Saturday, November 5, 2016


I had a weird day today. O____O

So I started my new job Monday, and today was the last day of training. So of course, I had to drive there to actually start working today. As I was driving, I saw a turtle crossing the street. SO I did the thing anyone else would do, I tried to move out of the way... KA-THUNK! I look in the rear-veiw mirror and see a dead turtle in the road. I felt REEEEEEEALLY BAD about that. Like seriously, I still feel horrible.

So anyway, directly after that I went to go . You know... Because I am an upstanding citizen of this country. So I go and fill out the front of the ballot and turn it in. As I am leaving the courthouse, I had a scary thought and turned to someone who was next to me and asked, "Was there a back of the ballot?"

Guess what the answer was... :(

Luckily for me the day picked up after that and I had a good day at work thanks to them engaging with me, and making feel like part of the family. (And thanks to some encouragement from some amazing friends(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE :D))


Anonymous said...

Poor turtle 0,0

Scribbles Cheetah said...

Yeah :( I felt horrible

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

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