Monday, July 24, 2017

Cason Hendricks Interview

Hello everyone! Welcome to todays post! Today I going to be interviewing another one of my characters! The fluffy Border Collie with an attitude.

Cason: ME! *chuckles* Hello!

Well! Looks like you are ready to go! :D

Cason: You bet!

Okay! First Question! What would you do if you found out you had a long lost family member?

Cason: Um... Is that supposed to be significant thing? I would not trust him at all. Long lost family members usually turn out to be crazy! Trust me. I watch movies.

That seems highly unlikely.

Cason: *punches my shoulder* Don't contradict me.

Cason: Next question.

Why do you hang with cats?

Cason: Because they make fun friends. Plus they give really fluffy hugs.

What is your favorite food?

Cason: I love steak. Steak is just so delicious with that meaty flavor. Actually, any meat is good!

*looks down at my questions and my eyes narrow and I sigh* When was the last time you hit someone?

Cason: *winks* Five minutes ago.

Do you consider yourself adorable or just cute?

Cason: I believe the term you were looking for is handsome.

Please don't flirt with my readers. You're only fifteen, kid.

Cason: I'm not as bad as Sylvester.

Sylvester: Excuse me?

Cason:  Shut up. This is my interview.

If aliens were to land in your backyard tomorrow what would you say to them?

Cason: I'd probably be too scared to say anything. But aliens aren't real, so I am glad.

If you could own any car what would it be?

Cason: Blue Maserati.

What's your favorite sandwich?

Cason: I like steak clubs. With swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato, and spinach.

What's your favorite video game?

Cason: A custom game one of the kids at school named Night Howlers. You play as a werewolf and you have to fight in MMA fights.

Do you like napping?

Cason: Yeah. Playing soccer is tiring.

Have you ever considered learning martial arts as a form of anger releasing... thing.. action..?

Cason: *crosses his arms* My new therapist told me that that was a good idea just this morning.

What's your favorite number?

Cason: 27. It's the number on my jersey.

What's your favorite subject in school?

Cason: Right now, history. My teacher, Mr. Manchester, is pretty darn good.

Where are you from?

Cason: I live in the fabulous state of Alaska.

Who is his best friend?

Cason: His name is Zane and he's a white tiger.

What are some of your favorite pastimes?

Cason: I like to play soccer, go on walks, and go to restaurants.

What languages do you speak?

Cason: Eh bien, je peux parler un peu de français d'une année passée au Canada avec mon cousin Dallas. (Well I can speak a little bit of french from a year spent in Canada with my cousin Dallas.)

And that is all the questions I have for you!
Cason: Good. I have soccer practice later and I need to get some rest. BYE ALL

Gee whilickers! Well that was fun! :D Thank you so much for sending in these questions.
My next interviewee will be another character from "This is for Benji" named Mikayla Hurst.
She is a tigress, 16 years old, and turns out to become Cason's best friend... Or maybe even more. She is an orphan who lives/works at the orphanage she was practically raised at. She enjoys cooking, playing soccer, and watching superhero movies with super buttery popcorn.

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