Monday, November 14, 2016

Crazy Week

Holy cow, has it been a crazy week or what?
I have been super busy with work and school, so forgive the fact that I am just now making a new post.

First my thoughts on our President-Elect Donald Trump, and the open fear and hatred for the choice of him. America, we chose and Trump was the outcome. Nothing we do will change the fact that a majority of our nation voted this. Though you may not be happy, I am asking that you don't do anything that you may regret later. Your upset? Don't let that destroy your will. Just because your candidate doesn't make presidency, doesn't mean you should give up on life. Instead let the world know that your existence isn't defined by an election. You never know whats going to happen with any president, so do not be too quick to judge someones skill before you see them in action.

Second, I GOT TO WORK IN A FOOD TRUCK!!!!! I was so excited about that, because I have always had some sort of aspiration to run or work in a food truck, and it was a really fun experience. I got to take a lot of orders and at the end of the day I made 54 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third, you guys are amazing. Just felt like there needed to be third thing so why not!!!

Also for everyone who wants to be in the challenge which I haven't given any details for yet, I am going to either do a livestream or a youtube video giving the details of the challenge sometime in the next week and a half so keep and eye out for that!

1 comment:

Myriad said...

Jealous. Wish I could work in a food truck. XD

31 Days of Horror Results. (I Drop Several F-Bombs. For Emphasis! I'm Not Sorry! Okay, maybe a little sorry...)

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