Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Updates on me. ^-^

Hey everyone.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer. I know I am. 

I wanted to give some updates on how things are here. Keep in mind, I am super scatterbrained. This was written over the span of two weeks. 

I have not had a job since the end of the school year. Fortunately, things are still pretty good. I applied to be a real teacher at the local high school and did not get either job. (More news on this further down in the post! :D) I am excited to see if this next work season (the school year) will bring anything new for me.

Speaking of new things for me, I am working on a personal project that I am almost ready to put through the grinds of publishing. I am working on editing a selection of some of the short stories I have written over the past five or six years. I am hoping I can gather these stories and publish them as a collection. It will hopefully include some of the work I have published, with some major modifications to reflect my original intentions and my current writing style, and some newer work.  

It's a huge step I want to take to share more of my stories with my audience. As of right now, I am still determining what the collection would be called. But I am always thinking about it.

I have a prospective list of stories I want to include in the collection. 

  • "Nightmare at Elmwood College" (Originally published in "Slashers)
  • "Sacrifice" (Originally published in "Awoo, Who's This?")
  • "The Manager Bites Back" (Originally published as "Zombies (And Werewolves) Hate Karens" in "The Howling Dead")
  • "Werewolf Therapy"
  • "Shut Up! The Movie's Starting."
  • "Zombies Hate To See You Cry"
  • "Covet Thy Neighbor's Garden"
  • And possibly one or two others that I am not done with.

I also have been watching a few horror movies/shows here and there. I have seen some hits and misses. But I did watch them still. I'll probably use them again in a "31 Days of Horror" post.

Other than writing, editing, and straight-up chilling I have had a pretty good summer. I spent a week in New York, saw so many family members, and went to a showing of the Barbie movie. (Yes, I loved it!) There were some bittersweet moments, but I really had a good week there. But that's really everything major that I did. 

Luckily for me, going into the fall months and the new school year, I do have a job lined up for a long-term substitute position that could last me the whole year. I am very excited and have my fingers crossed that it will go so well for me.

Anyway, that's all for now. With Twitter's fiery descent into madness, I may be doing stuff here more often! :D So yay!

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...