Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Yes. As I promised. I am back. Nerdy Obsessions are here. I have a lot to talk about. Just a fair warning, I am not caught up on either of these. So I have been doing research and will be making this post based on appearance and picture alone. And some premise but that doesn't MATTER. DON'T JUDGE ME. STAHP

The new Teen Titans themed show known as Titans will be launching in 2018 with Brenton Thwaites in the main roll of Dick Grayson. (Probably as Nightwing) And even more cool is all those cast choices I showed you in October/September, they are the actual cast. That has been verified!

Wow. Guess there isn't much news for that :/ Well darn. I hope this isn't the case for the other shows...
;) Spoiler alert: IT ISN'T. New characters have joined the roster of these shows, with some noteable ones including Elongated Man (Detective like funny guys from the comics who solves mysteries with his wife), ZARI ADRIANA TOMAZ (who could be Black Adam's wife Isis. I don't know for sure), and DANNY FRICKIN TREJO. ON THE FLASH. OKAY GUYS STAY CALM. LOOK AT ME BEING CALM. O_O

We also have an infamous crossover which sees the return of some familiar faces to face a Nazi parallel earth. Oh my. This crossover is going to be hard to piece apart seeing as how I haven't seen it. But the one detail that makes me nervous is the fact of Barry and Iris's wedding.

The first time we see Barry and Iris ready to get married, ONE OF HIS ENEMIES KILLS HER. This event is setting up for one of the only Season 1 flashback scenes we haven't seen yet. Prison Barry. Don't worry, I am 94% sure that wasn't in the crossover. We do see some cool stuff like more alternate characters Heroes and Villians. Should be a fun ride. Here are some promo shots!

This is a pretty much almost full roster with the exception of Firestorm and others. But alot of each shows main cast is in this crossover. It is serious. Also surprise! LOOK ITS WENTWORTH MILLER IN COLD COSTUME! And Gold mask is The Ray! :D And the one next to Vixen in the woman I think is Isis that I mentioned earlier. I am probably wrong though because it looks nothing like her. Also that is Diggle hiding behind Ollie in that picture. Clarifying that for you guys... Definitely not for me O____O

Now onto Black Lightning. It is not on air yet, but it still looks like it is gonna be good.
There have been several teasers for it as of recently. Links below!

We see him in suit and in action. That is some good fighting after being  out of the game for so long. Bravo Mr. Pierce. Bravo!

This is all I have for today. Sorry it is so choppy and stuff, but I am doing this on a whim. Have a great day!

1 comment:

Myriad said...

I'm so excited for Black Lightning! It looks so good!!

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...