Friday, March 17, 2017

Hello! Day two at BJU

Okay. So my methods of recollecting everything going on here have mostly been null because I have either been busy or without Wi-Fi. Also explains why you all probably think I am still in Atlanta O_O Here is what happened since the flight on Wednesday morning.

I got off that flight and on to another. O.O Yep. Two flights in one day! Woooooo! :D As I said before, the view was amazing. I sat and contemplated the complexity of my own existence while staring down at every little speck that we know and see everyday as we walk on earth... There was a point where the houses were simple dots. O____O

Landed in Greenville, South Carolina at around 11 and got to campus at around 12. Spent the whole day exploring the campus/sitting in Starbucks/sitting in a library/sitting in my dorm. Yeah. Guess what I did the most of that day? Walking actually... We have to walk allllllllll over campus to get to places and see things. Met roommates and people and stuff like that (Also got to finish Supergirl sometime before I went to bed at Midnight) There wasn't much to do Wednesday Tbh.

Yesterday was actually more eventful. I got up for orientation and an official tour :) Then I basically walked around in the cold air with no jacket (#hasacold #notbotheredtbh) It was actually enjoyable! :) I went to chapel, then went to lunch. It was very good. I love chicken. After lunch I finally went back to my room... I think I did at least. Then I went to my first class. Literary criticism! Very interesting class! :D

The rest of the day was fun. Went to a play at 8, the Merchant of Venice! But it was set in the 1950's :D It was phenomenal. I wish I could go again. Might review the play for the benefit of you all. This play was amazing.

Anyway, thats pretty much my last two days! Today's events shall be regurgitated to you in a post tomorrow! Stay fluffy friends!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Exciting. Sounds wonderful, that this is a possibility for you is awesome. Who knows, this time next year a high schooler may be watching you in a performance or be sitting in a class with you or sharing a dorm. A lot changed in a year, especially at this stage of your life. Praying proverbs 3:5-6 would become the truth that guides you.

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