Thursday, April 13, 2017

I like lists

Hey guys, its meeeee. sorry it has been over a week since my last post, but I have been really busy with college classes, it has been suuuuuuper stressful

But several of you that read my blog... *cough cough* TimeTraveler15 *cough* have pointed out that I seem to really like lists. I do not know why this is, but I love lists. Maybe I watch too much Blimey Cow or iiSuperwomanii (HAH! ONE CAN NEVER WATCH TOO MUCH YOUTUBE) But lists are a fun way to you know... do stuff. Like youtube videos and posts.

Lists are just an easy way to categorize stuff when writing posts and then tell why you think that, or you know to stack your favorite types of Mountain Dew


1. Baja Blast
2. Livewire
3. Mountain Dew
4. Code Red
5. Voltage and Whiteout

That was just an example of the latter, most of you have probably seen some of my other lists. And that they are usually about characters of TV shows or reasons for things, and that most of them are based on my opinion.

But the one thing that is important to remember is that lists are just ways of expressing your opinion to others. If you see a title like these...

10 Places you need to visit before you die!
7 Reasons children should not watch Deadpool
15 Reasons Movies are bad for your kids 

These are just opinions, when I write a list, I am not trying to force you to... like Doctor Who, or to storm the CW headquarters and demand that Barbara Gordon and Dick Grayson be in the Arrowverse. You decide what you like, I write my lists for fun. Forcing people is never my intention, unless I have kidnapped you... but that is unlikely. O.O

Anyway, should have more posts soon. (LISTS :D) STAY FLUFFY!

1 comment:

Myriad said...

Hmmm... I feel called out. Meh, whatever.

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