Thursday, June 18, 2015


It's a great day, and I am a really happy camper!
So I am going to talk about some of the things that have made me really happy!

Here is my TOP 10 right now!

1. (Starting with the best) God is still on his throne, and will never leave it. He keeps us alive! And he gave us grace, by sending his son Jesus to die on the cross! A free gift of salvation for anyone who takes hold of it and lets go of the sin that has weighed us down.

2. God has given me another day of life! He keeps my heart beating and my lung breathing. We can do nothing without God having control over it.

3. My family. Believe it or not guys, my family (Even if we are a little crazy, or sometimes get under each others skin) is MY family and I wouldn't want to live with anyone else. And my Nonna is visiting, and we have had a lot of fun together.

4. My amazing friends! (Whether they be the Chritenos, my reluctant writer buddies, my real life buddies, or other internet friends from FLVS) You guys are the best and I love y'all!

 5. My writing. I really do like to write. I believe God has gifted me with the ability to write, and I love him for it (and many other reasons). My writing has given me the opportunity to meet some great people on NaNoWriMo or the Fine Arts Club with FLVS, or other places.

6. The Fine Arts. I love to act! Some of you may already know this, but I have huge dreams about starring on my favorite TV shows or movies (Like this one time I imagined my self as Casey Jones...)

 7. Food. {This one is more of a guilty pleasure...} I like food a LOT...

 8. The Flash. My favorite superhero.

9. I love being creative. I have made some very interesting characters... *gives Marquez a look*

10. And All of you! :D I love you guys! You are the reason I come back and keep posting.

I would love to thank some of you personally for staying with me. Thank you Rubix, Leila, Autumn, Thomas, and Remi. Thanks for your participation and feedback. And all you others out there. :) Thanks.

So lets see your TOP 10. I want to see the things that make you happy.


Unknown said...

I'm gonna have to join you with quite a few of those!
1. God is in control! Otherwise that'd be very bad...heh
2. Family! Yay!
3. Friends! Cause we're all crazy and amazing!
4. FOOD. Gonna definitely join you here.
5. Writing because that's amazing
6. Fine Arts...(wow Cheetah we have a lot in common) Id be lost without my productions and musicals!
7. Kindness. I love doing random acts of kindness.
8. School. Yeah. I'm one of those "would stay in school if I was allowed to" people.
9. Little children. I adore little children.
10. AAANND...*drum roll* MORE FRIENDS. Because, honestly, one cannot have too many friends.
Thanks Cheetah!!

An Inked Voice said...

I loved reading your Top Ten things, Cheetah! :) Thank you very much. :) I love reading your blog! :D
Here's mine, I guess:
1. Jesus Christ died for me. (Thank you, Lord!)
2. My family. I have an AMAZING family, even if we have our fights. ;) I'm blessed.
3. Writing. I love to write!
4. My friends, especially all those Chritenos. I have some awesome friends, also, at my church, and all my friends totally rock at cheering me up and making me happy.
5. My church family. I have some awesome pastors and friends there, and I just love my church and God.
6. I love listening to music, and I may or may not sometimes dance around the house to my favorite tunes...
7. Nature, especially climbing the two trees in our front yard or looking at our flowers. :)
8. ...chocolate.
9. I love to draw and paint and do artsy stuff. XD
10. Reading. XD I really like reading and losing myself in a good book.

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