Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Analysis of Escape the Night Trailer + My predictions and maybe some theories.

The All-Star Season of Escape the Night will really be just that. Appearances from people and things from the previous seasons. But I should probably link the trailer so you can follow along with me as I do this thang! Click here to see the trailer!

First Place the trailer goes is old deaths. Some of people not even in this season. Then we get to the juicy stuff. Joey expressing remorse and regret for killing his friends. Which to be honest, it's surprising he still has them. Well not really since we see him setting up a rescue and only Bretman Rock seemed to show up... Oh wait. Who's that on the side! OH SNAP MATPAT and NIKITA! YES PLEASE. Kinda glad it was them and not Tyler and Andrea, partially because the best of Season 2 are in this season already. (Btw I know I seem negative about these guys, but I do love these two. Just not their run on the show.) Mhmmmm. I mean it. (Also just want to point out some of those things on the table. The crown is the Season 2 thing that they had to complete so they could leave, and resurrect Joey. And the blue glowy thing is from last Season after Joey kinda ripped it out of the dead Carnival Master's chest... That's what he did right?)

BECAUSE GUESS WHO THE HECK SHOWS UP NEXT. LIZAFRICKINKOSHY! Our favorite explorer seems to be back as the explorer. But not as part of the game itself. She seems to be on her own little side mission to help out. I am super intrigued by this. If she is on a sidequest in this, who else could be walking around? Safiya? Matt (Not Matpat Mat)? JC? Shane Dawson? Apparently so! Liza name drops our Renegade in the trailer and while we don't see him, this only the season trailer so it's not gonna spill too much.

The Sorceror is back, possibly the greatest main villain in my honest opinion. She was also probably the most powerful. (No one came back to life during her reign of terror.) But this trailer isn't sure what she is apparently as she is buddy buddy with everyone in one scene and then like ticked off in the next! And if she can come back does this mean Arthur might come back? Because that'd be bad news. O-O

Society Against Evil has two new sheik looking members in Mat and Nikita! So that is cool! Hopefully the show doesn't immediately murder them. Also, ARE OLI AND EVA GOING TO SHOW UP. I just want another scene where Oli, Eva, Tyler, and Andrea all reject Joey's invitations with funny one-liners.

Mortimer is back too! Hoping this means Calliope and Allison come back! I'd add Jet-Pack Girl, but she is still alive so unlikely. Hopefully he doesn't screw himself over by messing with an artifact. AGAIN.

Guys. I am so confused by this trailer. I was right about Destorm and Alex being buddy buddy. No one trusts Joey, even Bretman. And these scenes are so scattered. But I have an epiphany. And a top guess of who will survive.

Colleen is at the top. She was one of the most featured faces in the trailer. I thought she would be a savage this season by going after Joey again and I think she will do that, but I also think he won't be able to turn the others against her again. And if people are mad at Joey, they won't be as mad at Colleen which means she could make it farther. There is also a scene in the trailer where it is only her, Joey, Tim, and Justine which in my honest opinion would be an awesome final four stacked heavily against Joey. It could be a sham and they just split off from the rest of the group to help with a thing. Still good theory.

Unfortunately, I also think Team Cinnamon Ro, I am keeping that name btw..., will be very upset. I don't think Ro will make it. But as of right now the trailer doesn't smile upon Tana, Destorm, Justine or poor Ro.

Of course. We still have the trailer at the end of episode one that could lend to some theories. Anything could happen. Hoping to catch the first episode the day it premieres, July 11th! On Joey's youtube channel!

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