Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Nominated for a challenge?! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

I HAVE BEEN NOMINATED FOR A CHALLENGE by the magical Rubixcube of https://singingtothesea.wordpress.com 

The rules of the challenge are :

Thank the blogger who nominated you. 
Gracias Ruby!!!! :D ^-^

Answer the questions you were given by that blogger.
Kinda the point of this post

 Nominate 10 bloggers (Or youtube creators) , give them ten new questions, and let them know they’ve been tagged.
Christina D.
Jordan L. (JordanisMikey)
Melody Jackson  http://melodyjacksonauthor.blogspot.com/
Blaire L.
Remi B.
Anyone who has the letter L in their name that is reading this (I SEE YOU! DO IT)

1. Nuts or raisins in cookies?
Nuts totally. I don't really like raisins. But they taste alright in cookies, but nuts are better.
2. If you could rule a country which would it be?
I would say that I would rule... Kansas? I don't know not the ruling type... Unless it was a fictional place, then I would be mayor of Zootopia!

3. Weirdest thing that’s happened this week?
Hit a turtle on Saturday. That was weird and sad. O_O

4. Apple or Android?
Android. The I in iPhone is not for this I.

5. What are the top five countries you want to visit?
Canada, UK, Austrailia, Italy, and France... Not in that exact order.
6. Pet peeves?
I hate it when people subtweet. And talk about politics... D:

7. What irritates you the most about fictional villains?
That someone came up with a better idea than me... Oh you know their evilness... Yeah that is totally it. O.O 
8. What is a piece of literature that is like a comfort blanket to you?
I really like mysteries, but I found comfort in reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
9. If you could paint your house any color, what would it be?
Purple. Because I can.

10. What is the cutest animal that has four legs?
Baby wolves and huskies and foxes!!! And Cheetahs!

There you go! ALL TEN ANSWERS FOR YA! :D

Here are my nominees questions.

1. Which actor would you want to be if you woke up one morning in the body of an actor/actress?
2. Favorite Batman actor?
3. If you could rewrite any popular character from any franchise and make them better, who would it be? 
4. Which of your characters would be your best friend?
5. When was the last time you wrote for a complete hour undistributed by anything?
6. Favorite cake flavor?
7. Why did you do that one thing?
8. Where would you play hide and seek if you could play anywhere in the world? 
9. Least favorite day?
10. Are my questions boring you yet? O____O

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