Saturday, July 1, 2017

Summer Challenge Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My esteemed poets, writers, and artists! The time has come for another challenge. And it being summertime, what better time for you to pool your thoughts together and make a masterpiece that will capture the hearts of the voters. And if you haven't already guessed the theme... It's Summer! :D

That's write! You scribblers have until August 12th to come up a fun summer themed entry! But of course, where is the fun in ease. I have to at least make it a little challenging. These will get crazy!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAAAAaaaaaa Okay. Need to work on that laugh.

Writers: You are tasked with writing a story that takes place in the summertime and fully embodies how you feel about it. BUT. You must have it set at either a summer camp, a cabin in the mountains, or a Wal-Mart. AND! It must contain at least one of these three sentences.

"And that was when I realized why people don't put ice cream in the closet."
"The sink was full of orange jello."
"I am extremely afraid of kitchen appliances!"

Your entry must not be less than 500 words!
Your entry must be safe for children under the age of 13.

Poets: I realize that in our last challenge I had totally not thought of you guys, so you are officially prepared for! You are tasked with writing a poem about summer and how it makes you feel and the attributes. Please be creative as you want. I realize poetry is sometimes hard so you guys can go as long or as short as you need. BUT. You must include the name of a celebrity in your work. (i.e Benedict Cumberbatch) Your poem must also include two of these five words.


Your entry can be as long or as short as you'd like
Your entry must be safe for children under the age of 13.
Please don't hate me, this is all for fun!

Artists: Hello! You guys have a fun one too! You guys are tasked with making a picture that embodies everything fun about summer in a piece of artwork. Art is hard. So you guys get some leeway on this one. BUT. (you knew this was coming.) It must include one thing. A snowman. A snowman in summer. It needs to make sense though. So don't just draw a beach then put a random snowman on it like. O_O Snow. Man.

Your entry must be safe for children under the age of 13.

Okay. Please don't be scared. I wanted to make this one interesting for the sake of summer and fun and stuff! This is a little different, But I think you guys can handle this. I have seen stuff from a lot of you in our last challenge and I know that there is even more talent out there.

Voting: Voting will be different this time. There was an issue where there was a tie and the tiebreaker was very biased because they knew which person wrote what. So this time, when it comes time to vote, we will do a kind of blind voting.

Each entry will be marked like this

Writing: Entry A
Poetry: Entry B
Art: Entry D

Only you (and I) will know which one you wrote. So please for the sake of fairness, do not go around asking people to vote for yours. We want to make sure people vote for the one they think has the best quality.


P.S. Send all entries to me at

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