Wednesday, June 12, 2019

An update on me / Nerdy Obsession Update

New ideas and stories always seem to come at you like a whirlwind. Especially in the artistic field. Ideas can be as deep and immersive, or light and easy. And fortunately, these past few weeks have been a brainstorm extravaganza as one could call... Or something else. Who cares?! I did write stuff and I am super proud. I will release some information about a project or two soon.

There's not going to be an apology for empty posts here on this. Because I am just glad I can post this here and now.

As for me, myself, and I! I am getting ready to (hopefully) attend college again. This time, maybe cutting back on the eating and paying more attention to details in writing and asking for help when I need it. I have also been trying to be more social while not forgetting to do the things I need to do.

Work is good as well. I have held this job for ten to eleven months now and I am super glad I have made it this far.

A nerdy obsession post will be here within an hour or so of me posting this! In which I will let you in on some of my new favorite things that I may or may not be a little behind on because I am always the last to show for the cool trends and stuff! This post will feature my thoughts on some crazy developments in the Arrowverse, a dive into a certain alternate lifestyle character's story, some real Avenging, my love for a certain evil queen, and of course I will SCREAMING MY UPSET about not being able to finish PLL: Perfectionists Season One!

I will also be posting my analysis of the Escape The Night All-Star cast and possibly a few predictions/theories, a review about one or two blockbusting movies that everyone was talking about a few months ago, and some possible news down the road. Stay tuned.

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