Monday, July 15, 2019

The idea of Multiverse Theory is a pretty fun theory, especially in the world of writing. In my writing, I can truly say that I have taken the time to figure out how my projects are intertwined. For me, I like referencing characters in other universes, or in the same universe (just a different project) when writing a project and then sneaking them in as easter eggs. Or I can have a total cameo of said character (Or an alternate version.)

For those of you who don't know what the Multiverse Theory is, it is basically the idea that for every decision we make, there is a universe somewhere where the world is different because at that point, we made a different choice. It kinda lines up with things like the rules of time and the butterfly effect.

I don't know if this theory has any substance, but it makes for good reading (and in the case of The Flash, it's how the CW superhero shows are getting so much material thank you very much Mr. Allen.)

Also, I know this has not bad grammar. Please don't pay attention to that. I am just writing what comes to my mind.



Or more like Alternate Universities... If you have been reading my blog recently you would have read a thing by the name of Heroes Collide. (Only one story is available here as I am planning to share the other (currently sitting at twelve) stories on Patreon) These stories feature characters old and new, (some of whom have been featured here on my blog.

These characters you do know, are not exactly the same characters you know and love. It is an alternate universe where characters are ripped out of their own universes to a combined Earth where things from every earth are incorporated into the atmosphere.

Cason, for example, in my current manuscript for his story (This is for Benji!) is a very different person than the Cason you meet in Heroes Collide. In his original story, Cason is a troubled teenager who struggles to control his anger and his impulses to react in anger. He is less social and can't really stand to be around certain people/types of people.

Meanwhile, Heroes Collide Cason has already been through all of this and five years on this new earth did him a lot of good (and bad). Cason has gone through a lot of things and these things helped him mature and become a better person, who has a better grip on his emotions and who he is as a person. He is a lot calmer cooler, and more collected and he has superpowers!

This post was confusing to write, it was intentionally going to be about one thing BUT then it turned into me promoing Heroes Collide which I am not even ready to share as I don't have enough stories under my belt.

Here's to bringing in more stories!

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