Monday, July 31, 2017

Characters who should enter the Arrowverse (2k17)

So, it's almost fall! And that means new seasons of your favorite shows! And you guys know which shows I love. DC TV SHOWS BABY! WOO! Meaning Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends, and starting this fall, the one... the only... BLACK LIGHTNING! New seasons could mean, new superhero characters and everyone loves new superhero characters. Who doesn't love new superhero characters? KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT TIMMY TOM. I DON'T NEED YOUR NEGATIVITY.

So I thought, what better time to write a new list, except this time, I can't use any of the new characters. (I LIED) So here is my updated 2k17 list of characters who should be in the Arrowverse (ONE FOR EACH SHOW)! This time it's not in any particular order! :D  I am going to go into connections with already existing Arrowverse characters

Static Shock/Virgil Hawkins (Black Lightning)
For those of you who don't know, there is a solo hero in the DC universe who's powers are not unlike Black Lightning. That someone is Virgil Hawkins. I don't know for sure if they have ever had any connections for 100% sure. But with these two having similar powers, it'd be a good fun character dynamic where he takes a young Virgil try to control his powers and become his own hero.

Powergirl/Karen Starr (Supergirl)
Being the literal other dimension doppleganger of Supergirl, I feel like Karen Starr needs to be on this list. She is the Earth 2 clone of Supergirl and since it looks like the universe is heading in the direction of CRISIS! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!

Rose Wilson (Arrow)
If you think about it, we know that Deathstroke in the comics has kids. And they are all kinda interesting. But Rose would be the most interesting on Arrow. This theory is a longshot since as far as we know, the Deathstroke in this Earth has no kids. But hey, it's a thought. She'd be a really interesting Huntress-like ally, but then not really, because Rose is on the line between good and evil.

Hal Jordan/Green Lantern (Legends)
With the situation that the Legends will be in, at the start of Season 3. There is no way that the Green Lantern Corp will just miss these changes made to the timeline. It's there job to protect earth, so I would say that a green lantern should get involved in it. It's there job. The reason I chose Hal Jordan, is because he'd bring back some Snart level sarcasm.

Vic Stone (Flash)
Cyborg may be in the Justice League movie, but what's stopping just regular old Vic Stone from showing up in Flash? His dad was a scientist. So he'd probably have a good part in Team Flash. Even without his powers he'd probably a good character and have a fun quirky character! :D

Sorry the list is so small. I thought it would be cool! Anyway! Enjoy your day friends!

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