Friday, January 27, 2017

Derrick Hilman Interview

Okay everyone! Hello and welcome to my first ever character interview here on the blog. As I said a few days ago, today I am interviewing the main character of my only finished novel, Derrick Hilman.

Derrick: Um... Hi everyone... *smiles*

Okay, so I asked you guys to send in questions for this guy here, and I got some good ones. Are you ready Derrick?

Derrick: Yes... Wait... Is this the first question?

Um... No. I was about to ask the first question...

Derrick: Oh... Go ahead... Don't mind me.

Okay. First Question is "What do you like?"

Derrick: Oh wow. That was a broad question. I like a lot of things actually. I like reading books about dragons, I like any type of fried food, especially chalupas. *blushes* I also really like... *looks around* *whispers* I like Cassidy Wells.

What was that?

Derrick: Oh nothing... O.O

Oooookay then... what are you good at?

Derrick: *shrugs* Depends on what people think I do... People say I am good at acting. And most days, I try and believe it. It has just been awhile I guess.

Interesting, what about your hobbies?

Derrick: Oh, my main hobby is acting. But again... I haven't done it in awhile. Does that count?

Yeah! You're doing great Derrick. Okay, so what was your most embarrassing moment?

Derrick: *blushes* Whoa, oh my gosh... I would say my most embarrassing moment was when I was twelve when I was trying to run a mile for the schools big contest. I was coming in first, but when I crossed the finish-line, I tripped and fell into a cooler they had off to the side. *chuckles* Everyone was laughing, and I couldn't help but laugh too.

Hehe! Sounds funny! What was your favorite toy when you were a kid?

Derrick: Oh! I had this orange stuffed dragon as a kid, I would take it everywhere with me. His name was Mister Tacos! *laughs* My mom had to sell him when I turned ten because I wouldn't stop taking it places.

What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?

Derrick: S'mores! All the way. 

What is your favorite mythological animal?

Derrick: Um... I would say... I really like the pheonix. It seems like it would a pretty cool thing to see!

Someone out there wants to know if you ever wanted to be an astronaut as a kid. Did you?

Derrick: Oh yeah! Definitely! That audience member is smart! 

What is your favorite play besides the phantom of the opera?

Derrick: That's a good question! My second favorite play is actually Meredith Wilson's The Music Man! I really love the music and acting in those shows.

What would you think of jellybean burgers, if they were a thing?

Derrick: *makes* You mean like a burger? Made out of jelly beans? That doesn't sound very appetizing... But I don't know, maybe its good. Can't knock it till I try it.

Okay, last question, I think its perfect to end this interview on. What is your darkest secret?

Derrick: Whoa... Um, am I allowed to pass on this...


Derrick: Crap... Um... My darkest secret is that I tried to burn down my step-fathers house when I was thirteen. He is a nasty and abusive man... Granted, One, I shouldn't resort to violence to solve my problems and two, I was also thirteen and had no idea how to use a lighter, so... I accidentally burned my paw...

Wow... That is dark... *coughs* Okay. Thats all of the questions for this interview... Thank you Derrick for answering these questions.

Derrick: Yeah... I am going to go...

Okay. So there you guys have it. I hope you guys learned some things about Derrick that will help you understand his character. Next week I will be doing a similar thing for another character I have, who's name is Shane Shepherd.

Shane is just a normal German Shepherd who's step-dad went and moved his family to his old hometown, but the town is a little weird, like Halloween on crack. Shane is 17 years old, he enjoys pies, video games, reading horror fiction, and watching sit-coms.

Please send any questions you have to me the same way that I asked you to do for questions about Derrick, and I will get to them next Thursday or Friday! (Through any of the links on the side bar :))

Thanks to all of you that sent me questions! 😆

Have a great day Scribblers! Stay fluffy and I love you all!


Misplaced Poetry said...

heheheh. Mr. Taco. hheheh.

So, what does Mr. Shane Shepard think of Earl Gray, hot?
And orange creamsicles, and aliens, and fuzzy socks, and what would he do if he suddenly grew wings? Or turned into a fish?

Dreamer said...

Love the responses to the questions, Cheetah!

For Shane: Has he ever been mistaken for a bear? (I know one that did)

Also, I nominated you for a writing related blog award, just FYI!


Myriad said...

That was cool!

Question for Shane: Which is your favorite video game?

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

 It's not thirty-one days. I do know how to count. I just was not in a great place mentally to follow a schedule for something that was ...