Monday, November 27, 2023

Update (Featuring some Happy Howlidays promotion at the end! :D)

 Hey all! :) 

Horror Movie Month went pretty great! I have some new favorites that I will be watching over and over till I hate them. Didn't watch all thirty one because of mental health reasons. I was thinking as I was going down the list, Damn. This is starting to feel more like a chore than a fun little movie watching challenge. 

The whole purpose of the movie month was to expose myself to new horror movies and have fun. So when the fun started to dry up, I just said "Forget the list!" and started watching whatever the hell I wanted. (I got into Starkid! Nerdy Prudes Must Die is fantastic.)

That being said, you won't see a full run-down of my thoughts and rankings. You will see a final tally and the organized list based on the point rankings I come up with. But that will be at my leisure and not something I am rushing to do at this time. (I may do a small post recommending my favorites from October? Who knows?)

Besides, these next few months are going to be busy. I have my anthology slushpile and edits to start working on, and I have a collection I am working on fixing up to so I can get it published! I am also working on stories for future anthologies/collections, should they be needed. 

I am also the DM for a party of four, one of whom is guiding me on this DnD adventure! So I will be dedicating time to planning and reading.

(Lots of reading happening in December.)

Hmm, I am trying to think of any other updates I have. I am not sure there are any yet. 

However, as it is close to the holiday season, specifically the winter holiday season, why not indulge in some short, sweet holiday stories and go pick up a copy of Happy Howlidays! Happy Howlidays is the flash fiction anthology (edited by yours truly) that features stories from seventeen different authors. There are stories that feature the Christmas Holiday, Epiphany, the Winter Solstice, and even an Accidental Hanukkah! 

My story "Tinsel's Town" is featured, along with stories written by Cyrano, Field T. Mouse, Thomas "Faux" Steele, Rob MacWolf, Malina Douglas, Melissa Theys, Frances Pauli, Nenekiri Bookwyrm, Renee Carter Hall, Sarah Doeberiner, K.C. Shaw, Packwolf Lupestripe, Sofox, R.C. Capasso, Yarrow, and Ziegenbock! 

Seriously, the anthology was so fun to work on, and I loved being able to work with these authors on their stories. I highly recommend picking up a copy and reading these stories for yourself.

Okay! Till next time. 

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31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

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