Wednesday, June 19, 2019

What's on my mind as of Thursday the 13th!

The Schedule Posts Button is SOOOOO FUN! I am writing this on a Thursday evening because I just wanted to make sure I had a fun post for next week! And a fun post may be what you get! Or you know, you may be a buzzkill and are just like... "Wait... How did I get here?" to which I would reply "Too many cat videos on youtube led you to the unorganized blog of a wannabe cat." Nawwww we all know I'd be more like "Dude, I don't even know why I am here. I am just as lost as you." And the funny thing is no one would be surprised.

Honestly, you should know by now that I am not exactly the brightest bulb when it comes to remembering what the heck I am doing. For example, while I was writing this post I stood up to go get some water and ended up standing to look at a candle I bought from Yankee Candle the other day. I don't even remember what this post was supposed to be about. But like if you ask me things about one of my characters, I'll be like "Oh so basically Derrick almost got arrested when he was thirteen because he tried to burn down Ernesto's house because the man had forgotten to let him out of the attic (and because he hit him.)" 

Yeah. You could say I have a one track... Like a Hot wheels track. Man I used to have a bunch of those as a kid then my mom stole all my hot wheels cars. I am trying to collect them again... Anyway what was I talking about?

You know what would be fun? Back when I was promoting Phantom Janitor after it came out, one of my favorite parts of these launch parties/signings was that people got to ask me questions about things having to do with my writing or my future projects. I'd love to do something like that again but I don't know how I would do it. Maybe in a week or so when I have some free time I might ask for some questions. Maybe I could stream it live on twitter or something. Never done that before. Could be fun! 

I just wrote the name for this post and I am giggling because it's Thursday the 13th! HAHA! Not today Jason! Keep that filthy cracked mask away from me and stay on your own gosh darn day!

Oh! So I saw Aladdin this Sunday (or Last because I am posting it next week). It was really good! Did anyone else see it? I am going to put that one song Jasmine sung on my playlist. Such a great film. It made me want to go watch the original again. Should I review the live action one? Let me know somehow. I can add that to the three other posts I want to write out. 

By the way, if anyone is confused about what this is, it is really just me in front of my computer typing out what is inside my head. I had a feeling someone might be reading this like "What a mess!" I know it's kind of a mess. But it is helping me out a bit. 

Does anyone want me to post recipes on here? I have been wanting to for the longest time. I really want to try and make that sandwich I mentioned in Korey's interview. I haven't had banana peppers on a sandwich before. I don't even know if I like them. But I am craving it for some reason. It sounds delicious! You know what? Someone should try and make that and let me know how it tastes? Am I on to something with this?

I should end this here otherwise I'd go on till tomorrow! That would be very bad for my sleep. BYE!

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31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...