Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I write Fanfiction!?!?!?!? D: D: D:

Oh please, fanfiction is not terrible... if you write it correctly if you know what I am saying here. O_O

But yes. I do write fanfiction. Granted I have never finished one... Don't know why.

But by far one of my favorite Fanfictions I have written, is my Doctor Who fanfic. It's comprised almost fully of Original characters made just for this (Like my very own version of the Doctor :D)
It has been very fun to work on and I wanted to just show you some of my characters and their shenanigans.

First, we have the Doctor. The 22nd Doctor. He is now an American teenager who kinda hates the fact that he is an American teenager and gets made fun of for it alot. He has more cynicism and snark than the others and I have been trying to make him the equivalent of a teenager. Which is hilarious to write. He likes hanging out in the early 2000's because everything on Earth tends to go downhill from there.

B. We have Allison Jones, 22 year old redhead, who related to a companion of the 10th Doctor (Who will not be disclosed for you its not who you think it is) She is a journalist major, who met the Doctor after his regeneration, in Manchester. She is very clever and focused, and likes to tease the Doctor for his new look. She tends to see things that the Doctor fails to notice.\

III. We have Cutler/M'Katesh. He is a 187 year old humanoid wolf, from a species which on Earth is known as the lycanthropes (but the real name is super unpronounceable). He was raised as a warrior after the species was beginning to be hunted and dying out, so he went to earth and hid from these hunters. He found the Doctor and Allison when he and the remnants of his people were warring for their lives. He is more shy and reserved but quickly picks up the snark from both The Doctor and Allison.

AND NOW... Me writing some random silliness

The Tardis jerked back and forth as the Doctor ran around pulling levers. He almost fell over as it did a barrel roll. He looked over at Allison who was holding onto the Tardis railing with all of her strength. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY TARDIS!?"

Cutler slid around on the floor. "I think she... WHOOOOOOOAAAAA" He slid into the wall. "OW! I think she pressed the red button."

The Doctor pulled another lever and the TARDIS lurched again. "SERIOUSLY?! DON'T YOU KNOW RED BUTTONS MEAN BAD?" He repulled all of the levers that he had just pulled, "I have been trying to figure out what was wrong for the past 10 minutes!"

Allison gripped the railing, "Well how was I supposed to know! It didn't have a label on it!"



 The Tardis lurched again, and Cutler grabbed a railing to keep from sliding.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE STUPID!" The Doctor yelled at Allison.


Cutler accidentally let go of the rail and slid past them. "GLAD TO SEE YOU'RE BOTH BEING MATURE."

The Doctor hit the red button and everything suddenly stopped... except Cutler who slid into the Tardis wardrobe with a thump. The Doctor collected himself and stood up straight. "Whoa... okay dizzy... Diiiiiizzzzzzzzzzyyyyy..." He looked over at Allison who was now on the floor, and went to help her up. "You okay Allison?"

She took his hand. "Yeah... Sorry about the red button thing."

The Doctor shrugged, "As long as you didn't destroy anything important..." Cutler walked out of the wardrobe with a jacket over his face. "Cutler. We need to see if time is alright."

Cutler walked up to the console and looked at one of the monitors. "Hmm, okay... It looks like we first bumped into the Tower of Pisa in 1372, and then..." He squinted at the monitor, "...tore of the sphinx's nose in 1378 CE."

Allison came over and looked, "I thought Napoleon did that..."

The Doctor cringed, "Oh no. That was a false story. I have heard that it was an angry Muslim, but now I guess we know how that happened." He chuckled, "And Napoleon hates that story, by the way."

Cutler gave them a look, "We almost knocked down a tower! Look at it it's leaning!"

Allison did a double-take and looked at the Doctor, "We just caused the Tower of Pisa to lean..."

The Doctor gave her a sly smile, "Pretty sure it was supposed to be leaning one way or another. I mean a tower in Italy, one day starts leaning... Of course I always thought it was Weeping Angels or something."

Cutler gave Allison a wide-eyed glance, "Does he ever make sense?"

Allison shook her head. "Nope. Not one bit of sense."

Hope you all enjoyed that! 😃I am really hoping to get further on it so I can share more.

Anyway have a lovely day and here is a gif of one of my favorite Youtubers.


Myriad said...

Ahhh!!! I loved it!! More please!🙌

TheDoctor1_12 | BPP said...

That was 'absolutely fantastic,' keep up the good work. ;)

Scribbles Cheetah said...

Thanks guys!!!!!! :D

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...