Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jackson Pacer Interview.

Jackson: Are you seriously interviewing me?  I am a journalist! Since when do we accurately interview each other?

I don't know... O.O I am just here because people asked questions!

Jackson: What kind of questions?! I told you I didn't kill anyone.

Don't worry... These are fun questions.

Jackson: What kind of...

JUST LET ME INTERVIEW YOU! Oh my goodness kid.

Jackson: FINE.

So... If you where flung into outer-space would you rather have the Enterprise or the Millennium falcon as your ride?

Jackson: Oh... Well obviously that is a trick question. I'd want the TARDIS as my ride. 

Umm... That wasn't an option.

Jackson: Are you hating on my choice.


Jackson: I don't like you.

Meany... If it's raining and you can't go anywhere. What do you do?

Jackson: I write, genius.

... You've become a shapeshifter. What do you shapeshift into first?

Jackson: I would turn into an aardvark... I like aardvarks.

Okay... If you where a computer, what would you want your screen-saver to be?

Jackson: I would want my screensaver to be a crime-scene.

Do you have all your teeth?

Jackson: Yes. I may be a loner but I have good hygiene.

If you could change your eye color what would you change it to?

Jackson: All black so I could scare people...

If you could never come home to anywhere, would you be sad?

Jackson: I guess... This was edited because I misread the question

If you had to wear Sherlock Clothes (long coat, hat, ect) for a week, how would your friends react?

Jackson: Most of my friends wouldn't be surprised.

What if you suddenly have eleven toes instead of ten?

Jackson: I would chop the extra one off. 

O___O Oh goodness.

Anyway, that was a new interview as promised, bright and early this morning!

This next interview, I am pulling out an older character from my older project. Her name is Kamryn Scott, she has the power of strength and an annoying brother named Korey. She enjoying breaking things and some other crazy things. This will be a good chance for me to develop here more and remember who she was. 

I accept questions on My Facebook PageMy emailMy NaNoWriMo, on here, and anywhere else you can find me. :D

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