Sunday, February 19, 2017

TOP 10 Doctor Who Characters!

Okay so I have seen a lot of these on youtube and online in general. So I thought I would give my personal favorite Doctor Who companions. I am not as knowing in all of this as some others but I know a good companion when I see one.


At #10 I have Captain Jack Harkness. 
He is one of the interesting characters in the show because of several reasons, but he is smart, brave and dashing and proves to be a heroic companion to the Ninth and Tenth Doctors. Plus there is the fact that he is immortal. Yeah, pretty cool.

At #9 I have Nyssa.
She was one the companions of the Fifth Doctor. I have not seen much with her, but from what I have seen, she is very intellegint and I think the Doctor enjoys her intellegence. I hope to learn more about her because I really only know so much.

At #8 I have Romana.
She joined the Fourth Doctor in his search for the Keys of Time after he dropped Leela off on Gallifrey. At first her character wasn’t my favorite, but after seeing more of her I began to see how good of a match she was for the Doctor and began to really like her character in her interactions with the Doctor and K-9. All in all, she was a very good companion.

At #7 I have Danny Pink. 
Though Danny wasn’t technically a companion, he was one of my favorite characters from season 8. And the finale made me like him even more because he really showed how cool he is. (NO SPOILERS SORRRYYYYYYYYY)

At #6 I have Martha Jones.
I always hear everyone hating on Martha for different reasons, but if you just look at her character, she shows at several times that she is extremely clever and very strong. For those of you who have watched her adventures with the Tenth Doctor, you know what she did. She also left the Doctor, which got her a lot of hate from fans, but she may have made the right choice. She went through a year on earth, hiding and spreading the tales of the Doctor while her family, the Doctor and Jack were being held captive. When you see her in the fourth season, you see that while she still loves the Doctor, she has moved on with her life and that is why she is on my list.

At #5 I have Adric.
Adric is a very smart young man, who traveled with the Fourth and Fifth Doctor. Like Nyssa, I have only seen little including him, but I have read on him and find him quite interesting. I’d really like to learn more about him because his character really fascinates me.

At #4 I have Amy Pond and Rory Williams.
It is really hard to list one of these two and not list the other one. These two were like the ultimate power couple in Doctor Who. The things these two went through for each other and the Doctor, made you feel like EVERY SINGLE EMOTION AT ONCE. I can't say much more about them so I don't spoil it but I love these two.

At #3 I have Rose Tyler.
Rose Tyler is the first companion of "New Who" when the show rebooted in '05 when Chris Eccleston took over the role of the Doctor. From the beginning I loved the dynamic of her and the Doctor. Rose was sweet, and after one or two episodes, you begin to grow attached to her character. Rose ends up becoming a very important character.

At #2 I have Clara Oswald.
Clara Oswald is the most recent companion of the Doctor. She is incredibly smart and strong as a character and her personality is just so likable as she interacts with the Doctor. She genuinely cares about the Doctor and has proven that she is a good friend to the Doctor no matter what face he was wearing. (AND THAT IS AS FAR AS I WILL SAY)

At #1 I have another tie between Donna Noble and Sarah Jane Smith.
These two women are so different and extraordinary!
Donna Noble, was supposed to be a one time companion, but people loved her in the Christmas Special she was in so they brought her back for the fourth series. She belittled her importance but as she traveled with the Doctor she began to value herself more and ended up being super important. She was strong, sassy and all around brilliant!

And Sarah-Jane Smith. She is a character from both Classic and New Who. She was a companion of the third and fourth Doctor, but ended up seeing the Doctor again several times through-out her life. She was an inquisitive journalist and shared many other adventures with the Doctor and on her own shows. She is number one because in both classic and new, she brings her inquisitive nature and brains to the table when outwitting the Krillitanes and Davros.

Sorry this post wasn't my best. I again hope that you watch the show to see how awesome these characters are!

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