Monday, November 7, 2016



Now most of you can probably relate to that statement and probably have said it once or twice... maybe more... in your lifetime.

Monday tends to be that one day of the week that gets a bad rap. You know, like black cats, the Star Wars prequels, and our presidential candidates. And usually Mondays get hate, because after they mark the end to the weekend and all the reckless and fun stuff we do during the weekend. It also marks the work week starting back up, and a lot of people don't like work... So guess where they put the flame for their frustration when stuff goes to pot? Poor old Monday.

In reality, Monday is not by default the worst day of the week. I am pretty sure that we have all had bad days that weren't on a Monday. Maybe we didn't get our coffee due to running late through traffic on a Tuesday morning, or you hit a turtle while driving to vote on Saturday (O_O Totally random example).
I guess what I am trying to say, is bad days happen. And when they do, you need to make the best of it. Because whining about how "It's Monday" or "I didn't have my coffee" won't fix your day, but a smile and a good attitude just might.

:) Happy Monday


Anonymous said...

O_O. I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

interesting. Poor Monday...:(

Anonymous said...

Monday!!!! is ok but Tuesday? not so much:(...

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