Sunday, August 13, 2017

Ways that Scooby Doo could never really happen in the real world.

Wow Scribbles. You think cartoons are real? You are so immature.

Um... No. Actually I was just watching Scooby Doo the other day and I realized that there are some parts of it that would not work if they ever tried to make another remake...

Now lets get the obvious one out of the way first. The Talking DOG. Dogs don't talk in real life... Yeah. That's all I had for this one... O_O

Another really big thing that I noticed is that when Shaggy and Scooby are running and they run off of a clip they don't actually fall until after they look down. Like gravity was like "Whoa! You guys are running from monsters? I'll break the rules for ya as long as you don't look... Oh. Okay. You looked down."

The Scooby gang actually breaks scary movie rules! You know friends famous line  that is probably used so much it could be his catchphrase. "Lets split up gang!" or was it "It's time to trap this monster? -_- YOU NEVER SPLIT UP IN SCARY MOVIES FREDRICK. And you shouldn't try to trap them. What if it was a serial killer? Poor Shaggy and Scooby would probably die! And what is the deal with using them as live bait!? No wonder they have trust issues! And that's probably why their metabolism is so high. They always running from guys in ghost costumes!

And the guys in costumes. Sometimes they're apprehended by most of the time. They are just standing there waiting to be unmasked. Real life crooks would not do that. They'd be gone in two seconds. They aren't going to wait for four kids, a dog, and a random police officer or civilian to unmask them.

Daphne is almost always the one kidnapped, so why does Fred never use her as the live bait. And when she is kidnapped, the kidnappers tend to do a crappy job tying her up. And they put her somewhere they can find her easily!

Plus, have you ever noticed that these four are actually kids?! And they all look so much older. Velma kinda reminds me of the librarian that shushes you in the library. But don't worry. They have gotten a little better at potraying them in newer shows.

There are so many more things I could point out. But I am going to stop for now. Now DISCLAIMER. I actually love Scooby Doo. I just happened to want to point out some inconsistencies with the real world that actually did make their way into the movies.

Have a fluffy day! Love ya!

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