Thursday, May 18, 2017

Black Lightning Trailer! :D REVIEW!

Click that link. I'll wait. Simple three minutes, interesting trailer. Not gonna freak out until you're done. O______O Done yet? Oh! Sorry... I'll let you finish.

Done now? Okay! Cool!

You have no idea how the nerd in me felt when I watched that!!!!!
For those of you who don't know who Black Lightning is, he is a superhero in the DC Universe who can manipulate and control electricity. He was one of the first African American DC comics character to be introduced into the DC universe! :) He has worked on the Outsiders, a team made by Batman when he left the Justice League!

This here show, starts in 2005 when Jefferson Peirce kept the streets of his town safe as Black Lightning. But a thing happened and he retired from being a hero for twelve years! 2017 comes and he is a principal of a school, but his town is being overrun by a gang (As you saw) And he comes out of retirement it look like to fight this gang.

The first thought that came to mind was, DEAR LORD. Twelve years is a long time to be out of action. Obviously he can't just jump back in the heroing thing perfectly. I think a good element this show could explore is him training trying to prime his abilities. Plus, he is twelve years older than he was when he was Black Lightning so it may not be as believable if he jumps back into his heroing without some sort of issues happening along the way. Like Barry Allen when he realized he needs to consume a certain amount of calories! Jefferson needs to have some kind of trouble with his powers.

And then there are his daughters, I was really excited when I learned that his daughters were in it. Jennifer and Anissa Peirce are both DC characters who both have powers and superhero names matching their powers. Anissa is the older one, Thunder. She works with the Outsiders in the comics on occasion. And Jennifer is the younger one, Lightning. She was apart of the Justice Society for awhile before the comic was stopped.

So there will be a family dynamic which could honestly go two ways! :) We'll have to wait and see how this goes when the pilot comes out.

I am going to wait to give this show a rating, I can't wait to see what comes of it! :D

1 comment:

Myriad said...

Dude! I'm so excited for this! Thanks for sharing. I just hope they don't ruin it like they ruined Supergirl...

Rats, I probably just jinxed it.....

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