the time does come... But I don't know how long they'd last."
James looked down. "What do we do then?"
The door crashed in and a big burly werewolf covered in dirt and a little blood. "Detective Grim."
Grim stood up and took his scythe out. "Who are you?"
The werewolf shrunk down as he transformed into a border collie. "I... have... news..." He passed out on the floor of the office.
"Klyde!" James ran to the fallen collie. He picked up Klyde. “We need to get him to the hospital.”
Grim looked down at the unconscious boy. “Umm… I am not very good at the whole healing thing.”
James gave him a look.
Grim chuckled. “I’ll call an ambulance…”

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Klyde's choice

Klyde looked out toward the mountains near the edge of town. He shifted his bag on his shoulder as he went into Haylo's. He needed to do this. To say good bye.
The others were laughing and sitting around one of the tables. Shane was blushing awkwardly as Tekky teased him about something. Randy and his band were looking at some sheet music Terran had written up. Mikey and Adrea were playing a game of tic-tac-toe, and Haylo was behind the counter cleaning glasses.
Klyde sucked in a breath and went to the table. "Hey guys."
They all looked up at him. Shane smiled sympathetically at him. "Hey Klyde. You doing okay?"
Klyde gave his best smile. "Yeah. I am doing okay..."
Tekky smiled, "That's the spirit! Strong through torture." He turned to Haylo. "Hey Haylo, can I get a chocolate shake for Klyde?"
Haylo nodded, giving Klyde a thoughtful glance.
"Oh no. I am not thirsty. Just ready to head out." Klyde chuckled.
He saw Haylo put down the glass in the corner of his eye.
Randy looked up and smiled, "Well if you're going, then have a good night."
Klyde smiled, "Okay you guys."
Tekky got up and gave him a big hug. "See ya tomorrow!"
Klyde hugged him and closed his eye tight. He knew he wouldn't be back for awhile... He knew they'd be hurt. But he knew he needed answers. To find who he was.
Tekky let go and Shane gave him a hug. "Hey... Get some sleep okay? I am here if you want to talk."
Klyde nodded. "Thanks..." He turned and walked to the door and went outside. He sighed and looked toward the mountains again.
"I know what you're doing Klyde."
Klyde turned around and saw Haylo standing behind him. "I don't even know what I am doing honestly..."
"I don't blame you. You turned into a werewolf. You were tortured. I'd want answers too, to be honest. But you're going alone?"
Klyde looked down. "I need this. You understand, right?"
Haylo nodded. "Yes." He handed Klyde a styrofoam cup with a straw in it. "You should take this. No need to go on an empty stomach."
Klyde took a sip and chuckled. "Chocolate shake. Thanks Haylo."
"Take care of yourself." Haylo hugged him.
Klyde smiled and turned toward the mountains and started to walk. He tried hard not to think of the others. Shane and how much he cared about him. Tekky and his enthusiastic nature and sweet personality. How they would not understand... How they'd be hurt by him leaving.
At the edge of the city, he turned around and looked back on the town. He sighed and looked down. "Please don't hate me..."
He turned to the woods and turned into his werewolf form, and barged into the woods.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

This scene involves torture.

Klyde had no idea where he was. The last thing he remembered he was having a shake at Haylo’s and then everything went blank. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. He looked down and saw he was strapped to a chair. He struggled to get out and looked up, he was in cage in a dark room. Probably a basement, he thought to himself.

He tried to call for help, but it came out muffled. “MmMmm!?” He had been gagged. Felt like one of those disgusting old towels. He jerked his head a little trying to make it loosen so it would come off. “MmMMM!” He tried again.

He heard a faint moan and turned his head to the side, to see a bunch of other cages. The moan had come from the one with a huge light shining down on a curled up whimpering figure, who Klyde immeadiately recognized. “Mmm!” He said as the gag finally gave him some room to yell. “TEKKY!”

Tekky looked up at him, looking really scared and tired with his eyes super red. “K-Klyde… N-no… Why are you here?” He buried his face in hoodie. “B-Burns… So much.”

Klyde jerked in his seat. “TEKKY! Hold on man. I am gonna get you out of here.”

Suddenly, he felt a shock come from his chair and go up his body, and it hurt really bad. He screamed. “You’re not going anywhere.”
Tekky winced as he looked up. “Stop! Don’t hurt him!” He winced as the light burned him more.

Klyde looked at his captors. “Who are you? Why are you doing this?” The two shadowy figures came into the light and Klyde immeadiately recognized them. “You… You’re the new kid’s parents… what was his name? Keiran.”

They  just watched him, just messed with the controls on his cage and he got shocked again and he screamed writhing in pain. “Fascinating. His resistance to the shocks just keeps getting stronger. You’d think he was actually normal.”

Klyde panted as the shocks stopped. “WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! I am normal!”

Keiran’s mom looked up at him. “You can lie all you want. Our equipment says you’re just like everyone else in this town”

Klyde struggled even more. “Equipment?!” His eyes widened, “You’re monster hunters.”
Keiran’s dad nodded, “Yes. And we seem to have caught a big one with you.”

Klyde laughed, “Hah! You’re equipment is wrong! I am not even from this town. I am adopted. I am not a monster!”

Keiran’s dad gave him another shock. “Liar.”

Klyde screamed and writhed, “I’m not lying! I swear!” He started to cry. “Please let me go!”

Keiran ran into the room and turned off the machine that controlled the cages. “What are you doing?!” The light in Tekky’s cage blew out.

Keiran’s parents gave him blank looks. “We are running tests, Keiran. Go back upstairs now.”

Keiran looked in Tekky’s cage as he lay there weakly even though the light was off now, then over at Klyde. “This isn’t testing, it’s torture! You promised you wouldn’t hurt anyone. Klyde’s not even a monster! I checked!”

His dad growled, “These are not your friends, they are hideous bloodthirsty creatures who kill for fun. They don’t care who they hurt.”

Keiran frowned, “Really? Because that sounds a lot like you right now.” He turned and ran back up the stairs.

His mom turned to Klyde. “We’ll show him.” She upped the juice in the shock and turned it on shocking Klyde again this time not shutting it off.
Klyde howled in pain his eyes shut. Suddenly his howl got louder and his eyes shot open, now a dark, hungry forest green and his body started to get bigger.”

Tekky raised his head and whispered. “Oh, Klyde…”

Monday, July 17, 2017

Interviewing Louis Chandler

Hey guys! :D Time for a character intervi... *looks around* Umm... Louis?

Louis: *shouts* I am in the garden!

What? How long has this place had a garden...

Louis: *chuckles* Um... Well...

O_____O Sorry I am late.

Louis: You said you had questions? *sitting in the garden planting carrots*

Yes. Yes I did. So are you ready?

Louis: You bet!

What's your favorite sandwich?

Louis: Ummmmmm What? We don't really have sandwiches here.

You guy need a Publix in the future. There are some good sandwiches there.

Louis: Ummm... Publix?

Never mind... What is your favorite color?

Louis: I am a huge fan of the color forest green!

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday?

Louis: Hmmm I... I... I like to work in the garden and listen to music.

Have a favorite TV show?

Louis: What? *confused*

Oh... Right. No TV in the future... What's your least favorite thing to do on a Tuesday?

Louis: I really don't have a least favorite thing to do on a certain day? The days all blend together.

What did you want to do when you grow up?

Louis: I want to... *thinks hard* I think I want to help restore peace to the world.

If you could rename yourself anything what would it be?

Louis: Toby! I like the sound of Toby!

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Louis: I have a superpower! I can control plants!

Ooooh cool! :D That goes perfect with your love for gardening!

Louis: *chuckles and smiles*

When and where were you happiest?

Louis: At home with my sister. She is the best! Her name is Jasmine.

If you could meet any historical figure who would it be?

Louis: I want to meet Mark Fischbach.

How do you know about Markiplier?

Louis: Huh? I am talking about that guy from your time that can sing. He's got a deep voice. Very funny.

Yep... That is Markiplier.

Louis: Oh. Okay.

What superpower would most suit your personality?

Louis: Same as the power I have...

What requirements did you not match to stay in the city?

Louis: I... I had to develop my super power before I turned fifteen... Because there is a huge chance my powers could become sporadic... And I could hurt someone.

Most memorable moments?

Louis: Again. When I am with my sister.

Biggest regrets?

Louis: I really don't have much to regret. I haven't made any wrong choices yet, and most of the things that have happened, have happened. Regrets don't change anything so...

Thank you for a wonderful interview.

Louis: *:D*

Isn't he so nice! :D

ANYWAY! :D Hope you guys enjoyed that!

Next interview will be for Cason Hendricks! :D
He's a cute fluffy Border Collie. Just don't tell him that. He'll probably land you in a hospital... O____O He enjoys playing soccer, going on walkies, bones, and hanging out with cats. He hails from my project "This is for Benji!" ASK AWAY!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Scary Stories at Haylo

Shane looked down at the map that he had found in Scarlette’s hood. “What I don’t get is why that demon had a map of the school in her hood?”

Tekky took a sip of his shake. “You said you killed her at the school? At night?”

Klyde looked up from his Maple Pecan Marshmellow Surprise Donut. “Wait… You were at the school at night?”

Shane nodded. “I needed a place where I could stall and hide. She was following me everywhere. And besides. Brody was apparently living in the shed outside the school.”

Klyde drummed his fingers on the table. “Um… So… That’s all that happened?” He exchanged a glance with Tekky.

Shane cocked his head and took a sip of his shake. “Well… Yeah. That’s all.” His ears drooped. “Please don’t tell me I awoke an ancient evil swordsman from feudal Japan.”

“Did you?” Klyde’s ears perked up.

“Not to my knowledge…” Shane scratched his head.

“Then you should be fine. Except…”

Shane’s forehead hit the table. “I hate my life.”

”The school is haunted… Especially at night.”

“Oh joy. That makes me so very happy.” Shane looked up and was extremely pale.

Tekky looked down at his shake. “Are you gonna drink the rest of that?”

Shane pushed the shake toward Tekky.

Klyde sighed. “So I better explain since Tekky is focusing on his stomach.” He took a deep breathe. “About fifty years ago, back when the town wasn’t as overrun with monsters, monsters were feared and ridiculed. It was bad enough to the point where some of the monsters had to hide the fact that they were monsters. Just so they could live in peace. And there was a student here in the school who would do everything he could to make the students that were monsters, miserable. His name was Tyler Grant, and he was a normal husky. He’d do things like trip them in the hallways, or call them names. He did this for years until one day when the other kids decided they’d teach him a lesson. They ended up scaring him so bad, he went into a coma for three months. When he woke up, he seemed to be better. He didn’t mess with anyone and actually seemed to be nicer. Then the night of the Halloween dance came… All of the monsters in school met up in a graveyard to party it up… Tyler put on the school hockey uniform and mask and went to the party as well. He killed over half of the monsters there before he was sliced in half by our Detective Grim.”

Shane sighed. “So Officer Delightful killed a guy who went nuts and now the guy’s ghost stalks the halls of the school at night?”

Klyde hesitated. “Not exactly. He haunts the school at night… But he’s more than a ghost. Kids have gone inside the school and not come out.”

“So a murderous ghost?”

Tekky shook his head. “Oh no. Tyler is way worse than that. I was there the night he died. His ghost literally would have kept chopping us up if Grim’s boss hadn’t trapped him in the school at nighttime.” He put an arm around Shane’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We don’t have a reason to go into the school at night.”

Klyde looked at the map. “This map says otherwise.”

Tekky grabbed Klyde by the shirt. “Shut up!”

Shane turned to Tekky, “How were you there?”

Tekky gave him a look. “I am 220 years old Shane. It wasn’t very hard.”

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Don't take potions for Randy

Randy stood in front of his experiment table mixing different colored formulas. “Hmm…” He looked at the different colors and mixed the yellow and the purple colored ones. As a result it made an interesting green/yellow bubbly mixture. “Nice.” He turned to, Leo, who was sitting in the corner. “Leo! I made a thing!”

Leo smiled and patted him on the head. “Good boy Randy!” He looked at the beaker, not actually wanting to try it. Suddenly he felt a kink in his neck. “Ow! Randy… Can you fix my neck? I think there is a loose bone.”

Randy put the beaker down went over to examine Leo’s neck. “Hmm… Look down?”

Leo looked down as Randy examined his neck. “You’re fine Leo. I think you’re just a little tense.” He rubbed Leo’s neck. “Here. Feel better?”

Leo grinned, “Oh yes. Thanks Randy.” He gave Randy a big hug. His ears twitched when there was a knock at the door.

Shane stuck his head in. “Randy?”

Leo grinned and ran to hug the newcomer. “Shane!” He squeezed his friend.

Mikey smiled as Leo hugged him next. “Hey Leo. Hey Randy.”

Randy grinned, “What kind I do for you boys today?” He stuck out the paw with the new potion in it. “TRY THIS! I made it!”

Shane gave it a distasteful look, “Um… No thanks dude…”

Mikey smiled, “Oh! LIME?” He grabbed the drink and downed half of it. “Yum. Dude your sodas get better everytime!”

Shane rolled his eyes.

Mikey gave him a look, “I am NOT a moron! How dare you!”

Shane looked at Mikey, “I didn’t call you a moron!” He quickly took the comment he had just made in his head back.

“You better be scared. Because…” Mikey stopped and looked at Randy. “That wasn’t a soda was it?”

Randy didn’t say anything, but slowly took the beaker back and drank the rest of it. “It works!!!”

Leo rolled his eyes. “You didn’t even know it was going to do that.”

Randy smiled, “Yes I am hot.”

“HAH!” Leo laughed. “I did not think that. And you know it.”

Randy sighed, “It was worth a shot.”

“Mind reading?! AWESOME!” Mikey grinned as Tekky walked in.

“Dude! Band practice is in five minutes.”
Mikey looked at Tekky and then back at Derrick. “OOOOOOOOOH!” He covered his mouth and giggled.

Derrick blushed and threw a pen at him. “NO!”

Leo Scene! :D

Shane made his way to the center of the room cautiously. He knew he had one more challenge to face. So where was…

“Hello Shane.”

Shane jumped and whirled around. Standing behind him was Randy. “Didn’t think you’d last this long.”

Shane backed up a little, getting a very bad feeling about this. “I am not entirely clueless.”

Randy grinned. “You’re not. Well let’s see how light on your feet you are.”

A large figure rose up behind Randy and growled a low grumbly growl. Shane gasped and backed away. “Oh come on!”

The figure howled loud and at first Shane thought it was a werewolf. But then he realized it was made up of parts of different monsters. “Oh wow.” He said dodging as the monster threw a table at him.

“Wow? Wow What?” The beast bellowed. “I am literally going to kill you right now and your saying wow?”

Randy coughed from the side. “Monsters don’t have conversations!”

The beast grumbled a little, but Shane stopped moving. “Seriously though. Are you like patchwork, or something?” He hid behind a broken table as a chair flew over it. “It looks really cool.”

The monster stopped throwing things. “Awww. That is so nice of you to say.”

“Leo!” Randy stomped over. “Concentrate!”

Shane peeked over the table. “Thank you.”

Randy turned to glare. “Shut up! You distracted him with your friendliness!”

Leo frowned, “I don’t like killing people, Randy.” He sniffled.

Randy sighed and gave his friend a hug. “Awww. I am sorry Leo. How about a banana split after Shane leaves?”

Leo’s eyes lit up. “YAY!”

Randy smiled. “Good. Because Shane has fifteen second to get out of here before I kill him.” Randy glared over at Shane.

Shane chuckled and ran out the door screaming.

Not Spooksville. BUT STILL GOOD READ I think... O.O

The year 2203. The future. No one expected it to be what it became. Threats were made, bombs were used. There was death and ruin everywhere. The world had become a wasteland. The remains of civilization had gathered into small cities and a weak monetary system was established in each. Regardless of this monetary system, some survivors ended up not being able to afford food. A lot of these survivors ended up starving. Others that survived had to take jobs as builders to help restore buildings for a low price. Others… who were more fortunate, got to help run the market place. These market vendors were able to price their merchandise. Sadly… some couldn’t afford the prices, so they went through illegal means to feed their families…

Revan Streak looked back and forth as he entered the one of the vendor’s shops. As familiar he was with stealing, something about being forced to the point where he had too kind of made him feel blank inside. But he had a good reason too, and the prices were expensive. And though he worked, three hours a day and three days a week on working to build houses and hotels, he still didn’t get enough to purchase a full week’s worth of food.

He took his bag off his back and slowly started bumping fruits into his bag as he walked down the row of tables. He stopped by the bread which smelled extremely nice. He made sure no one was looking and picked one up and quickly put it in his bag, closing it. He picked up another piece of bread and looked at it. He was beginning to wonder if he should pay for this loaf, when he heard shouting. He turned, and saw the police… or what passed as police. They were canines with muscles and they looked well fed. Of course they were… The vendors paid them to make sure people like Revan didn’t steal from them. But even then, why would anyone need to steal if the stuff they sold was actually affordable! But Revan didn’t think on that for long. The police were coming over and they looked mad. As if canines weren’t terrifying enough when they have rock hard muscles, they also had pointy things… (He knew that there was a better name for them, he just didn’t know what it was.) That was more than enough to scare him, so he ran.

Revan winced as he tripped and fell to the ground, his bag falling out of his paws. Of course the cops would be suspicious of him. He was a young, very hard-to-miss red fox, and a known trouble-maker in town. Though… that was one of his favorite things to do. Cause trouble. Luckily for Revan the bag didn’t spill open. As much as he liked to cause trouble, today was not the day to get arrested… Again.

Revan looked up as the police dogs came over to the tent to put him into his restraints. He looked up and chuckled as he secretly pushed his bag under the table so they wouldn’t see it. He had to make sure he came back for it later so he made it visible but not too obviously placed. “Are those the same restraints as last time?” he quipped, trying to sneak his way out of this bind.

            He had almost been caught stealing food… again. But seriously, everyone knows that a dollar for a loaf of bread was a rip-off, especially with people being so poor these days. How was someone supposed to raise a family in the twenty-second century on fifty cents a day? Besides the police, who confiscated the bread he had “stolen;” these rip-off vendors were the wealthiest people around these days. Stealing from them made him feel like Robin Hood.

            Revan smiled as the police dragged him up to the vendor, a pig by the name of Archibald Stine. “Archie! My old friend! How are you doing today?”

            Archie glared at him. “Revan. I thought I told your thieving tail to stay away from my food.”

            Revan gave a carefree smile, “Oh, but Archie, the bread smelt so good! I just had to come over and take a look.”

            Archie snatched the loaf from one of the officers, who had just went to inhale the scent of the bread. “I know. I made it myself. And it’s for my PAYING customers. Not for some red-furred demon to go shoving in his pockets! And you sir, were here taking more than just a look.”

            Revan gave Archie an arrogant look, “I always did see myself as a handsome devil.” Inside though he was relieved. That meant Archie hadn’t seen the other stuff he had snuck into his bag.

            Archie rolled his eyes and turned to one of the cops. “Take ‘em away. I have no business with foxes that don’t pay for what they take! Once was me being kind, twice was mercy, but this is the last straw. I will not sit around and let him take my goods.”

            Revan cackled, “Oh is that what you’re telling them this time?” The dogs started to pull him away. He panicked on the inside as the possibility of jail came closer with every step he was taken, and he spoke louder, “I seem to remember you saying you told me never to come back after one time, Archie ol’ pal!” The dogs slowed but didn’t stop. The fox tugged on his restraints trying to make his way back to Archie’s table. “And who’s to say I wasn’t ready to pay for that bread!”

            The guards completely stopped. Archie raised an eyebrow. “You actually have money to pay? What’d you do? Steal that too?” He laughed.

            Revan feigned a hurt look. “Why Archie! I am a hard-working fox. I have three day’s wages to show for it!” He pulled the money out his pocket, well… the best he could in his restraints. “That’s a dollar fifty if I am not mistaken…” He scratched his head. “I don’t know though. I am just a red-furred demon.” He shrugged.

            Archie snorted and glared at Revan. “You’re up to something. I know it. You foxes always got some sort of nasty trick up your sleeves.”

            Revan looked down at his clothes then back up with a laugh. “Ah-hah! I don’t have sleeves.”

            Archie balled his fist. “Away! Go on, scat!”

            Revan slowly turned to look at the officers, “Okay!” They sighed and unlocked his restraints. “I could always take my business and money, elsewhere…” He waved behind him and slowly started to walk away… Just waiting for…

            “Oh fine. Come buy your bloody bread.” Archie growled.

            Revan smirked and turned around with a humble look. “Are you sure?”

            “Don’t make me change my mind, fox.” Archie grumbled as the fox came up to his table and picked up the biggest one and handed him the dollar and fifty cents.

            Revan smiled and gave the pig a friendly wave. “Keep the change Archie. Maybe that’ll convince you I am not as bad as you think.” He winked as the pig turned to another customer, then turned to leave. But not before casually picking up his bag from the ground where he had left it before.

            Revan strolled through the market, and came to a broken down building near the entrance to the market place. He grinned and took a deep breathe. “Home sweet home!” He walked through the door and placed his bag and the bread on the table and called out. “I’m home you little miscreants!”

            He chuckled as a smaller male red fox ran through the door followed by a rat. The young fox jumped into his arms. “Revan!”

            Revan laughed and hugged the little guy. “Hello, Lucas!” He put him down and knelt to be eye level with the younger guys. “How’d you do today?”

            Lucas grinned, “I survived another day.”

            Revan smiled. He’d been doing that with Lucas ever since he had taken the little guy in two years ago. The poor kid was deserted, alone, and starving. And Revan found him, running from an angry vendor. The kid had stolen an apple and the vendor had been throwing rotten tomatoes at the kid. What else could Revan have done? He was definitely not going to let the vendor hurt the kid. So he gave him a way out and a home with him. Of course, now he had grown from the little kit he was. Revan was proud of the way Lucas was growing up. He was starting to become like…”

            “He’s starting to become like you.” Revan turned to the rat. Ajax. Ajax had been Revan’s friend since long before he remembered. He was there when Revan was helpless as he watched his wife starve to death when all of this began.

            He chuckled lightheartedly, “And is that such a bad thing?”

            Ajax nudged him as he walked to the table. “With an ego like yours? Yeah, it’s a bad thing!”

            Revan faked offence. “Ajax! I am so hurt! I do not have an ego. I am way too humble for that!”

            “Yeah sure.” Ajax picked up the bread and grinned. “Revan! This looks delicious.”

            Revan smirked, “Bought that off of good ol’ Archie!”

            “Good job!” He looked at the bread. “We could split it into nine parts and that should last us three days!”

            Revan giggled and opened his bag. “No need to ration.” He pulled out the loaf of bread and all of the fruit from the bag, that he had stolen earlier, and put them on the table next to the other loaf. “These should last us long enough, don’t you think?”

            Ajax’s eyes went big, and Lucas peeked out from behind Revan. “Can I have an apple, Revan?”

            Revan took an apple from the table. “Here you go. Big and red, just like you like them, little guy!” He gave it to Lucas who squealed and ran to his cot to eat his new shiny apple.

            Ajax gave Revan a big hug. “Revan! This should last us an entire week! Maybe even more!”

            Revan returned the hug, “What can I say, Ajax? Our family not starving to death is very important to me.”

            Ajax smirked a little and let go, “I take it you didn’t pay for these?”

            Revan shook his head. “Nope. I am such a naughty fox.”

            “Oh you most certainly are. And you call us the miscreants.” Ajax chuckled, “Well, as I said before this should last us the entire week I’d say. As long as we…”

            “Don’t eat all of it in two days. I know Ajax. You say that every week.”

Ajax smiled and winked at him. “Glad to know someone listens to me.”

Revan grinned. “So what did you two do today?”

            Ajax smiled, “We went out scavenging.” He turned to Lucas, who was just finishing his apple. “Lucas. Show Revan what you found.”

            Lucas beamed and ran into one of the other rooms, and came back with a rickety old wagon full of some interesting things. Revan smiled as he watched Lucas take out the things that interested him and put them on the table.

            Revan looked at the stuff Ajax and Lucas found as they put it on the table. There were some things that could be sold, like parts from cars that no one used anymore, an old wedding band, and a splintered baseball bat. Lucas was particularly happy about his find a dusty rubix cube with half of the stickers peeling off and two books with faded covers.

            Revan had never found the time to read anymore since he lost his wife, but seeing Lucas proudly display his books – It bought a smile to his face, and he promised the boy that he would help teach him how to read.

            They had a small dinner and then gathered by the window to watch the sunset, just like they had done every day for the past two years. Revan smiled as he tucked Lucas in on the cot and settled down to sleep in the window while Ajax went to go get some sticks, and started a fire.

            Revan smiled at his friend, while the smoke from the fire billowed through the hole in the roof. “Today was a good day.”

            Ajax smirked when he looked up from the fire. “What? You didn’t almost get arrested today?”

            “I didn’t say that.” Revan chuckled and slid from the window sill, going to sit by the fire with Ajax.

            “I would say that I’m surprised, but nothing you do surprises me anymore.”

            “Drat! There goes my spontaneity.”

            Ajax nudged him. “No need to be sarcastic.”

            Revan stuck his tongue out, “Yeah right, I know you love me. And my sarcasm.”

            Ajax smiled, “Yeah. But only because you’re a troublemaker. Someone’s got to be around to keep you in line.”

            Revan chuckled and patted Ajax on the back. “I just like to make it difficult for you, buddy.” He winked. “It’s much more fun that way.”

            Ajax sighed, “Just promise me you won’t actually get arrested for real again. We need you here. We haven’t had much money lately for food, so you’re basically the one who’s providing here…”

            Revan smiled, “Don’t worry Jax. I won’t.”

            Ajax smiled and playfully shoved Revan, careful to push him in the opposite direction of the fire. “I need to go to sleep. I’m gonna go sell those things we found. Maybe I can get us even more food.”

            Revan chuckled, “And then we can eat more?”

            Ajax laughed, “As if!”

            Revan smiled and climbed up in his window-sill and got comfortable. “Night Ajax.”

            “Goodnight Revan.” The rat chuckled and sat against one of the wall and closed his eyes.

            Revan stared out his window at the stars and thought, didn’t sleep, just thought. He thought about the same thing he thought about every night. His family. Ajax and Lucas had been his family for two years. He thought about what life would be like if everything was different. If they had their own house instead of a broken down building to sleep in. What it would be like if his wife was still alive. What it would be like to sleep in a bed.

            It was fun to think about that. But he knew it wouldn’t happen. He just liked thinking about it. He didn’t want it at all, even if it was possible. He had everything he needed.

He smiled as he looked back at Ajax and Lucas, both sleeping peacefully now. He figured he should probably do the same, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...