Sunday, April 23, 2017

Girls with guy best friends and vice-versa.

You have a best friend of the opposite gender! :D

You met at youth group, or school or daycare and you know each other like the back of your own hand.

You talk about things that trouble you both. Girls, you listen to his girl problems and enthuiasm for sports or comics and boys you listen to her boy problems and about makeup.

You are probably the closest thing they have to a sibling that doesn't hate them.

And they feel the same way about you, you are the one they rely on for advice, a crying shoulder, and just an all around fun time.

But there may be some downsides to these kinds of friendships, but neither of you are at fault for it. Here are two of them.

Number One:
Have any of your friends and family said anything like this?

FRIEND/FAMILY MEMBER: OMG [Insert Best Friend you have noi romantic interest in] is so perfect for you! Why don't you go out with them

If this is the case, your family obvoiusly doesn't pay attention to your friendship. While you love your friend, the thought of going out with them on a date makes you both cringe.

But your family sees that best friend as your knight in shining armor, and they love them! But they don't seem to remember how YOU ARE JUST FRIENDS.

Number Two:
You and your friend both have different love interests that you constantly talk about, but when one of them cheats!? IT MEANS WAR. You immeadiately shower that friend with cookies and messages telling them everything is okay while plotting the cheating suckers death.

So that was my rushedpostbecauseschoolisonitslastweek! :D

1 comment:

Myriad said...

There is nothing more true than this post. FINALLY SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS!!!!!

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