Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I am in Atlanta! :D

Hey guys! It is I and I was… well am… I am writing this on a plane! :D/D: AHHH It is really cool if I am honest, but I am still kind of nervous because I know absolutely no one on this plane. And you know… crippling anxiety about all the bad things that could happen while on this plane. LIKE SNAKES O.O Yep! You heard me right. Yes. That means I am on a plane between two strangers at 7 in the morning. Seriously… there were no empty rows. O.O

But the view is nice. You should see the sunrise from where I am sitting. Its amazing. And when we had lifted off from WPB, the lights were like small dots and it looked really cool! :D Flying is fun! I just hope I have more room next plane I am on. As soon as we land I am going to be in Atlanta, so when I post this I will already be in Atlanta.

Not really much to do up here though, just type and look out the window. Because I am not good at talking to people. Especially on a plane in the morning…

I may try vlogging as soon as we land, but of course if I do, you won’t see it until after I get home! Anyway, for my friends and family and readers, Miss y’all! :D Stay fluffy till I post again… in probably two or three hours. I am a silly goose :P


Unknown said...

Great idea Vincenzo! Looking forward to hearing all about what God is doing through you on this trip.

Remi said...

Ah, you just missed me!! I was there two weeks ago! Hope you had a nice rest of the flight!

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